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Pregnancy - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

My friend is about 3 mths pregant. Now her and the boyfriend are breaking up. He is always in trouble witht he police. Alway in and out of jail. Do you think that 3 mth is to late?

2006-10-26 15:54:40 · 29 answers · asked by lil duce 1

It's going to be a 6 hours flight!

2006-10-26 15:44:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did your baby move when you were having contrations. I am 39 weeks. And I will have one and he will move right after and sometimes when I am having one..lol like he is pushing out. I thought that when you have contractions and labor is starting that your baby should start to calm down. Instead mine is moving like a monkey. I have an appointment tomorrow I will talk to my doc. about it then but I was just wondering till then.

2006-10-26 15:11:27 · 7 answers · asked by ? 4

i took the emergency pill about 3 month ago my regular period is every 20 but the last 2 month came early on the 18 then the 15 now is im late today is the october 26 the problem is that i felt the cramping from the 20 to the 25 but nothing now i dont feel anything and i dont know if im pregnant or not!pls help im confused i also took the PT on the 25 but it was negative!!

2006-10-26 15:03:52 · 7 answers · asked by confundida 1

i lost my daughter six months ago and i'm pregnant again. my daughter had a very rare condition. the odds of having a child with it are 1:20,000. when people find out i'm pregnant again i never hear congrats i hear "i sure hope this baby doesn't die too!" is it just me or is that insensitive?

2006-10-26 14:57:17 · 28 answers · asked by colees 2

Me and my bf of 2yrs. have sex alot this month. We were not to careful at the beginning of this month. After my period went off at the end of Sep. we got back into the action ever since, even during the time I ovulated. Now its the end of the month and i still haven't recieved my period. I was spotting the other day, but it wasn't like my period was on. Should i go ahead and ny a test or could the spotting have been my period for this month???????

2006-10-26 14:55:16 · 15 answers · asked by Mizz Thang 1

My period is due on 10/29. Yesterday morning (10/25) some 12 days past ovulation I noticed some slight brownish spotting which quickly stopped (implantation bleeding?). By the end of the day I grew extremely irritable, got severe mood swings which continue until today, my breasts are really heavy too. However two very accurate pregnancy tests (different brands) I did this evening gave negative results. How likely it is that I can still be pregnant? How soon can I do another test? Has any of you experienced mood swings after implantation? I can literally feel my hormones going wild...

2006-10-26 14:46:52 · 7 answers · asked by ivmaxio 1

If you have had kids when did you tell them?

2006-10-26 14:44:53 · 5 answers · asked by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5

If you have had a c-section does that mean any other baby you have will be by a c-section also?

2006-10-26 14:40:57 · 11 answers · asked by shabuandshabu 2

If you have had a c-section does that mean any other baby you have will be by a c-section also?

2006-10-26 14:40:52 · 2 answers · asked by shabuandshabu 2

How long did your morning sickness last? Im pregnant with my 4th baby and was sick with them all, but wow, this one is just never ending it seems. Im 19 weeks and Im still sick. I started out getting sick at 6 weeks and it lasted 24/7. Its now starting to ease up a little, but Its so frustrating. I had phenegran which didnt work and zofran which stopped the vomiting, but was still nauseated. Nothing helped. I got sea bands, emetrol, crackers, preggie pops, etc..in the beginning and nothing. How many of you have been like this and how long until it went away? Dont need any advice. Just wondering how common it is, because everyone keeps saying to me that I should be over this by now because Im past 16 weeks. I have heard of some being sick the whole pregnancy. I hope Im not like that with this one.

2006-10-26 14:39:02 · 10 answers · asked by Blondi 6

Is it harmful for me to walk up and down the stairs so much??? like 12 stairs??? i am only in my fifth wek and we want to be sure the baby is ok throughout the preganncy and i havent been to my doctor yet.......anyone??? I need a website for new mommies to talk

2006-10-26 14:37:27 · 6 answers · asked by mommyof3 3

My friend has wanted to have a child for years. Now she's within about 7 weeks of her due date. Suddenly she's angry, angry, angry. She picked a huge fight with me. I'm really vexed with her about it. Any advice how to minimize damage to the friendship? (I don't have children which is possibly contributing to her anger).

