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Trying to Conceive - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

I have now taken 4 home pregnancy tests and all have confirmed 'positive.' However, I went to the doctor yesterday and the urine came back 'negative.' They ran a blood test and it came back 'positive' but with very low number for the hormone. If I am pregnant, I am probably 2-3 weeks at most. Is this number due to the 'early' pregnancy or is something else going on? I have to recheck blood in a week. Just never heard of such a thing...either you are 'pregnant' or you are 'not.' Help!!! Waiting and wondering...anybody else ever experience this??

2007-02-06 08:34:38 · 8 answers · asked by Curious Mom-to-Be?? 1

I am trying to get pregnant and am using a basal thermometer to track my temps. Can someone please explain when on the curve is the best time to have sex to conceive?

2007-02-06 08:26:23 · 3 answers · asked by c77 2

2007-02-06 08:23:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to ask the docter about my fertility but I am 20 years old, in college and not married. How do I do this without being married?

2007-02-06 08:12:11 · 3 answers · asked by askandilltell 2

My husband and I have been trying for another baby for a year, next month. Every month that goes by has been the same, my period starts slow with bright red/pink then the flow picks up by day 2. This time I started on time but its dark brown, and its been 4 days of it, with some dark red today, I took a test today it was - - - , I did have light bleeding with my first, when my period was due and didn't take a test until day 9 of spotting. I just don't want to wait another 5days, we want this so bad. any feedback would be great..........

2007-02-06 07:51:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex with my hubby 2 days before my ovulation and he said that some came out before he moved(we don't use condoms or birth control) then the day after my ovulation started we had sex again and he said none came out inside of me. Could I be pregnant? We are trying to become pregnant so anyone can help. PLEASE HELP!!! By the way we have a 1 year old already and we want her to have a little brother or sister. What do you think?

2007-02-06 07:42:52 · 9 answers · asked by ♥i LuV mY nEw HuBbY LEO♥ 2

2007-02-06 07:34:50 · 2 answers · asked by BLESSED AND TTC #1 3

2007-02-06 07:32:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

This isn't a question, but I found a great website explaining a woman's entire cycle, including the reproductive cycle


2007-02-06 07:26:42 · 4 answers · asked by bell flower 3

I have had a vasectomy done 3 years ago and now I am wanting another child. Is it possible to have sperm removed from the testes and have them artificially insemminated? I am looking for ways to have kids without having to get a reversal done. Would that be better? I just want to know all of my options. Any advice will be helpful as long as its serious.

2007-02-06 07:24:49 · 2 answers · asked by jcrenshaw78 1

2007-02-06 07:05:04 · 2 answers · asked by lilmiss_moca 2

For some unknown cause I stopped having a period, I went without for about a year possibly longer then my doctor had me do a progesterone challenge 10mg for 7 days to see if that would induce my period, well not only did i get it, but it was pretty heavy with alot of cramping probably due to all the unterine lining building up over the past year. Anyways she wants me to start using progesterone cream every month the last 10 days of my cycle to see if that gets me anywhere, 2 weeks after my period stopped I had spotting for 2 days then it suddenly stopped could it be i had ovulated? or possibly implantation bleeding? Is it even possible to ovulate after the first period you have had in a long time? have had everything checked out that would be the root cause to missing several periods and everything was perfect, not PCOS nor menopausal only 20 years old.....so what do you think the spotting was? 21+ please or experienced...do not want stupid comments

2007-02-06 06:59:34 · 3 answers · asked by Kasja 5

Hi My doctor has suggested that I take clomid. iam really worried about the side effects. Can you please help. Are there too many serious side effects of taking clomid. Thanks

2007-02-06 06:56:45 · 6 answers · asked by ooha 1

I have seen online that you can buy clomid online but does it really work is it the same exact stuff your doctor will give you? Also would like to know is it mandatory to have monthly check-ups while taking clomid. I know they have to check to see if the clomid helped out with your ovulation, but what if you did not ovulate while on it? what happens then do they have to do something to you like clean you out or something

2007-02-06 06:49:50 · 4 answers · asked by Kasja 5

so I thought I was pregnant last month..and all of my HPT came back negative so my hubby and I tried again this month. my period is I guess due to start next sunday. I have been really tired..I mean I can sleep 11 hours at night then after 2 hours of being up I take a nap for 2 more hours then sleep all night again. I went to the gyno for a yeast infection that wont go away and I told my doc about my day and a half period I had and she wanted to do a urine pregnancy test on me today and it was negative. I was supposed to ovulate on the 28th so my hubby and I had sex on the 21st,23rd,25,26,28th,29th. then I got this damn yeast infection. if I did get pregnant one of those days...would my urine test have shown up positive today??or was it still too soon?? 0oh and I was on Depo provera for 3 or so years. last shot was exactly a year ago and my doc told me I was healthy and it shouldnt take me too long to concieve and he was right about my period starting.

