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2007-03-08 04:26:12 · 6 answers · asked by Ramkumar G 5 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Parapsychology

6 answers

Both the Oedipus and the Electra Complex get their names from the characters of greek mythology: Electra and Oedipus.
Oedipus (in the myth) is abandoned by his true parents because a fortuneteller tells them he will grow up, kill his father (the king) and marry his mother. He grows up in another kingdom and learns about his bad fortune and leaves his kingdom; only he does not know he has been adopted. On his way (not knowing ofcourse) he accidentally kills his biological father and comes to a city where he saves the citizens from the sphynx. As the new king he marries the old king's wife, which is actually no one but her mother. Freud explains his Oedipus complex as: at about the age of three a child discovers his sexual identity and the mother being the opposite sex to the child, has a kind of affection towards his mother. His mother and father being married, the little boy may feel jealous and may act kinda hostile to the father.

Electra is the other way around. In again the greek mythology; Electra's mother cheats on Agamemnon, Electra's father and when he returns from war E's mom and lover kill him. Electra finds out about this and has a strong agression towards her mother and raises her brother to kill their mother.
So the Electra complex is the love for the father and the hostility to the mother.
This is sometimes related to hamlet's situation in Hamlet the play.

I am quite sure of the myths but you may need to check for the exact definitions Sigmund Freud uses.

2007-03-08 07:52:32 · answer #1 · answered by sedi 2 · 1 0

I think you mean Electra Complex...

It's a psychoanalytic term used to describe a girl’s romantic feelings toward her father and anger towards her mother.

Daughter loves her daddy sexually.

It's opposite is Oedipus Complex. Son looks at mommy with sexual interest.

2007-03-08 13:43:56 · answer #2 · answered by lycan_888 2 · 1 0

Electro-Homoeopathy/Electro Complex Homoeopathy

Electro Homoeopathy medical system of treatment was invented by Count Ceasre Mattei of Bologna, Italy in 1865. Count was a rich landlord of Italy and during war he donated his lands to Pope Pious IX for the benefit of the people, for which Pope graced him with the title of Count. He was also made a Lt. General in the army. Later on, Count Mattei was elected as a Member of Parliament. But since he was not keen in politics, he resigned and came back to Bologna. He had a great leaning towards medicine and being a big landlord he was to keen to keep the farmers and other people working under him hale and hearty.
La Rochetta Castle Of Ceasre Count Mattei

La Rochetta Castle Of Count Ceasre Mattei

Under the influence of his friend Paulo Costa he started studying various branches of medicine. He studied Allopathy and Homoeopathy but somehow he was not satisfied. Then he studied the works of great scientist and philosopher of the 16th century Paracelsus(1493-1541) of Switzerland. He was greatly impressed by the theories propounded by Paracelsus, which were:
(1) Law of presence of Electricity in Vegetable Kingdom.
(2) Law of Similarity.
(3) Law of Polarity.

Dr.Samuel Hahnemann invented Homoeopathy in 1796 on the principle of Similia Similibus Curantur, on the Law of Similarity. But Count Mattei was not satisfied.In his opinion,since our body is complex hence it requires a number of medicines to be administered together to cure a disease radically. Hence he gave the Principle of "Complexa Complexis Curantur".

The second thing which Count Mattei saw in Homoeopathy, was that minerals, poisons and nosodes etc. were also used. In his opinion, because vegetable kingdom was providing the source of food to mankind, so medicines should also be provided by vegetable kingdom. Hence he chose only 113 medicinal plants. According to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann there are three constitutions Psora, Syphilis and Psycosis. Instead according to Count Mattei, there are five temperaments, viz (1)Lymphatic Temperament, (2) Sanguine Temperament, (3) Bilious Temperament, (4) Nervous Temperament and (5) Mixed Temperament.

2007-03-09 13:20:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're referring to the Electra Complex it's a psychological condition where a daughter loves her father romantically and not as father and daughter.

2007-03-08 12:32:07 · answer #4 · answered by Gene 7 · 1 0

I assume you mean the "Electra" complex. It's the same as the "Oedipus" complex, except for women.

