1.You are to design and perform an experiment that will reasonably measure the effects of personal space on the capacity of a given area in the general area (region or country) in which you live.
2.Your experiment must measure the effects of personal space on the capacity of a known area, such as a room of known or measurable size.
3.Your experiment must be able to measure the capacity of this space when all inhabitants are able to maintain a clear personal space and the limits on the capacity of this space when all inhabitants have at least one individual within their personal space.
4.As before, in submitting this part of the assignment, you must explain your experimental design.
5.You must collect data from at least 10 individuals per parameter, and your experiment must be able to provide a reasonable measurement of the size of the personal space.
6.You may find that you will need to modify your experimental design during the process of data collection. This is permitted; however, if you modify your data collection procedures, you must restart your data collection with your modified procedure. Further, all modifications must be reported.
a.What was your initial experimental design, i.e., what were your methods of data collection before you started?
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