2007-02-06 06:38:54 · 4 answers · asked by gigi 3

I just got out of a horrable relationship. I need to find an honnest and serious woman to spend the rest of my life with. Where would I look?

2007-02-06 06:31:49 · 30 answers · asked by Twigits 3

I'm 39 years old, with not much time left on my biological clock. My husband and I have a beautiful daughter whom we love very much. I want to start trying for another child this summer, and he is against it. When I ask him why, he simply states he doesn't. When we got married we agreed we would have two children, now he is going back on his word. I find this very hurtful and I'm starting to resent him. I don't want my daughter to grow up without a sibling. Is there any way to convince him otherwise. Please help!!!

2007-02-06 06:23:28 · 18 answers · asked by Jodi 1

I had a period Jan 20th-25th which was the first period i have had in about a year, my doctor could not understand why i had everything checked from thyroid, prolactin levels, liver/kidney funtion, blood cell count, FSH and LH levels ect..and everything was perfect i do not have PCOS either. Anyways two weeks after my period stopped i got some spotting for two days and then it stopped i am not on any type of birth control, I do take pre natal vitamins could this be why???my husband and I have unprotected sex all the time but i don't think that the reason, I'm not sure if i ovulate due to the fact that befor my progesterone challenge i didnt have a period in about a year or longer.. anybody ever had this happen to them. I have tried taking my BBT but i think my thermometer is messed up cuz it always shows 97.0 and under l0l any help would be appreciated..thanks..would only like help if your 21+ or have experience with with problem..

2007-02-06 06:11:47 · 2 answers · asked by Kasja 5

I have been trying to conceive. January was my 1st month of trying. I was due for my period on Sunday, Feb 4th. It is now Tuesday. All of the at home pregnancy test I am taking are coming back negative. Can these tests take more time than 3 days since a missed period to read a positive result?

2007-02-06 06:09:47 · 8 answers · asked by jade_a_cakes 1

Two weeks ago, I took 3 pregnancy test (HPT) that gave me a faint positive line. I went to the doctor, whom also also gave me a urine pregnancy test and got a faint line, but declared me a 'pregnant'. A week later my husband and I had sex, but the following day I began to bleed. The bleeding was a little more than spotting, but I only needed one pad for the day. I rushed to ER and the declared it as a threatend miscarriage and placed me on bed rest since my blood level confirmed me being 3 weeks prego. I had no cramping. The bleeding flow remained the same for 2 or 3 days I took another home prego test which gave me a faint positive.
After going to my prenatal appointment, she did a vaginal ultrasound and we didn't see anything. She thinks I'm just too early, so we did blood work again (awaiting the results) but I was anxious, so I bought a home pregnancy digital test, which came out 'not prego'.
what do you think is going on here? I'm thinking a chemical preg. and a period....thx

2007-02-06 06:01:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 06:01:13 · 3 answers · asked by pink j 1

i just had a miscarriage last week, i was almost 6 weeks. i was just wondering if anyones knows when ovulation period starts back up or if i will be on the same schedule. i usually get my period on the 26th and am fertile between the 6th and 12th of the following month. we still want to try and have a baby is it safe to start trying now and has anyone had success shortly after. thanks for taking your time to read this and answer.

2007-02-06 05:47:16 · 6 answers · asked by tammy_martin22 2

Some of it dribbles out, is whatever amount left inside enough to get pregnant?
And also, if the legs are raised up after intercourse, for how long should the woman stay in that position to be sure enough sperm has travelled up into her vagina sucessfully? 20 mins, half hour??
Pls help....

2007-02-06 05:46:06 · 6 answers · asked by RealChic 3

My partner and I are trying to concieve and when we have sex he litterally lasts like 15 seconds and then he already orgasmed and is done. . what is up with that? Could that be the problem with concieving?Am I alone on this or what??

2007-02-06 05:44:50 · 12 answers · asked by 4ever_clueless 1

How soon after your period ends can you start trying to concieve? And whats the fastes way to get pregnant quick?

2007-02-06 05:34:24 · 10 answers · asked by she2cute 2

I just back from the er because I was having alot of pain and they took a urine sample and they said I wasn't pregnant! I am have been ttc for about 5 months I am young and I don't see what the problem is, beside irregular periods. Doctors say I am perfectly fine. I thought for sure I was I have not had my period since Dec 21, what could be wrong with me?

2007-02-06 05:27:57 · 3 answers · asked by TM 4


I had my period january 24-26 (this is a normal period). Then I had sex on the 28th. He came inside 3 times. He also came inside the 3rd or 4th of February. what are my chances of having a baby? and also when should i take a test ... i took a test yesterday and it came out negative.

2007-02-06 05:25:54 · 8 answers · asked by destiney 3

i stopped my depo shot and while with depo i've had no period and without the shot i still don't have a period, can i get pregnant without a period?

2007-02-06 04:52:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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