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Trying to Conceive - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

can any one help
come off the pill start of feb normal period then, now im over a week late with period, but i noticed on the 4th march i had pain in my right lower side for a bout 10 mins or so and 2 days after that started feeling nausea light headed and breast started to hurt i still didnt think anything of it, untill my missed period, nausea stopped by then but my breast still hurt no period come but a week later i got what i thought was my period as it started of light pink then red for a day and half only filling 2 panty liners now 2 days after that its just brown discharge when i wipe, i did a test today but neg, if the pain on the 4th was ovulation i would be 13 days past should i show pos if i was pregnant or just wait to see what happens nxt month, my period normally last 5 to 6 days and dont normally have all the signs of being pregnant, i have had a son befor and it was not like this, so im a bit confussed

2007-03-17 08:01:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi i have a girl, toddler 20 month old, now we want to have the second baby, but we want baby boy, there is something that could help us with that, like position or special days.
thank u

2007-03-17 07:49:44 · 11 answers · asked by illay 1

i have a tingling sensation in my nipples and i have irregular periods and have been ttc for 2 years has anyone ever experienced this ? i have also been so tired i feel like i cant do anything all day due to being so tired and for the past 2 days i have been feeling my nipples this way

2007-03-17 07:22:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a Urinary tract infection, and im late on my period and have all the signs of pregnancy, but all the tests are negative, could the infection cause the pregnancy test to be negative?

2007-03-17 07:20:21 · 5 answers · asked by MonicaLynn 1

My Husband and I use the withdraw method for almost 3 years and so we decided to give it a try on Febuary 15. I got my period on the 24th of Febuary so does that mean that I am not preggo. It is March 17 and I have been eating a lot for the past week and I feel weird like imma vomit or something. Can someone please help? (We have been careful in March because we decided that we a not ready)

2007-03-17 07:10:34 · 12 answers · asked by Its Me 2

My last period was on Feb 4th and it was normal. I usually get my period every 29-33 days. On Feb 20th I bled once (just a few drops or so) and it looked like a bit creamy. I read that as you get older it could be your body's way of telling you that you are ovulating. If so it seems a bit late to ovulate. Anyhow, I've taken 4 early detection hpt -all have been negative. I don't feel like myself, I'm tired, moody, cramps come and go but I don't have any sore breasts. I'm scheduled to go see my doctor in another week and will request a blood test but I'm going nuts in the meantime. Has this happened to anyone or does anyone know why this is happening? My period has always been normal.

2007-03-17 07:01:44 · 7 answers · asked by eventgirl 1

My husband and I are hoping to get pregnant; we are not stressed about it (feel it will happen when it is suppose to) but I find it bizarre on why I haven't. We are "fairly" active. He travels Mon-Thur. On weekends, we have intercourse at least once - sometimes 2-3 times. I understand the day counting thing, but the weekends do not always align with this. So here is my question: I started my menstrual cycle on Wed March 7th. If he travels Mon-Thursday night, what would one suggest for me to get pregnant. I'm sure this has been answered 50 times on this YA community, but I could not find anything that applied directly to me. Please do not answer if you are male. Please do not answer if you are a female under the age of 18. Regardless if you are married or not, if you are under the age of 18, I am not interested in your replies. No offense, but I'm 39, and I could be your Mother - ha! Please respect my wishes. Thank you.

2007-03-17 06:59:27 · 9 answers · asked by BMD 3

I have been really tired and dizzy off and on .. I could sleep all day and night.. Not due for my period until the 23rd so I think it is too early to test.. Had unprotected sex (withdraw) 2 days before ovulation and a day after.. I always thought your stomach gets hard when your pregnant mine is soft still.. I think the possibilty is slim but now Im starting to get worried..

2007-03-17 06:48:16 · 6 answers · asked by claire d 1

I had a miscarriage on 7 Jan 2006. I had another period on 13 February and I'm still waiting on this one. We are ttc. I just went to the loo and had some a tiny amount of pink blood on the paper. I went again half an hour later and it's gone. I had implantation bleeding the last time but it was a light brown colour. Anyway, I'm really not sure when my period is due - should it return to a normal cycle of 4.5 weeks or will it be 6 weeks again?

I did a test 2 days ago and it was negative. Do you think this is implantation bleeding and if so when should I test? Thanks.

2007-03-17 06:36:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 38 and have only been trying for one month to conceive but I am anxious because of my age. I'm hoping to hear about other women around my age who conceived rather quickly. I know I have to be patient, but I'm just so excited! Also, how did your pregnancies progress? Thank you!!

2007-03-17 06:30:31 · 1 answers · asked by simone 2


2007-03-17 06:27:49 · 5 answers · asked by classydiva?? 1

2007-03-17 06:22:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-17 05:52:57 · 6 answers · asked by lilmexicana 1

i've been trying for 2 years.my next step is vitamins.my dr. belives im too young for clomid.

