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Science & Mathematics - 29 September 2006

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

can i touch it real quick? how long can i touch it before something bad happens.

2006-09-29 07:08:22 · 14 answers · asked by Orange Juice 2 in Medicine

How comes with saline, less fluid leaves the intravascular space into the interstital fluid, than when using dextrose?

I know it has something to do with the Na+ ions but i'm not quite sure.

Thanks :o)

2006-09-29 07:07:51 · 10 answers · asked by ScienceBug 1 in Medicine

Is there a chemical reaction with the steam or is it just confined space?

2006-09-29 07:01:11 · 20 answers · asked by FreeWilly 4 in Biology

It is the puerest form of the metal copper isotope value is Cu(63)-69.1% of (65)-30.91% !

2006-09-29 07:00:32 · 4 answers · asked by SAMARENDRA D 1 in Earth Sciences & Geology

if you say you cant travel at the speed of light or faster i dont believe it because it hasnt been shown except in math that may be flawed.
if you travel at the speed of light you become invisible to someone behind you because any light on your back side would never be reflected because you outrun the particles.
but what about light in front of you? if you travel at light speed or beyond the light couldnt bounce off you because you are travelling at the same speed. what the light stick to you? or richochet? or explode? what about light coming from the side of you? you would appear infinitely elongated from the visual aspect but would your matter actually be elongated? things are not always as the appear. especially when the light is distorted such as in this case.

2006-09-29 07:00:13 · 8 answers · asked by hondacobra 2 in Astronomy & Space

2. In the photographic process, silver bromide is dissolved by adding sodium thiosulfate.

AgBr(s) + 2Na2S2O3(aq) --> Na3Ag(S2O3)2(aq) + NaBr(aq)

If you want to dissolve 0.250 g of AgBr (molar mass = 187.8 g/mol), how many milliliters of 0.0138 M Na2S2O3 should you add?

2006-09-29 06:58:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Did you know that Mutations are birth defects and other abnormatliteis such as cancer. Also that mutations result in a loss of DNA information not a gain, based upon scientific fact? Usually they result in death. If so, then why do you blindly put your faith in 19th century, backwards, "science"- aka the Theory of Evolution?

Is it posibly because you would rather believe in anything short of insanity and beyond then in God and I.D.?

Some scientist you people turned out to be, claiming Evolution as fact. That is a bold statement, since it heavily relies on faith and guestamations.

This is just one example of the many conflicts that facts have with Theory.

Facts don't go away.

But you can ignore them if you want. Keep on living in the truth as you see it, rather than scientific facts as they are.

Just do not call yourself a scientist, or your religion, a Science.

2006-09-29 06:58:17 · 16 answers · asked by Mr. Agappae 5 in Biology

If someone shot a bullet out of a gun and then dropped a bullet at the same time which would hit the ground first?

2006-09-29 06:57:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

iam am facinated about how many people look like other people, and even sound and act like them. like today i saw a look a to the actor david carridean(dont know if thats how you spell it) in my doctors surgery here in australia. and here a thing when you look at any person in the street you can pick people who make up that person eg he looks like micheal cain fused with tom hanks with prince charles ears. i just wonder if they would have similar dna.

2006-09-29 06:55:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2006-09-29 06:54:44 · 3 answers · asked by menchi 1 in Chemistry

I know the Handgun (Revolver) Colt Python has a huger .357magnum Caliber and the same company is doing Pistols almost no damege compred to the huge damage coursed by one shot from a Colt Python with standerd rounds, why cant they combine the benifits of a Pistol with the pershot damage power of the .357magnum Colt Python? Are they not intrestrested in perfection? or they like to mess with us? and if not why is it?

2006-09-29 06:50:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2006-09-29 06:48:39 · 2 answers · asked by Long T 1 in Engineering

