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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i had a miscarriage and now i want to get pregnant again.what can i do so that i could get pregnant this month or the next.HELP

2007-01-23 09:36:44 · 9 answers · asked by xxdowner13xx 1

just double checking...but when you lose your mucus plug it's a thick, creamy white/clear discharge right? cuz i definitely think i just lost mine...

2007-01-23 09:33:19 · 11 answers · asked by kaiyas_mom07 2

I am 10 weeks pregnant, at 8 weeks we had an ultrasound and everything looked great. My doctor is confident everything will be alright. This is our first baby and was very much planned in every way, but I don't want everyone to know.

We told both of our familes and 4 close friends, but we have no intention on annoucing it anytime soon. My husband is okay with not telling anyone until I am showing.

Is it normal for me to want to keep my pregnancy to myself? I have two friends that told everyone as soon as they got a positive test, am I weird for keeping it a secret? I just feel it is private topic for me.

2007-01-23 09:30:01 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

yes last tuesday i went to see this girl and we did our thing and i nutted inside of her so then i was talkin to her today and she said her stomach was hurting and she thinks shes pregnant i was wondering if she could be pregnant

2007-01-23 09:28:44 · 13 answers · asked by freakyassnigga816 1

i'm late on my period and my breast havin been hurting and so has my nipples. i'm about three months late on my period.

2007-01-23 09:23:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i believe i had a miscarrage, but i hadnt been to the doctor yet, my appointment is on friday. i took 2 PT tests 2 weeks apart and they both came up postive. but this cramping and bleeding wont stop. will the doctor be able to tell if i was for sure pregnant and had a miscarriage? or not.

2007-01-23 09:22:46 · 5 answers · asked by souyha148 1

I didnt take it cause i thought i was not ovulating at the time ( it was like the 11th day) but i felt dizzy and got scared.

2007-01-23 09:17:29 · 13 answers · asked by mia_gdl 1

Im in my third trimester 32 weeks and have to have my top and bottum left side wisdom teeth taken out on the 2nd......they are only doing local anthestetic so i wont be put under and i will have minimal pain medication. I would just like to hear from other ladies who had theirs out when they were pregnant.
Did everything go ok???

2007-01-23 09:15:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-23 09:13:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

which of course just makes it worse. Is this normal, and is there anything I can do. I know I know if it persists, I will call my doctor, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this and how they handeled it.

2007-01-23 09:09:16 · 11 answers · asked by I love sushi 4

because i hadnt felt the baby kick in a few days and everything checked out ok. But the tech said the baby was really small. It concerns me she didnt give details I have a doctor appointment in a couple weeks for the big ultra sound. I am just concerned that she said it was really small could that be a sign of a defect this is my fourth child

2007-01-23 09:07:50 · 7 answers · asked by jerry w 1

My left breast is SO much bigger than my right breast. And the nipple is WAY DARKER and puffier. Maybe is one breast un able to breast feed? Or will they eventually catch up to eachother. Please girls if you've expierenced this when you were pregnant please share, I dont wanna feel like im a freak show or something. P.s Im only 11 weeks pregnant. And also my sister had recently just ended her pregnancy but she was 2 weeks behind me, and already she showed more than me and h breast size increase by two bra sizes. Mine still two weeks head of her have only increased one size.. if that. HEEEEEEEEEELP!!!
Please share some breast stories with me so I don't feel so akward.

2007-01-23 09:01:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-23 09:01:03 · 17 answers · asked by Courtney N 1

Im 32, six years married one 4 year old child. Condom broke I dont want another baby. Tomorrow would me the first day of my period, so if i am pregnant I would be like in the first two weeks... is there something less invasive than an scrape? like a pill, injection or something?

2007-01-23 08:56:22 · 11 answers · asked by mia_gdl 1

my partner has taken loads of tests and they have all come back negative she has sickness,she also has a really cute bump,she has also been told she is blooming, is she pegnant if so y dnt it show up on test???? also she is about 2weeks over due for her period????

2007-01-23 08:55:21 · 23 answers · asked by steven c 1


i keep haveing these baby dreams . i had one last night where i was holding the baby . what does this mean . the baby is my baby.

2007-01-23 08:53:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5 months along and find that sometimes when i am sitting or lying down i have what feels like a stretching/tight pain around my sides and abdomen. Is this normal and what is the cause?

