Two weeks ago, I took 3 pregnancy test (HPT) that gave me a faint positive line. I went to the doctor, whom also also gave me a urine pregnancy test and got a faint line, but declared me a 'pregnant'. A week later my husband and I had sex, but the following day I began to bleed. The bleeding was a little more than spotting, but I only needed one pad for the day. I rushed to ER and the declared it as a threatend miscarriage and placed me on bed rest since my blood level confirmed me being 3 weeks prego. I had no cramping. The bleeding flow remained the same for 2 or 3 days I took another home prego test which gave me a faint positive.
After going to my prenatal appointment, she did a vaginal ultrasound and we didn't see anything. She thinks I'm just too early, so we did blood work again (awaiting the results) but I was anxious, so I bought a home pregnancy digital test, which came out 'not prego'.
what do you think is going on here? I'm thinking a chemical preg. and a period....thx
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