2006-09-29 06:45:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

And, looking, I saw a storm-wind coming out of the north, a great cloud with flames of fire coming after one another, and a bright light shining round about it and in the heart of it was something coloured like electrum.
5 And in the heart of it were the forms of four living beings. And this was what they were like; they had the form of a man.
6 And every one had four faces, and every one of them had four wings.
7 And their feet were straight feet; and the under sides of their feet were like the feet of oxen; and they were shining like polished brass.
8 And they had the hands of a man under their wings; the four of them had faces on their four sides.
9 They went without turning, every one went straight forward.
10 As for the form of their faces, they had the face of a man, and the four of them had the face of a lion on the right side, and the four of them had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four of them had the face of an eagle.
11 And their wings were separate at the top; two of the wings of every one were joined one to another, and two were covering their bodies.
12 Every one of them went straight forward; wherever the spirit was to go they went; they went on without turning.
13 And between the living beings it was like burning coals of fire, as if flames were going one after the other between the living beings; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went thunder-flames.
14 And the living beings went out and came back as quickly as a thunder-flame.
15 Now while I was looking at the four living beings, I saw one wheel on the earth, by the side of the living beings, for the four of them.
16 The form of the wheels and their work was like a beryl; the four of them had the same form and design, and they were like a wheel inside a wheel.
17 The four of them went straight forward without turning to one side.
18 And I saw that they had edges, and their edges, even of the four, were full of eyes round about.
19 And when the living beings went on, the wheels went by their side; and when the living beings were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
20 Wherever the spirit was to go they went; and the wheels were lifted up by their side: for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.
21 When these went on, the others went; and when these came to rest, the others came to rest; and when these were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up by their side: for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.
22 And over the heads of the living beings there was the form of an arch, looking like ice, stretched out over their heads on high.
23 Under the arch their wings were straight, one stretched out to another: every one had two wings covering their bodies on this side and two covering their bodies on that side.
24 And when they went, the sound of their wings was like the sound of great waters to my ears, like the voice of the Ruler of all, a sound like the rushing of an army: when they came to rest they let down their wings.
25 And there was a voice from the top of the arch which was over their heads: when they came to rest they let down their wings.
26 And on the top of the arch which was over their heads was the form of a king's seat, like a sapphire stone; and on the form of the seat was the form of a man seated on it on high.
27 And I saw it coloured like electrum, with the look of fire in it and round it, going up from what seemed to be the middle of his body; and going down from what seemed to be the middle of his body I saw what was like fire, and there was a bright light shining round him.
28 Like the bow in the cloud on a day of rain, so was the light shining round him. And this is what the glory of the Lord was like. And when I saw it I went down on my face, and the voice of one talking came to my ears.

2006-09-29 06:44:29 · 14 answers · asked by marinyshka 1 in Astronomy & Space

Im Doin A Science Project and all and i Really Need Sume Answers or if you know a good Site that i could go on that is school orented lol i don't know how to spell that
thank you

2006-09-29 06:44:25 · 3 answers · asked by Nanabooboo 1 in Chemistry

so you can definitly say without doubt that you know ghosts exist.

2006-09-29 06:43:19 · 15 answers · asked by johnboy 4 in Physics

2006-09-29 06:39:47 · 15 answers · asked by George T 2 in Other - Science

If the universe itself was revolving , would the outward thrust cause the galaxies at the edge and expansion in general to be speeding up, hence the finding which the physicists have put down to dark energy , what they can't detect?

2006-09-29 06:39:07 · 11 answers · asked by marinyshka 1 in Astronomy & Space

There should be an easy way to recover the brass shells as they are ejected from the gun so they can be reused, even in the field as amo is always needed in remote areas where resupply is not very easy......will save cost......

2006-09-29 06:32:47 · 9 answers · asked by ljmuller 1 in Engineering

2006-09-29 06:29:33 · 9 answers · asked by boaz0612 2 in Chemistry

2006-09-29 06:27:21 · 2 answers · asked by amikeperry 1 in Engineering

2006-09-29 06:27:18 · 9 answers · asked by sadeq m 1 in Physics

does anyone know of attempted proofs of time's lack of continuity? i'm looking for names and links specifically. i'm not interested in the approach from a philisophical perspective, rather from a mathematical one. i understand that "i doesn't matter because we can't perceive the intervals" or whatever one may say. thanks though.

2006-09-29 06:26:36 · 5 answers · asked by Jesse 2 in Physics

2006-09-29 06:23:41 · 3 answers · asked by dora v 1 in Chemistry

Where was he born and what other jobs did he do for NASA besides the space misssions

2006-09-29 06:23:27 · 4 answers · asked by Mutlee 2 in Astronomy & Space

2006-09-29 06:17:05 · 3 answers · asked by Jordan T 1 in Chemistry

2006-09-29 06:15:12 · 12 answers · asked by oriedo_droidpower 2 in Mathematics

A Chinook salmon has a maximum underwater speed of 3.0 m/s, and can jump out of the water vertically with a speed of 6.3 m/s. A record salmon has a length of 1.5 m and a mass of 63 kg. When swimming upward at constant speed, and neglecting buoyancy, the fish experiences three forces: an upward force F exerted by the tail fin, the downward drag force of the water, and the downward force of gravity. As the fish leaves the surface of the water, however, it experiences a net upward force causing it to accelerate from 3.0 m/s to 6.3 m/s. Assuming that the drag force disappears as soon as the head of the fish breaks the surface and that F is exerted until 2/3 of the fish's length has left the water, determine the magnitude of F.

2006-09-29 06:14:34 · 1 answers · asked by activegirl 1 in Physics

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