We tend to consider as real the stuff to which the laws apply. For example, because we have laws for space-time, we feel that space-time is real stuff. Science does not reject subjectivity, but the laws of nature are the laws of the objective world from which somehow emerges subjectivity. In that sense, subjectivity is not real.
In this objective view of the reality, we cannot have a direct access to the laws of nature. We can only have formula and eventually build a technology to use them. However, these formula change when physics progresses. They are getting more and more accurate. The laws that are eternal are not accessible. They are part of the subjective world, a concept.
I believe that the true laws are real stuff. They are about themselves and how they get expressed in the objective world. The unification of these laws is God, eternal, everywhere, omnipotent, just like the laws. Being in the subjective world, we can experience them as God directly in our consciousness
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