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Pregnancy - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2006-07-22 15:47:43 · 22 answers · asked by Bianca S 1

im 4 months pregnancy and i would like too know how long do you get morning sickness i hate it .

2006-07-22 15:41:32 · 20 answers · asked by lori7642 3

How old are they? Did you feel bad? What is the legal age to leave a child home in your state?

2006-07-22 15:37:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-22 15:29:47 · 10 answers · asked by joako 2

I mean seriosuly...is it just the need to feel wanted? Cause their sofa king ugly they just give it up to feel wanted? I dunno just thouht id share...and! at least hot girls know theyre hot and say no, and another thing. If theres something more digusting then fat ugly gothic lesbiens....... i havent found it. theyre just nasty.....

2006-07-22 15:13:21 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-22 14:25:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-22 14:08:15 · 17 answers · asked by imecca17@verizon.net 1

My feet have become increasingly swollen in the last couple of days, I mean really really swollen, they look like two pieces of pork shoulder, I have been resting constantly, even this morning when I woke up they were swollen, should I go to the doctor or what I am 8 1/2 months pregnant?

2006-07-22 14:03:39 · 8 answers · asked by triplecherrylicious 3

Sometimes when I lay on my stomach or when I eat, my stomach feels as if its beating

2006-07-22 14:00:17 · 14 answers · asked by AV 2

Is the physical strain on your body and the contractions of your uterus increase your chances of miscarrying if you're two weeks pregnant? I don't want to ruin my chances of being pregnant by trying to concieve after the fact.

2006-07-22 13:31:33 · 13 answers · asked by army_wife23 1

I am not pregnat just wondering about that!

2006-07-22 13:31:24 · 45 answers · asked by animalbearlove 2

I've only gained like 4pnds and am not really showing yet, so why are my legs and lower back aching sometimes? I thought that only started once you get a big belly and it's further along? 1st pregnancy!!!

2006-07-22 13:31:22 · 8 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

Thank you for all the answers. I took a test today and
I"M PREGNANT.... Thank you all again

2006-07-22 12:49:46 · 6 answers · asked by chisnina420 1

2006-07-22 12:49:27 · 26 answers · asked by moondancer 2

On the 15th I had unprotected sex and I know for a fact that sperm was released inside of me. This past wednesday I started going through my regular PMS, my mood swings, my cravings, and my other regular PMS symptons, yet I never started cramping or anything of the sorts, which I normally do so a week before I start. I normally start on the 24th and I'm showing no signs of starting anytime soon. Also, I experienced weird cramps this past monday and I was sure I was going to start but I never did. I did research on if there was a possibility of me being pregnant and showing signs this early, but the closest that I've come to any signs is a few more headaches then usual, I go pee 5-6 times a day instead of 2-3, and I do have slight back pain but thats it. I know that if you think to much on something you can normally develop the symptons but I've been calm about this whole thing, accepting the fact that there may just be a possibility that I am. I'm seventeen years old and I dont know what to do, my boyfriend won't let me put it up for adoption because he was adopted so I'm afraid that I might be pregnant because I know how difficult that can be on someone of my age. So what do you think is wrong? Is there a possibility that I might be? Or am I overreacting? And there's no way for me to get a pregnancy test because my dad would find out and the women centers in town charge the women when they turn 17, so I dont know what to do. Please give me any advice that you may think will help me.

2006-07-22 12:22:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean the packaged kind you buy from the grocery store and it's ready to be cooked. I've been craving it really bad lately!! Is it bad for the baby and I?

2006-07-22 12:10:40 · 26 answers · asked by Huliganjetta 5

does it hurt

2006-07-22 12:10:01 · 12 answers · asked by natasha p 2

Just wanted to let all you guys know, that having an abortion is not another means of birth control-it's homicide.

Here's the truth about abortions:
Some abortions vacuum off the limbs of the little unborn baby.
Sometimes women have their period and find a little hand or other body part!!!
Others inject this solution that burns the baby from the outside in!!!And it has been proven that the little ones can feel this stuff, so don't even ask.

Really, I understand if the mother's life is at risk, but unless it is necessary, it is murder.

Tell me your opinions on this, and I guarantee you won't get a best answer if you disagree with me, and to those of you that still disagree, you are very stupid, ignorant people.

2006-07-22 11:52:36 · 20 answers · asked by Merry 2

ive ben having hicks for the last week and a half..i know they could go on for a long time ..so tell what the real deals feel like in comparison?..im 38 weeks

2006-07-22 11:38:53 · 13 answers · asked by Lilskeerd 1

my gf's water jst broke in the midle of the floor and no one is in!! i cant drive i duno wat im doing!!! and it a week and a half early!!! HELP ME PLEASE WHAT DO I DO?!?!?

2006-07-22 11:07:19 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-22 11:06:24 · 9 answers · asked by maja_bobi 1

Me and my boyfriend had sex and he got me pregnant and he wants me 2 keep tha baby but i dont want any kids rite now. I dont kno if i should tell my parents or not im afraid wat they might say or do.

Hes 17 and im 14 but is it true that he can go 2 jail for havin sex with me ?

He kinda pressured me into havin sex wit him and im wondering is that rape or not?

but please give good advice on wat i shold do plz

2006-07-22 11:01:57 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

i misscarried 2 months ago, and i am very cautious that it will happen again, it was my first and was devasted, when would be the best to start to try and concieve as im very wary! any-one else been in this situation

2006-07-22 10:13:33 · 18 answers · asked by till 1

I am 6 wks pregnant and for about two weeks I have been experiencing a lot of pain and dizziness at work. I have severe abdominal cramping, dizziness, blurred vision, extreme shaking in my limbs, and have had some bleeding. I'm afraid the physicalness of my job is causing problems. I have had miscarriages in the past as well. Everyone seems to keep telling me (including doc) that in the first trimester there isn't much you can do about this, and if you are going to miscarry it can't be stopped. Is this true or is there something that can be done? Would stopping the physical things that are causing the symptoms help? Someone please help..I'm extrememly worried and want nothing more than to keep this baby.

2006-07-22 10:04:33 · 10 answers · asked by unknown 3

us women who are pregnant just don't see the glow we have but everyone else does? My husband just told me I'm glowing. I don't see it but I sure do feel good about becoming a mommy!!!!!!!!

2006-07-22 10:01:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my peroids r delayed by week. i took a E.P.T today morning, first it was negative but after 30 mintues i noticed a light bue color vertical line. does it mean that im pregnant. im curious. Does it happened with anyone of you.

2006-07-22 09:56:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

The question is asked by yodasminion and is located at http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlEKkmQjpS8_mExFLkhe7ivzy6IX?qid=20060721200117AAkvVPR

It got so many responses in just a short period of time...
I am amazed...

2006-07-22 09:55:28 · 9 answers · asked by fireashes 4

I heard that once u have a baby ur vagina is never the same again as far as the tightness or the feeling of it ... i heard that it becomes loose???? I wanted to know is this true????

2006-07-22 09:53:27 · 11 answers · asked by Beautiful_1 3

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