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Politics - 16 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I say neocons..In the last six years, we have accepted torture, loss of our rights, and attacking countries without reason to be an acceptable form of behavior. If we continue down this path and continue to ignore the premises that made America a force for good in the world, we will implode from the inside. We lost thousands of people on 9-11 and that is tragic, but what is even more tragic is that we are losing the morals and beliefs that make America great. While our government is protecting us from terrorists, who is protecting us from our govt? God help us.

2007-11-16 03:37:57 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-16 03:37:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

He says today’s possibility of war is everywhere within politics and the world, without the distinction of friend and enemy, would not exist unless the possibility of fighting completely disappears or would be the world without politics.

Do you agree or disagree? why?

2007-11-16 03:36:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

For me I think that Bill Clinton was the best president Ever!!!!!!

2007-11-16 03:36:15 · 17 answers · asked by Jasmine 3


"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and
statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli

From this atrticle it makes it clear, it is manbipulated to hide the truth.

So, is it so easy to take a job actually in the US ?

2007-11-16 03:22:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a great lively debate, and its healthy. So why the childish reporting behavior FROM BOTH SIDES?

2007-11-16 03:21:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

CNN Democratic debate speaking times:-

Obama: 18:22 (during 16 times)
Clinton: 17:28 (during 16 times)
Richardson: 13:41 (during 11 times)
Biden: 10:46 (during 9 times)
Edwards: 10:43 (during 10 times)
Kucinich: 6:52 (during 7 times)
Dodd: 6:34 (during 7 times)


2007-11-16 03:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by . 5

Seems that way.

Irony anyone?

2007-11-16 02:55:33 · 14 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

Men.. is it because she is a woman and you think that this country is above that?

Everyone.. what exactly is it that this intellegent woman is doing that is making you despise her oh so much?

I need to know.. because I'm not understanding.

2007-11-16 02:51:21 · 21 answers · asked by Proud New Mommy! :) 3

Isn't security around all the time? or the first lady?

2007-11-16 02:48:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

want to be left alone to make their way in America, the land of oppurtunity, to survive and prosper the best their wits and determination will allow?

2007-11-16 02:47:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

After the debate a cnn reporter asked obama about his stance on raising taxes on the middle class to support his proposal to raise the $97K max on paying soc sec taxes. He said oh that's only the top 6%, that's not the middle class. I'm not the middle class you commie? I served 4 yrs in the marines, worked my way thru college and am now an engineer making over 97k (about 125k), live in a nice neighborhood pay taxes out the yazoo and have one kid in public schools, my two cars are both fords...and I'm not middle class??? The dems think anyone who pays a bunch of taxes (I paid over 25k last year) they can soak for some more...I'm am sick of their commie ways...I hope the reps get the whitehouse..!!!

2007-11-16 02:43:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isnt that the problem with having a private corporate army, because you must constantly have war to feed the beast?

2007-11-16 02:43:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this another example of how they're continuously working against this country?

Why haven't they been disbanded and tried for aiding terror?



2007-11-16 02:41:43 · 14 answers · asked by GOD BLESS AMERICA/ANTI LIB 2

Not once has he used the word "hyperinflation" in any campaign speech.

I thought he was intelligent and honest.

Is he, really?

2007-11-16 02:40:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone else get the feeling there is some sort of concerted charade going on?
If Musharaff wanted to treat Bhutto this way, why did he allow her back in the country? Why does he not put her on a plane and send her away? Is the United States playing all sides or shedding crocodile tears when musharraf is being a dictator and repressing democracy? After all, isnt Musharraf our puppet? Are the Bush administrations call for democracy sincere? Do they really want the will of the great majority of Pakistanis to win the day?

2007-11-16 02:34:49 · 2 answers · asked by ningis n 1

Last night they sure seemed like a winner to me. Hillary
Clinton still had the edge on Barack and Edwards.
They tried Conservative like tactics to thwart her
momentum. And it failed. Just like I knew it would.
Somehow people cannot understand that she will
definitely change this country for the better, just like
her husband. And whatever is exposed now, she will
try to fix. So are you confident in the future president
of the US ? The Clinton's rule. It is unfortunate that we
had this current administration mess up everything, and
caused us to regress rather than progress. Now the
Democrats will have a chance to get the job done,
period. So Hillary for president, or no ? Best answer wins.

2007-11-16 02:33:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Working around low income earners I often hear stories of people selling prescription pain pills they get for free on medicade for ten and twenty dollars a pill and then purchasing pot to smoke .

Since the pain pills seem to be ineffective at managing the pain racked bodies of working americans and highly expensive as a recreational drug for the youth with no tolerance to medications what can be done to reduce the cost of pot .

2007-11-16 02:32:11 · 7 answers · asked by TroubleMaker 5

For calling him a Flip-Flopper ?

I mean, next to Hillary.....
He seems almost normal. A truth teller. A regular Abe Lincoln!

2007-11-16 02:24:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Poor Are Lagging in Hurricane Aid From Mississippi
The state is the only one for which the Bush administration has waived the rule that 50 percent of its federal grants be spent on low-income programs.

2007-11-16 02:17:16 · 9 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7

Every conversation I hear about the record foreclosure crisis revolves around greedy borrowers buying houses they cant afford, speculators getting bad loans cause they want invest in property and are therefore greedy, and greedy crooked lenders making bad loans. But there are other things going on in our society that might seem to point as at least possible other causes. For example, Did you know that there are many types of subprime loans? one type is for someone with good credit who maybe can only afford a $200,000 house, and gets a rate that is artificially low for a year or 2 just so they can qualify. Another type however is for people who do not have the down payment to buy a house and therefore get an adjustable rate mortgage with higher rates, and possibly even higher rates in 2 or 3 years. Still another type is for people who do not have the requisite computerized credit score, which means that you automatically have to get a high rate adjustable loan as well.

2007-11-16 02:14:27 · 3 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

In fact nobody ever attacked America. What happend on Sep11 was just a criminal act of just regular criminals who were members of a criminal group located in the Middle East having no legitimate status as an international organization. Yes, they were muslims. And what? There are a lot of crazy people in any religion. There are a lot of criminals in the US who kill people, kill children, violate women and kids everyday. How many people are killed by criminals in the US? How many ppl are killed in US a year. Thousands of them are killed every year. 9/11 was possible because Home Security did not their job. Period. It is not a secret anymore. Why blame Islam? Why blame other countries and invade other sovereign countries, create chaos in their lands, kill millions of people and children?

2007-11-16 02:12:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

go? 1.Will the Democrat Party leaders divide this country, WORSE THAN THE LATE 1960'S AND TO MID 1970'S, to obtain the Presidency / Whitehouse? 2.Why isn't the 11% approval ratings for the House of 'Reprehensables' telling someone a story?

2007-11-16 02:10:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does that mean if elected, the Republicans have no plan to fix the economy, since they don't consider it to be broken in the first place ?

Is this just more "stay the course" type policy ?

2007-11-16 02:05:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because they've lost their credibility on the issues ?

So Bill got a BJ and Hillary has forgiven him... SO WHAT !?
Nobody is vilifying the other 10 million woman in America who've done the same thing. I mean seriously... what does the relationship between Hillary and Bill have to do with her ability to run the country ?...NOTHING ! It's a private matter, that has nothing to do with politics.

I really don't see how attacking Hillary for something like that is going to help Republicans win... If anything, I think most people would consider this inappropriate "dirty" politics and would be turned off by it.

2007-11-16 01:56:46 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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