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Science & Mathematics - 6 August 2007

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I majored in Soc & Econ under the social scinces in my school's liberal arts department. I know calculus fairly well and have taken Astronomy so I touch on classical physcis somewhat (I took AP Physics in HS). Discussion wise I am familiar with what is happening in the quantum world and cosmology, but the finer details-the math and formulas need work. I have a book and have began studying rigorously. My only concern is the "laboratory" section and the math on the GRE subject exam. Realistically, will my lack of the first three years of undergrad in physcis truly inhibit me from learning those sections and topics on my own? Is it naive of me to think I can do it? I would like to go into grad school for this seeing that i find it fascinating. Someone who knows would be of great advice! Thanks in advance!

2007-08-06 07:18:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-08-06 07:17:28 · 5 answers · asked by jaswanth k 1 in Geography

a ball is dropeed from a height of six feet and begins bounsing up and down. the height of each bounce is 3/4 the height of the previous bounce. find the total vertical distance traveled by the ball.(HInt- series problem. write a narrative and include the series use with notaion

2007-08-06 07:15:36 · 3 answers · asked by kareena 1 in Mathematics

with the letters ABCD and E if you cannot repeat a character

2007-08-06 07:11:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

what makes a comet go without stopping?

why is that the "voyager" hasn´t crashed yet ? there are a lot of bodies out there.

why is that the "pathfinder" used parachutes, airbags, and landed upright didn´t crash or landed sideways or upside- down, worked without obstacles, made holes on rocks with a drill and sent info about ? this is too much fantasy and personally I don´t believe it.
thanks for your time and answers. greetings from my country. !

2007-08-06 07:06:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

2007-08-06 07:06:09 · 3 answers · asked by Brilliant Queen (BQ)_forever !!! 5 in Physics

The volume of a rectangular box is 12cm^3. It has a square base and its height is 1 cm more than its width. Find the dimension of the box.

let x=measurement of one side of the square base.
and x+1cm= the height

Since the volume of a rectangular box is LWH. L=W because it has a square base. My solution would be:

x^3 + (x^2)cm =12cm^3
x^3 + (x^2)cm = 12cm^3
x^3 + (x^2)cm - 12cm^3=0

I don't know what will be the next step....

Are my assumptions and solution wrong?
Could anybody give me any alternative way on solving this problem. Thanks alot again. =D

2007-08-06 07:02:41 · 9 answers · asked by Wonder_Boy 2 in Mathematics

If someone out there could help me figure out how to convert 10 grams of antibiotic(for Birds)and help me figure out how to covert one litre of water into a standard measurement, I (and Birdies) would be extremely grateful.!!!

2007-08-06 07:01:25 · 4 answers · asked by RowanSilverSkye 4 in Mathematics

why is that the pathfinder landed on mars using parachutes and airbags? there is no gravity there and even though with a fraction of gravity it doesn´t need parachutes to land. parachutes are to use the air as a way to help soften the fall, there is no air there.
what made it land upright? it had a drill too to make holes on rocks and send info to earth. there was no obstacles on its path either and it landed on a flat surface. what if it had landed crashing a small rock and placing it sideways or upside down?
I really don´t believe on this fantasy space craft. do you?
thanks for your answers, and again, greetings from México !

2007-08-06 06:49:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

Can anyone suggest a good place to see a meteor shower near Southern California, I dont wanna drive up anywhere too far. I also have a telescope will it help on seeing the showers or is it clear enough for the naked eye? Anything would help, thanks a lot!

2007-08-06 06:49:16 · 4 answers · asked by m 2 in Astronomy & Space

1. Find Domain And Range Of
y = 4*(2^x)......4 times 2 to the x power

2. Find Domain And Range Of
y = 2 / (x-1), for -5<=x<=4

2b. what will the value of y never be?

2007-08-06 06:41:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I spent my years at school arsing about and copying my mates work....
Now I am 30 and need to know how to multiply and divide...
Anyone know where there are any self teaching guides on how to do it...??
I mean i can do basic stuff by adding and subtracting but if you asked me what 58 x 32 was or 78 / 23 then i wouldnt have the foggiest idea how to work it out!!
I need to learn this and have it lodged in my brain by next week!!

