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Politics - 19 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-11-19 04:30:02 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

The US has become more or less a police state - a survienlance state - Check points and free speech zones

True of false?

The US has over gloriied war and soldiers to the point that the average American is war obbsessed
True or false

The US has allowed torture and rendition and the average citezen believes torture is necesary
True of false?

The US is on the verge of economic collapse

True or false?

The US military might refuse to invade Iran because they think it is a suicide mission for America and know they will end up fighting the Russians and the Chinese

True or false ?

2007-11-19 04:27:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iraq's government today said security statistics showed that Baghdad had "defeated the forces of darkness" after more than a year of sectarian warfare, and the United States said it was crucial that Iraqi leaders used the relative calm to get their political fighting under control.

The government released numbers indicating a major decline in violent attacks in Baghdad and the surrounding areas. Attacks such as bombings numbered 323 last month, compared with 850 in February when a U.S.-led security crackdown was launched, according to the government figures.

2007-11-19 04:21:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-19 04:16:07 · 8 answers · asked by . 5

adjusted to today's dollar

2007-11-19 04:06:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

ABC news report about mudslinging and they do their best to clear Hillary of any wrongdoing and made sure that Obama and Edwards didn't look bad for the criticisms they typically receive. They did however spend about 20 seconds defending Romney. Should they have spent equal time for both parties?


2007-11-19 03:58:47 · 2 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

Is this guarenteed in the constitution? This question has been asked several times in slightly different formats and I just can't find where the constitution mentions this right.
I did see where the supreme court argued marital privacy, but this is not what is getting people panties in a bunch today.

2007-11-19 03:40:22 · 14 answers · asked by SFC_Ollie 7

'Immigrants', The anti-war groups, the Bush Bashers, the Hillary Bashers, 'Unemployed' Cadillac driving "Public Dole Dippers", the neo-liberals, the 'silent militia's', and the others,

2007-11-19 03:30:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me? None, zip, nada, zilch!!

2007-11-19 03:24:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you get any more polar opposite?

Ron Paul = small, small, small government
Democrats = big, bigger, bigger government

The support or nonsupport of the war should not be the central issue. Every single Democrat has not vowed to be out of Iraq by the end of their term. I would like to see more discussion on counter terrorism strategy and securing Iraq strategy rather then do you support or not support. If a Democrat goes into office we will have a full force in Iraq for at least a year.

So what will the Democrats and/or Republicans do in order for us to be more successful in Iraq? (even if we are "pulling out")

And what will the Democrats and/or Republicans do in order to better protect Americans from terrorism?

Independent minds want to know!

2007-11-19 03:23:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


Detroit named the most dangerous city in the U.S. and Flint, Michigan named the 2nd most dangerous.

Another reason to not vote for the Democrat party?

2007-11-19 03:14:14 · 22 answers · asked by Moody Red 6

job more than having to defend against the years-long campaign to destroy his Presidency?

Please keep in mind that among the accusations of dirty business deals, rape, and murder, the ONLY thing he was ever found was guilty of was perjury about a sexual incident that never would have come up if not for the otherwise dead-end investigation...

2007-11-19 03:08:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

By stating that abortion rights is a federal govt. issue to ban, and not an individual state issue for citizens to decide?

Typically Republicans favor state's rights over federal govt. control, but if Huckabee gets his way, the feds will make the decision.


2007-11-19 03:07:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is he feeling guilty at his ill-gotten gains, does he care for those less privilaged than himself, or is scared of a workers revolt?

"The taxation system has tilted towards the rich and away from the middle class in the last 10 years. It's dramatic; I don't think it's appreciated and I think it should be addressed."


2007-11-19 03:05:09 · 14 answers · asked by . 5

that mean they don't care for their nation? our troops are fighting and loosing their life for the interest of these corporations but they care less about our people or any people for that matter! at the same time these capitalists encourage nationalism! can you see the hypocrisy? nationalism is for the poor and ignorant ! interest groups are fake nationalists! they care about their pockets before anything else! nationalism is a tool for the empire and used as a mean to fill their pockets!

2007-11-19 03:02:49 · 10 answers · asked by macmanf4j 4

He took a 7 month vacation around the world to go golfing, and spent more time away from Washington than any other president in history, After 9-11 he did nothing to protect our nation, he is set on war, to make us look like the Big man on Campus, while raiding the economy of USA, with government contractors. Nothing in health done. nothing in the economy corrected. Rules of the laws have been twisted, for overpowernment. OUTSCOURCING is his favorite word. Not protecting our nations boarder, or correcting the crossings at the boarders, that he spoke of way back on 1999, when first running for president, His economic promisses, he must have lied there alos, He did not do anything excet sell out Wall Street. Education ws revamped from decnt to nothing, No child left behind got 50 billion dollars and right after 9-11 he took it all back, so now every child is left behind. Went from most liked country in the world under previous president to most hated in less than 3 years. ON and On!

2007-11-19 03:01:49 · 8 answers · asked by kjokergo11 3

I do not get it? Unless they are all wealthy and do not worry about their credit?

2007-11-19 02:56:56 · 5 answers · asked by Ricky 3

2007-11-19 02:50:43 · 12 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

What is it with all of the Americans on here that want us to lose this war? What ever happened to faith? I'm not talking about God. You don't have to pray. You can be an Athiest and have faith. How exactly are we losing this war and why are you so quick to say it? I don't care what you think about Bush or Conservatives either. War sucks, that's a fact. Our fighting men and women are the best because they volunteered for the duty. They knew what they were getting into. The majority of our fighting forces are less than 22 years of age. We've been at war going on 5 years now. That mean the majority of the people that signed up knew what they were getting into.

You can say "I support the troops but I don't support the war". But you can't support one without the other. There are a lot of Vets on here (I'm one), how do you think it makes us and active service members feel when you say "the war is lost."?

2007-11-19 02:47:34 · 23 answers · asked by Richard Cranium 3

And then its the Big Bad old governments decision, when ALL people are affected

2007-11-19 02:43:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-19 02:38:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-19 02:32:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


What's the big deal with the whale hunt? Does the Bible not say, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."?

If God did not want us to hunt whales, he would not have given us dominion over them.

2007-11-19 02:30:34 · 12 answers · asked by Just a guy 2

Afghanistan is paying USA with heroine? cocaine found its way to USA then! does it mean that heroine would also find its way to USA?! is Oliver north still pretty busy securing our nation?!

2007-11-19 02:29:49 · 11 answers · asked by macmanf4j 4

Haven't Iraq's elected officials done the political work that Bush and His Generals say must be done for this war to end, is it really working if the political solutions aren't happening and there is still no end in sight or is it just another false flag from this administration

2007-11-19 02:25:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-19 02:19:33 · 12 answers · asked by George B 6

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