2007-03-17 05:44:43 · 5 answers · asked by classydiva?? 1

i have had a little light bleeding. It started on wednesday morning, it stopped on wednesday night. started again on friday night very light, only see it when i wipe with toilet paper. and i have had very mild cramping off and on. none of it has been extreme to where i'm balled up in pain or the bled ing to where i need a pad or anything. Has anybody had this and still had a successful pregnancy?

2007-03-17 05:42:42 · 7 answers · asked by mochelle63138 1

i did have my period this month it has been done for more than a week now and since then i've been having light brown pinkish discharge when i wipe myself and still till this day having mild period like cramps can someone tell me whats going on i did schedule an appointment at the doctor but its not for another month

2007-03-17 05:23:55 · 7 answers · asked by Me80's baby 1

i think i may be like 1-2 weeks pregnant although im in cd51 i dont think i ovulated till around march 7 since i had tons of fertile cm. i also was nauseas all that week, plus mon night and tues am i ahad light pink discharge once and cramping that didnt stop till thursday. friday no symptoms but negative urine test. dh thinks if i implanted it probably completed thursday and would be too early to test till like weds. what do you think? also since i usually get my periods around the 20th and i skipped february i should expect af around the 20th of march right? also weds and thursay i had absolutely no cm and cervix was low firm and slightly open. i was sure af was coming. however yesterday it was low little less firm and tiny bit tacky mucus. today woke up wet and thought af had come in the night but no, white discharge in panties and cervix is low and soft and closed.

what do you think???

2007-03-17 05:15:24 · 4 answers · asked by maylene1852 4

What does it mean when my wife, according to ovulation tests has been ovulating for 2 weeks. Is this something I should be concerned about. Thanks.

2007-03-17 05:08:37 · 4 answers · asked by blublazx 2

i fell pregnant one july a few years ago then went on to miscarry. so from that same september til the following july we tried for a baby and succeeded. does this mean that we can only concieve in july or was it just coincidence please help

2007-03-17 04:56:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my due date for periods is 20th march..have taken 3 hpt but all were negtive.......but feels heavy on my stomach and breast......
n ltl pain on the left side of my stomach....m being very impateint......i no shud wait 4 a weeks time......

2007-03-17 04:37:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having headaches for the past couple of weeks, going to the bathroom more often and some dischared started happening yesterday. What should I do?

2007-03-17 04:27:55 · 6 answers · asked by acutie80 1

2007-03-17 04:01:31 · 8 answers · asked by bio 1

Well here is the deal... Taking into account that February has less days. I am about five days late. I took a test on Thursday and it was (-). Now I am never this late. I always start in the a.m. exactly on the 31 day (which is tech. day 1 of cycle). Right now my breast are a bit tender and they feel fuller. I have no cramps. What are my chances. I went this morning to OBGYN and they said it be more accurate to test next week since I am only a week late. This brings up another question...What is printed on those preggo test is it not accurate? (test days before missed period) PLEASE HELP! What are my chances

2007-03-17 04:00:17 · 5 answers · asked by fairy_tinkerbelle_01 2

My mother is a faternal twin. Does this make my chances of conceiving twins higher? Anybody know what my chances are?

2007-03-17 03:50:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have been TTC for over a year now. [Trying to conceive] We were in tracking her cm[cervical mucus] The weird part is that her ovulation day is not till the 17 or 18th day instead of the 14th. Would that also delay the symptoms from usual counters. Like it says that she should be able to test the hcg on the counter of 4 weeks. Would that still be correct?!

2007-03-17 03:40:11 · 4 answers · asked by Adam R 2

If the LH hormone changes to the Hcg (?) as soon as it attaches to the uterus, then couldn't you take a test sonner than 5 days before your period. And what if you ovulate early in the cycle? Could it be possible to take a test sooner?

2007-03-17 03:13:45 · 10 answers · asked by ambroshaa, 1

I have my period twice a month after removing an IUD back in December. My doc wants me on birth controll pills to regulate my cycle. I havent filled the RX yet. Should I let the nature fix myself up and wait, or take the pills?

2007-03-17 02:41:51 · 6 answers · asked by zvezda911 4

i always wear condom but as condoms dont have that much lubricants over it, my penis hardly (n very small part)enters in vegina.
suggest me some lubricants(full name,company,n cost) n also tell me how to use it along with condom!
i'll b really thanksful to u!

2007-03-17 01:42:41 · 7 answers · asked by vanju 1

i was given the depo injection as a contraception and i got it on the 28th of February and i started my period the same day as the injection i still have my period now its been nearly 18days straight is this normal? And if it is how long will they last my partner had to wait 6months pre-pregnancy and after birth 2 make love 2me now he has 2wait again.

2007-03-17 01:33:15 · 6 answers · asked by jade 1

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