2007-08-06 06:33:38 · 11 answers · asked by JustJem 6 in Mathematics

why is that the voyager hasn´t crashed yet? there are a lot of bodies floating in space.

what makes the comets go without stopping?

when the pathfinder landed on mars, it was carrying a kind of parachute and airbags. why is that, when there is no gravity there?. what made it land upright and never was an obstacle to impede its mission?. I read that it had a drill to make holes in rocks too, but isn´t it that too much fantasy?
I really apreciate your time and sorry about my english.

2007-08-06 06:32:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

Just wondering cause I've seen lots of movies where light gets suck into the black hole, or maybe I just too many watch movies ?

2007-08-06 06:31:12 · 15 answers · asked by Shiro 2 in Astronomy & Space

I've been trying to prove the following, but haven't got there yet, maybe someone can give some hints.

Let A be a subset of R^n with positive Lebesgue measure. Then, the set A + A = {a1 + a2 | a1 and a2 are in A} contains an open ball. I could prove this for the set A - A, but not to A + A

2007-08-06 06:28:48 · 1 answers · asked by Steiner 7 in Mathematics

if we want to trap the light between then for infinitely long time?

The distance between the mirrors is 1m.

2007-08-06 06:27:36 · 3 answers · asked by Alexander 6 in Physics

I have this problem I keep doing wrong. It involves the law of cosines and sines.
A triangel with vertices A, B and C and opposite A we have side a, opposite B we have side b and opposite C we have side c. The length of b is 147, length of c is 216 and the angle A is 83,33°. I need to find B, C, a and the area of this triangle.

Could someone please walk me through the solution step by step (preferably with some explanations) so I can see where I made the mistake.
Thank you.

2007-08-06 06:20:57 · 4 answers · asked by F 6 in Mathematics

i need to be a physicist and chemist but i don't know how that is possible!
is there any way that can be possible? if so how?

2007-08-06 06:16:22 · 2 answers · asked by Essien 3 in Other - Science

The past isn't here anymore, and the future is happening right now. So is the past obselete?

2007-08-06 06:15:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

I want to take my boyfriend stargazing (he's really into astronomy). How (if it's possible) can I tell when the sky will be clear enough to see the stars within the next few days.

Also, if you know anywhere that would be good for stargazing, I'd appreciate that too. (I live in a rural area, so there are lots of open fields, but I know you can get better views of certain constellations from different areas)

2007-08-06 06:10:52 · 5 answers · asked by FreeFlyingKite 2 in Astronomy & Space

-24=-8/3p +3p
find p=?

2007-08-06 06:08:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Color is just reflected light as we know...but when there is no light, what do you think everything looks like?
Clearish? White?
Just something to think about..

2007-08-06 06:07:45 · 12 answers · asked by Gawd 3 in Other - Science

What is the difference between the sum of all the even counting numbers less than 101 and sum of all the odd counting numbers less than 101?

2007-08-06 06:07:28 · 5 answers · asked by torty2005 1 in Mathematics

f(x) = log(sub 1/3) (9x)

2007-08-06 06:05:31 · 2 answers · asked by Jenny V. 2 in Mathematics

When a schematic shows multiple grounds, do the grounds need to be electrically isolated from each other?

Also, I've seen implementations where the ground is really just wire connected to the chassis. Why does this work when leaving the wire unconnected doesn't work? Does it have something to do with capacitance?

2007-08-06 05:50:08 · 5 answers · asked by Brent L 5 in Engineering

The area of a rhombus is 300 square inches. The diagonals are in the ratio of 2:3. Find the length of a side of the rhombus.

2007-08-06 05:44:27 · 3 answers · asked by polanski1991 2 in Mathematics

pls pls help me. be as descriptive as possible

2007-08-06 05:43:05 · 3 answers · asked by kanika 4 in Engineering

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