2006-10-26 14:34:49 · 8 answers · asked by kbc10 4

hi i am a 25 year old who had her tubes tied when i was 22 years old and i think that i am pregnant even though i did not have the reverse surgery. Is this dangerous ? will my baby be ok ?

2006-10-26 14:29:33 · 12 answers · asked by joanneroche1981 1

If not please explain, if it is possible please explain.........

2006-10-26 14:27:30 · 12 answers · asked by littlegoober75 4

I am 48 days late for my period. My last period was on the 8th of September and it was irregular. On the 12th I notice I was having some brown colored discharge which ended on the 22nd. Still no sign of period. I have had several negative pregnancy test. I feel pregnant and I have some of the signs associated with early pregnancy. What are the chances that I am pregnant. I am not due for another period until the 8th of November. Could I be Pregnant????

2006-10-26 14:19:55 · 13 answers · asked by Rochelle D 1

I am 48 days late for my period. My last period was on the 8th of September and it was irregular. On the 12th I notice I was having some brown colored discharge which ended on the 22nd. Still no sign of period. I have had several negative pregnancy test. I feel pregnant and I have some of the signs associated with early pregnancy. What are the chances that I am pregnant. I am not due for another period until the 8th of November. Could I be Pregnant????

2006-10-26 14:19:47 · 6 answers · asked by Rochelle D 1

im scared that something is wrong with the baby i just found out that i was prego and ive been keepin track on the computer bc i know wen my last period was

2006-10-26 14:15:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, if it'a obvious don't laugh, PLEASE. But I was standing and doing stretches on the floor and I felt like a flickering in my stomach, like, flipping or something. Is my uterus flipping?? I don't know anything about it! I must sound stupid to you girls.... I bet you're laughing at me right now. I am in my late twenties, as if that matters. I mean, it feels like my stomach has bugs crawling around in it! This is the first time it has happened and it startled me, it went on for about 45 seconds and then it stopped. Is something wrong?... nothing's going to come out, is it? Yeesh... I feel like a moron... my bf says the baby is moving. That's it, isn't it?... if it isnt, what else could be happening in there?? I've never been a mom before or been around anyone maternal to say the least. I don't really know anyone with little kids, so I don't know who to turn to, that's why I am on here asking you girls a billion and a half questions. Am I going to miscarry? I'm worried, for the bf too

2006-10-26 13:58:51 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanted to know if anyone have an idea why i woudnt be showin my stomach isnt all that hard either

2006-10-26 13:56:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean it's not a good thing to say bye to someone. so why do we say the good part?

2006-10-26 13:50:23 · 7 answers · asked by aynonomus 2

2006-10-26 13:46:36 · 17 answers · asked by sassy84 1


Im 7 months pregnant and all of my teeth feel very loose, I feel like they are going to fall! Does this happen in pregnancy or will thy fall? One of them hurts a little, I made an appointment with the dentist is there something else I could do? I brush them and floss everytime I eat and drink a lot of milk

2006-10-26 13:44:31 · 9 answers · asked by audrey 3

I am 39 weeks pregnant. I am 1cm and fully effaced, but I have been that way for a month now. I am having contractions about every 20 min. so far. They are hard but not getting closer yet or stronger. I was wondering if this is going to be it..how long does it take for them to get closer or stronger? I am setting on the couch and drinking water, cause I was told if they were false then drinking a lot of water will kill them out..and it hasnt yet and I have drank a ton so far. Should I do nipple stimulation to get them stronger or closer, will that work? and what else. Sorry this is my first pregnancy. Thanks for all your help.

2006-10-26 13:28:51 · 13 answers · asked by ? 4

2006-10-26 13:13:43 · 32 answers · asked by Vennessa 2

penny please answwer me fast?

2006-10-26 13:12:11 · 10 answers · asked by bunny girl 1

My girlfriend got some pre-ejaculate on her hand, then wiped it off on her jeans and then masterbated. Could she of become pregnant?

2006-10-26 13:07:35 · 21 answers · asked by sergior a 1

i'm so confuse and worry becuse i don't want to be pregnant because i'm 14 n i'm to young! i put me on 2 times the emergency pill...

2006-10-26 13:04:15 · 10 answers · asked by confundida 1

...And how far over due were you? Also, how did your baby come about? I am just curious about your experiences with being overdue and your hospital experience. Thanks ahead of time!

2006-10-26 12:58:44 · 12 answers · asked by Vennessa 2

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