Ok, so I took a pregnancy test a couple of weeks ago, because every morning I would wake up and have the runs... I am not a known "thrower upper". I have only thrown up like 5 times in my whole life (about to be 23 years old). Just wanted to rule it out, and shut people up. When we took it, it came back with the reg line, and then it had a neg line... but faintly, you could see the grey line for the positive... we just threw it away, thinking it was negative. My fiance is a lover of yahoo answers, and likes to just read some of the funny ones, he came across one that was similar.. (minus the whole not throwing up thing) and everyone responded with YOU ARE PREGNANT. ... Now, I am curious, and cant stop thinking about it. Is it true? Could it be? Help!
Positively wondering
7 answers
asked by
Carolina Pita