2007-01-23 08:52:56 · 10 answers · asked by leahpar77 2

ok sunday i went into the hospital cause i was having contractions 5-6j minutes apart and they have been confirmed as contractions and i am only 33 weeks along they checked me and said i am 60% efaced and my cervix hasnt opened yet they used the term funneling so i was wondering am i gonna diliver full term or from the sounds of it will i have a pre mature baby

2007-01-23 08:50:14 · 24 answers · asked by MS DAHL 4

it was brown. could it be a period? i don't understand how i could have all of this though.

2007-01-23 08:43:03 · 10 answers · asked by souyha148 1

Let me start off by saying that I looked at most of the answers on here for this question and nobody had exactually what I was looking for. Well yesterday I was having braxton hicks all day but not ones that were timeable. I went to bed last night and then went away(like always) Today all day I have had lower rectal pressure and period like cramps non stop.They don't go away.I have probably only had about braxton hicks all day so way better than yesterday.lol I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this and what they think I should do.I'm planning on just waiting until tomarrow because I have my Dr. Appt in the morning.No biggy but just wondering what other women did.Thanks for the help.....

2007-01-23 08:36:51 · 13 answers · asked by KIM L 2

haven't had my period for a little over three months. I've had two urine tests and a blood test all come back negative, but I still feel like I am pregnant. I've experienced some of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy such as stomach cramping, back pain, nausea, and even some light spotting. Has anyone ever experienced this or something similar?? Is there still a chance I could be pregnant even though all the tests came back negative?? I've been to the doctor, but it doesn't seem as if she is taking me seriously. What should my next step be?? Should I ask for ultrasound??

2007-01-23 08:36:16 · 3 answers · asked by ma07 3

My fiance was recently laid off work and has had little to no change in his daily activities. He's home during the day taking friends to work and playing video games in his spare time. What makes matters worse is that I'm 7 months pregnant with out first child. Work is becoming increasingly difficult and not to mention stressful. He gets angry with me because I try to help with Job searching- he says I'm telling him what to do and that makes him feel like a child. But if I don't, he does nothing. He was supposed to start a new job this month but it doesnt look likely to happen for a while. He's waiting to "get in" to the union. So for now, I'm stuck paying bills while he sits at home waiting for a phone call I feel will never come. What do I do? His mother says, cancel the cable-ok but we have DTV so they'll charge me an arm & a leg to reconnect it. I'm so lost and confused....

2007-01-23 08:33:26 · 15 answers · asked by Jessica S 1

hi i think i might be pregnant but not really sure.althought i have done a test and it came back positive.i had a complete miscarriage on the 20th dec 2006 and my hormone levels took ages to go down because they went up first before they came down.the final readying i had on the tests was 47 and that was on the 27th dec.im concerneed that the test i have done is a false positive and that the hormone level is still in my system does anyone think this might be the case or could i be pregnant.we have been using the withdrawl method so there is a posibility i could be!please help as im now very concerned about what is going on???!!! thankyou in advance for your reply take care xxxx

2007-01-23 08:31:57 · 23 answers · asked by thereisonlyonebrightstar 2

My son is 11 months old and I believe I'm pregnant. Do you think it's too soon? We're financially and emotionally stable enough for a second child right now, but I think it's too soon.

2007-01-23 08:29:38 · 30 answers · asked by svictor24 6

I,ve heard so many stories,i,m afraid getting pregnant must avoid what they say about it.Truth to it or not or maybe?

2007-01-23 08:28:59 · 9 answers · asked by Baby Doll 3

my g/f and i have been dating for about 4 and a half yrs, she's 29, im 22 and a half. About 2 weeks ago she informed me that she was preg and will be keeping the baby. she was on the pill the whole time we were dating (allegedly) so i never used a condom or any other type of birth control. i have a few reasons why i think she got preg on purpose the main one being that i ran into a friend of hers yesterday who congratulated me and said she was happy for us b/c "she knew how much my g/f wanted a baby" which was news to me! i just graduated from college and have a good job now and my g/f has been out of college for 7 yrs so financially this isnt a problem, i just am in no way ready to be a dad b/c of the huge change that bringing a child into the world will have on someone's life. just a few month ago she and i were talking about how neither one of us is ready for marriage yet so that isnt an option. on top of this, my mom is gonna kill me! any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanx.

2007-01-23 08:24:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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