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Science & Mathematics - 23 July 2007

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both (a) and (b)
neither (a) nor (b)

2007-07-23 11:10:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

2007-07-23 11:07:13 · 10 answers · asked by caligula_divinity 1 in Engineering

2007-07-23 11:07:05 · 22 answers · asked by del 4 in Mathematics

To focus a camera on objects at different distances, the converging lens is moved toward or away from the film, so a sharp image always falls on the film. A camera with a telephoto lens (f = 280 mm) is to be focused on an object located first at a distance of 3.71 m and then at 46.1 m. Over what distance must the lens be movable?

2007-07-23 11:06:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

also, can the science that scientists produce be separated from the other aspects of their lives? Can we monitor discriminatory behavior without restricting academic freedom?

2007-07-23 11:06:47 · 3 answers · asked by becca 3 in Biology

….and light is just part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, does that mean that all EM radiation is made up of photons?

When reading about photons, I only recall them being mentioned in relation to light. If they are only peculiar to that tiny part of the EMR spectrum, I am confused.

2007-07-23 11:05:18 · 5 answers · asked by nick s 6 in Physics

The average age of a group of people is 63
The standard deviation is 0.05.
Is there enough information given to support this claim?
If 'yes', then what is the 'T' value?

Any help would be great, thanks!!

2007-07-23 11:05:08 · 3 answers · asked by wow i need help 1 in Mathematics

A movie camera has a converging lens with a focal length of 88.0 mm. It takes a picture of a 169 cm tall person standing 15.6 m away. What is the height of the image on the film?

2007-07-23 11:03:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

As if some kind of radiated pulse or modifier is aimed at water supply near storm to increase the storm development in a certain area.

I have noticed this and have copied several instances to my hard drive. Whenever I have seen these patterns - these storms became major disasters.

Could our Government have some kind of Weather Modification satellite in space? You know, some kind of microwave pulse or beam directed at nearby water supplies to warm up the water and creat more moisture/power in the storm.

I saw this during hurricane Katrina - A major glitch flashing right across the Infrared weather screen right befor ethe storm intensified.

And it is only visible on the Infrared screen

Just throwing this out there.

2007-07-23 11:02:09 · 7 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Other - Alternative

As if some kind of radiated pulse or modifier is aimed at water supply near storm to increase the storm development in a certain area.

I have noticed this and have copied several instances to my hard drive. Whenever I have seen these patterns - these storms became major disasters.

Could our Government have some kind of Weather Modification satellite in space? You know, some kind of microwave pulse or beam directed at nearby water supplies to warm up the water and creat more moisture/power in the storm.

I saw this during hurricane Katrina - A major glitch flashing right across the Infrared weather screen right befor ethe storm intensified.

And it is only visible on the Infrared screen

Just throwing this out there.

2007-07-23 11:01:28 · 4 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Weather

What is teh monthly mortgage payment for a mortgage of $230000 at 5.5% per annum, amortized over 20 years.

the equation says...
Monthly mortgage = units of thousands x rate per thousand

so i tried to put these together and i came out with

monthly mortgage = (230000/1000) x rate per thousand

how do i find the rate per thousand??

2007-07-23 11:00:33 · 4 answers · asked by Genius star ;) 2 in Mathematics

on these hybrid cars, I have heard they generate energy when the brake is applied, why can't they generate useable energy from the wheels, like a generator?

2007-07-23 11:00:30 · 7 answers · asked by HitMan Harry 3 in Engineering

the concentration of all the reactants
the stoichiometric ratio of the reactants
both (a) and (b)
neither (a) nor (b)

2007-07-23 10:58:53 · 3 answers · asked by notachemwiz 1 in Chemistry

what is the probability of selecting 2 red socks one after the other out of 20 ?

2007-07-23 10:57:59 · 5 answers · asked by kenneth 1 in Mathematics

Electic motor plugged into electric socket with frequency 60 Hz and ajustable voltage.
Initially voltage is set at Uo = 100V.

The motor draws current Io = 1A,
and consumes power Po = 60W.

During the operation resistance of wire
in motor coils increased by ∆R = 90 Ohm
due to overheating.

To what new value U1 should the voltage
be adjusted, if we want the motor to operate
under the same load wth the same RPM?

2007-07-23 10:54:58 · 2 answers · asked by Alexander 6 in Physics

2007-07-23 10:50:44 · 11 answers · asked by Mamalissa 2 in Geography

is it true id see my own head? anyone can explain what im talking about

2007-07-23 10:48:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

please anwser it for me its fraction

2007-07-23 10:46:24 · 6 answers · asked by kenneth 1 in Mathematics

Can someone please explain how prove this statement?

sum (1 to infinity) of 1/(n^2) is less than 2

Why is it less than 2? Please give a detailed explaination if you can.

2007-07-23 10:42:08 · 9 answers · asked by Mark 2 in Mathematics

It's late and i can't get my head round it, i need to find the time it takes for a wheel to complete 1 full revolution for any given speed.

Thanks in advance?

2007-07-23 10:35:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I'm currently enrolled in a summer biology course and I need a dissection kit for the fetal pig we are dissectng on wednesday. Does anyone know where I could go to buy a dissecting kit? I live about 15 minutes from roosevelt field mall if that helps people get an idea of where I'm located.
Thanks in advance!

2007-07-23 10:29:56 · 2 answers · asked by cheeser341 3 in Biology

A man runs a race that requires a roundtrip back to the starting line once he reaches the 'half-way' mark. He averages 3MPH to the half-way mark. How fast does he have to run on the way back to average 6MPH for the entire trip?

Hint: It's not 9MPH.

2007-07-23 10:23:13 · 3 answers · asked by Nep 6 in Mathematics

Describe why 3/5 and 27/45 are equivalent fractions.

2007-07-23 10:18:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

It has no heat shields. It will just be free falling, assuming it slowed itself very quickly with retro-rockets to match the Earths rotation. It would be entering the atmosphere with theoretically 0mph forward motion.

2007-07-23 10:04:25 · 10 answers · asked by Nozall 2 in Astronomy & Space

I need to calculate the fallowing information, I just need some help please. If you can include HOW you got to the answer, thats what I am looking for, not just an answer. I am not sure what to do.

I am checking this for my mom cause her English is not so good, she does not understand the question and I suck at math/calculating % stuff.

What was the combined sales revenue in March for the Parts and Sertives Divisions?

Division : Parts - April Sales:$11,000 - % Increase Over March: 10%

Division: Services - April Sales: $70,000 - % Increase Over March: 25%

Thanks a million!

2007-07-23 10:03:09 · 3 answers · asked by preteargraphic 1 in Mathematics

If there is one due to happen around now, would there be a tsunami with all the current floods?

Perhaps an environmental expert can answer my question.

2007-07-23 10:03:09 · 4 answers · asked by carnival queen 5 in Weather

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