Who brought the Candy Corn?
Five Children dressed in different customes arrived for a Halloween party riding bicycles. The brightly colored bikes stand in a row. Each child brough a diff. type of cand and drink to the party.
1. Emily rode the red bike
2. Aaron brought the M&M's
3. bottle of coke arrived on green bike
4. Brit drinks pepsi
5. green bike is directly to the right of the white bike
6. the witch brough snickers
7. Big Bird rode in yellow bike
8. person in middle bike drinks apple cider
9. carla rode the first bike
10. person dressed as a clown parked next to the person who brough peanut butter cups
11. person dressed as count dracula dinks tomato juice
12. Big bird parked nxt to person who brough jealy beans
13. daniel dressed like a cowboy
14. carla parked next to the blue bike.
Who Drinks root beer?
Who brought candy corn?
How did you figure this out?
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