2007-03-09 16:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


This system was based on the principle of Spagyric and homeopathy now better known as a Spagyric therapy (Krauss/Zimpel) which is also described in German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

Now a days there are several manufactures offering medications under the label spagyric. They have their specific manufacturing techinqines included in the book of official homeopathic medications (German Homeopathic pharmocapia) and they thus recogined as standardized methods. In general as is the case with the homeopathic remedies spagyric medications are available. However the ways in which spagyric remedies are produced have almost nothing in common with homeopathy. Most manufacturers use methods that are different and in some cases dramatically different from traditional spagyric techniques. Traditionally so called spagyric tinctures are made using the followings.


Dating from the times of Paracelsus, the terms spagyric and spagyrism are derived from the Greek verbs "span" (to separate) and "ageirein" (to unify). They designate the art of creating medications of enhanced efficacy by performing the two fundamental alchemical operations. The valuable portions are first separated from those which are impure, processed and subsequently reunited to yield an improved medicinal form [Helmstädter 1990]. The source materials of spagyric medicines are exclusively from botanical origin. Depending upon the manufacturing process, differentiation is made among spagyrism according to Krauss, Zimpel, Pekana, and Strathmeyer.

Spagyric Medicine is an ancient natural medicine that has undergone 500 year of trial, research and practice. Paracelsus the famous Swiss physician, Philosopher and alchemist is regarded as the founder of spagyric. But it was almost forgotten until the 19th century.

Around the turn of the last century, the Italian person Count Cesare Mattei (1809-1896) invented the system know as electro homeopathy in the Italy. Mattei borrowed from Paracelsus the process of preparing the vegetable substances by means of a more or less complicated mode of fermentation, called “cohobation”, and also the final combination of a number of ingredients with similar or supplementary effect to form a complex medicinal unity. He also firm beliver in hahnemann's homeopathy, Law of similar and made his remedies which acts accordingly. However he made his system on his own experiences and named it electro homeopathy.

Mattei could provide us with only an outline of what he wanted to convey. However he tried his best to state all he had to say in the simplest possible way, but could not complete or finding what he had to state.

But one of his disciples Theodore Krauss (1864-1924) has established the system in more scientific way which is known today as a Kraus spagyric method. Today, the pharmaceutical company ISO, GmbH, Germany, is continuing this tradition via the JSO complex heilwiese. First of all, these preparations enjoy success and worldwide appreciation because of their carefully chosen ingredients. Based on his research of 85 year, Krauss created a series of combination remedies. Characterized by their broad therapeutic spectrum, they are highly acclaimed by experts from all over the world since last 1920.

Continuity in the management of the company, qualified and motivated employees, dedication and identification of all colleagues with their products- all of these factors contributed to the worldwide recognition and distribution of these preparations, which today are appreciated as reliable and helpful medicine in many countries.


In spagyric two Greek words are hidden, spao means to draw out, to divide and ageiro means to gather, to bind, to join. These two concepts form the foundation of every genuine alchemical work. The alchemical work always takes place in three stages:

1 separation

2 purification

3 cohobation

It refers to the separation of the plants the processing, purifying of its various components and then recombination. This is done in order to extract the plants full therapeutic strength. The point of separating and recombining the plant, is to eliminate the residue, which are the energy that the plant has absorbed from the soil, this is done in order to isolate the active ingredients. The alchemists used this method to separate gold from the plants.

In the spagyrist view, these actions lead to an increase and a release of certain curative powers in the initial species. Spagyric is the application of alchemical working methods to production of medicaments. When we learn that the famous physician Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim better know as Paracelsus prepared a large part of his famous medicine according to spagyric methods, we must thereby understand a very highly level of the hermetic art. The latter has little in common with vulgar alchemy, which is often disparagingly called the art of gold making.

The methods of preparation of spagyric tinctures and essences are varied, although the fundamental principles are always the same. All spagyric preparations are vehicles of curative powers of the plants from which they are prepared. Spagyric tinctures and essences are manufactured both as single remedies {simplex} from one plant in each and as complex remedies {compound} from plant mixtures as in Electro homoeopathy.

2007-03-10 00:09:11 · answer #6 · answered by Rajkiya 2 · 0 0

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