Hello I have a question about studying engineering. Im about to go into my senior year in high school. Right now the engineering field entrigues me, as i enjoy problem solving and design and structure, etc. and it leaves so many open possibilities. I am particularly interesting in going to law school after undergrad to become a patent attorney. This is where my GPA worries come in.
I have heard that engineering is very difficult and i am willing to accept that. I have also seen that law schools dont care at all if you majored in sociology or engineering. If LSATs are same, a 3.3 in eng will be rejected while a 3.5 in socio will be accepted. That general idea is what i have been hearing. How do you do well in engineering to avoid this probnlem? Im very worried about it, as ive heard constantly how hard engineering is.
Also, how do you pick? Mech seems very cool, but Electrical seems to be what everyone wants. Ive also heard environ. engineering consultants can do very well. How to pik
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