1. When lost in the wilderness, what is your greatest danger?
A. Starvation and Lack of Pure Drinking Water
B. Attack by wild animals, ecspecially at night
C. Fear and Panic
2. How do you locate the North Star?
A. Draw a line between the last 2 stars in the big dipper's "bowl"
B. Follow the line of Orion's belt
C. Find Sirius and look 45 degrees to the right
3. Which of these is the best survival kit container?
A. A backpack
B. An empty coffee can
C. A Cardboard box
4. You are caught in a thunderstorm, what do you do?
A. Take shelter under a lone tree
B. Crouch down with your hands on the ground
C. Submerge yourself in a lake
5. Your friend is suffering from hyothermia, do you...
A. Remove her wet clothes and wrap her in a warm blanket
B. Walk her around to get her blood flowing
C. Give her alcohol to warmup
6. Most plants with this color are poisonous....
A. Blue
B. White
C. Black
20 answers
asked by
Big Boss the Philosopher
Other - Science