I had a tubal ligation in Feb. of 1996. Within this past week I have not been feeling right at all. I am very tired, I have had almost daily headaches, heartburn,sore breast's and My face is breaking out with acne. My husband is convinced that I am pregnant. I however say no way, because of the tubal I had in 1996. I know that it's possible, after reading up on it on the internet. If I am I am now worried with an ectopic pregnancy. My period is not quite due. My last one started the 1st week of Oct.,but since my tubal they have always been very irregular. I thought about buying a home test, since some say they can detect even the tiniest bit of HCG in your urine. Now he has me wondering could I be? Has any other women who've had tubals become pregnant after them? Maybe I am going crazy here, who knows. I just know other than the missed period I do have all of the earliest symptoms. I even started having mild nausea 4 days ago, but it occurs in the afternoon and evenings.
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