Okay, I have this Extra Credit on my homework, and it's got me really confused. There are these charts where we have to calculate volume (v) and pressure (p). Let me type exactly what's on the paper.
"Using the formula P = V¹P¹/V², calculate the pressure needed to compress the given volume of gas. Complete the chart and graph your results. (V¹ = 4 L, P¹ = 1 kPa)"
Then there's a chart, let me try to type whats on it (it will look weird because I cannot type in chart form.)
Volumes: 3 L, 2 L, 1 L, .5 L, .25 L
Pressure: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Okay, all I want to know is how do you figure out those pressures? The worksheet says that that V¹ is 4 L, but then you have to use different volumes. Do I replace V¹ with whatever number they give me. Please help me understand!
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Jell-O = ♥