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Man In Search Of Answers, posted an excellent, thought prevoking question a week ago asking "Can a single mother bring up a son without a father? will he ever be a man?**" There were some very interesting and enlightening responses from posters.

** http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgPu_FaWpv6tRJnCe69qENojzKIX?qid=20070304025809AAJZdmD

Considering the effect that single mother households have on boys, what would the consequences of gays raising both boys and girls be? I am certainly not infering they will all turn gay, but will this affect these children adversely?

2007-03-10 22:18:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-10 12:26:04 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Stephen King's book, DREAMCATCHER, the character is trapped inside his mind while his body is occupied by an evil spirit. The one trapped inside his mind must hide certain thoughts from the evil occupant -- so he's busy finding how his thoughts are stored and how one connects to another.

Have you ever studied your thoughts and your mind to see where ideas get stored and how one relates to another? There are so many cross references. A smell in the air came take our memory back to grandma baking or something that happened when we were quite young.

How do all these memories tie together in our heads? Do you ever get a sense of where within your head certain memories reside?

2007-03-10 01:02:39 · 7 answers · asked by CosmicKiss 6

i`m damn sure i have...i was about 4 and in my sisters room i was on top bunk with my sis and my little bro and my other sis were on bottom bunk i remember seeing an old man appear in front of us, a grey half bodied bearded man... i remember my sis screaming and turning white then pulling a sheet over us i always remembered it but was never sure that it actually happened until my sis brought it up one evening and everyone was like holy crap it was real...for all you disbelievers i know you`ll probably say i was young,overactive imagination but 3 other people saw it and remembered the exact same thing years later woooooooooooooooooo my mate also lives in a house where this bloke hung himself, when i used to stay round his you`d hear someone talking next to you like whispers in your ear and one night we could hear someone screaming in his bathroom but no-one else was in the house that freaked the f**k outta me not stayed since...i`ve got loads of stories so i definitely believe!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-08 17:43:18 · 20 answers · asked by SARNIE 3

2007-03-08 04:26:12 · 6 answers · asked by Ramkumar G 5

I wonder....

2007-03-04 14:43:10 · 16 answers · asked by The Number 23 1

is there any website to help use an ojo board. can anyone tell me if it is safe to use this stuff. well im fascinted by this kind of trick and what will hapen if i try to work on it. tell me if it is safe.

2007-02-25 20:03:04 · 17 answers · asked by Kumar 1


I am not overweight but it still happens to me. Sometimes I wake up bec I have lost my breath. When I wake up, I hear a loud bang in my head like door has open and shut. Sometimes I wonder if the loud bang in my head is my soul almost leaving my body but stopping as I wake up.

2007-02-24 12:23:20 · 6 answers · asked by BONNIE 2

2007-02-24 11:55:02 · 16 answers · asked by mima... 4

I mean like what is this call? Like what area is this consider to be in? I don't think it falls in the telepathic or does it?

2007-02-23 13:50:03 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2

A few years ago me and my neice both had experince a really scary dream and we both had scream at the same time, it was like really scary for both of us, I was in her dream and she was in my dream and we both were sleeping in seperate rooms..

Has this ever happen to anyone before?

2007-02-21 22:03:03 · 20 answers · asked by ? 2

Lucid Dreaming Induction Device

2007-02-21 17:28:12 · 11 answers · asked by mart 2

May be this is some technik connected with rotation of this chakra - a yogi practice?

2007-02-20 06:32:54 · 9 answers · asked by ThanksBelit 2

Are ~(pv~q) and ~p^q logically equivalent? Explain

2007-02-17 15:25:09 · 5 answers · asked by fouche-james 1


Construct the truth table for the statement

2007-02-17 15:22:46 · 5 answers · asked by fouche-james 1

Can you give more info or websites?

2007-02-16 15:04:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If p is True, q is False, and r is True, determine the truth values of the statements:
A) (p^q)v (p^~r)
B) (~pvq) ^ ~p
C) (pv~q)-arrow r

2007-02-16 14:41:48 · 2 answers · asked by fouche-james 1

For the following sentences, decide which ones are statements. If it is a statement, then write its negation. Write S or NS for statement or not a statement, respectively.
(a) Thomas Jefferson was the 23rd president.

(b) Sit down and be quiet.

(c) If wages continue to rise, then prices will also rise.

2007-02-16 14:20:03 · 6 answers · asked by fouche-james 1

Consider the argument:
If Company A does not control its spending, then it will suffer huge budget deficits.
Company A is suffering huge budget deficits.
Therefore, it is not controlling its spending.

a. Write the argument symbolically.

b. By considering its truth table or by Venn diagram, decide if the argument is valid or invalid.

2007-02-16 13:46:06 · 6 answers · asked by fouche-james 1

Does anyone think they have a sixth sense at any degree at all. Like an inner feeling, then it happen. A dream then it happen. See or hear things when no one is there? Can you tell me about something like this happening to you? NO STORIES OF DARK ENERGYS OR EVIL!

2007-02-16 13:37:54 · 25 answers · asked by cueteclady 2

2007-02-16 00:56:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two American activists recently published studies showing that if one of a pair of identical twins is homosexual, the other member of the pair will be, too, in just under 50% of the cases.

I can at least confirm that homosexuals do not simply wake up one fine morning and say, "What a LOVELY day to be gay! I think I will be gay this week!"

Wouldn't it be sad if "God" threw them into hell for something they themselves can't change?


2007-02-15 14:28:20 · 19 answers · asked by 2 days after my B day :) 2

Some people know well what the weather will be next day or week/s even their opinion is in contradiction with official weather forecasts-other choose the shortest ways without a map- this is the good genes heritage What are more evoluated esps?

2007-02-14 23:51:47 · 4 answers · asked by ThanksBelit 2

my name is jason bailey. what three numbers from 0-9 come to mind when you speak my name? thank you, kindly

2007-02-14 16:34:26 · 42 answers · asked by jasonsghost 1

There is a diference perhaps in the level of thinking- common fortune tellers/clair voyants see the concrete things and prophets can see events and trends in the time flow.

2007-02-13 22:23:24 · 7 answers · asked by ThanksBelit 2

I have heard that some people can by only looking to photos make on them by the white to be whiter, the black - more contrast and some times a nice blue shadows or multiple blue nuances to appear
Is this a form of telekinesis?

2007-02-12 06:36:31 · 10 answers · asked by ThanksBelit 2

Very voluminous vultures vilify various victims vengefully, vying victory vainly.
Should they?

2007-02-11 10:18:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-11 10:13:51 · 24 answers · asked by bexbickles 2

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