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Politics - 13 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-08-13 08:04:14 · 41 answers · asked by Page 4

The damge is done.


2007-08-13 08:03:51 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-13 08:00:01 · 19 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5

If Romney is elected, will we have more to fear from him because of his religion than any other Christian president?

2007-08-13 07:57:17 · 20 answers · asked by David V 6

This is great news for sure but I would like to see him made to testify

2007-08-13 07:51:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Can you prove that he didn't." Thats all they've got.

2007-08-13 07:51:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the near future, the Southern Baptist Coalition, will unite with Nazi's and Klans men, and commit terrorist attacks in the North East and the West Coast, with their leader and former president, now proclaimed Emperor Bush, will take all the southeastern states and call it the United States Of Texas, and it's motto will be (Oppresion and Hell on eatrh for all), Emperor Bush and Lord Chenney will invade Alaska for it's oil, and make the stock holders of Hallibutron be the congress and senate of the UST, only with the bravery of three new leaders President Hillary Clinton, and Vice President Barak Obama, along with secretary of Defense, Wesley Clark, will help the USA clame victory and defeat this new southern govermant called the General Lee Redneck Coalition, and it's southern baptist nazi Army, and bring Bush the Anti Christ to justice once and for all

2007-08-13 07:50:03 · 10 answers · asked by Tela R 1

George W's 'Brain' Karl Rove will step down at the end of August. He was described as the "Money Making Architect', paid from our taxes to help the Republican party.
Rove is smirking all the way to his offshore bank account.

He's the lamest of Lame Duck Presidents so what what will Bush do after his ' brain' has departed?

2007-08-13 07:48:07 · 16 answers · asked by Eric 1

Spare me the proof that there weren't any found. That only means the intel was wrong.
Show me the proof he lied from a credible source, not some fringe far left of moveon.org web site.

2007-08-13 07:43:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a serious question. I hear Rush Limbaugh speak of the atrocities of the drive by media every day that I listen to him, yet, when I open a paper or turn on the TV, the news (to me), seems to have a conservative twist. ie, Fox News. So what is it?

2007-08-13 07:37:17 · 16 answers · asked by Chris E 3

I have a rant to make.

There is a general impression in the US, particularly among the left, that anyone who has amassed great wealth has done it sneakily, possibly illegally, and if nothing else, by exploiting the poor and middle class. Consequently, their wealth should be seized and redistributed to the working and impoverished classes.

I think that's foolish. The whole idea is foolish. Wealth is not something that you accumulate on luck alone. It's a mindset and an attitude. If we took a rich man and a poor man, and divided the rich man's money equally between them, I bet more than anything in a few years you'd see the rich man emerge still a rich man if not richer, and the poor man remain poor. Money, to me, does nothing but grant you power. How you use the power is what determines your status.

My point is that wealthy people, in general, have probably become wealthy through their own means.

2007-08-13 07:36:52 · 15 answers · asked by replicant21 3

#1 "I want you, to hear directly from me what is at stake for America in the Persian Gulf, what we are doing to protect the peace, the security, the freedom we cherish, why we have taken the position we have taken...Those who have questioned the United States in this moment, I would argue, are living only in the moment. They have neither remembered the past nor imagined the future...Saddam Hussein's regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region and the security of all the rest of us...And some day, some way, I guarantee you, he'll use his arsenal.

#2 "If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction."

#3 "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."

2007-08-13 07:35:20 · 19 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-08-13 07:34:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can they be properly identified if their faces are fully covered up. Does their ID card identify them as muslims and thus allowed to keep their faces covered? Isn't these silly requirements from the muslim religion, including having a place to wash their feet and interruptions from public prayers four times a day, getting out of hand?

2007-08-13 07:34:12 · 5 answers · asked by Don S 5

I'm tired of hearing these people say the Dems were misled about going to war. They had the same intelligence that President Bush had and came to the same decision he did. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!

So, if I may play devil's advocate for a moment, let's say they were misled, just for sh!ts and giggles. With all of the Dems and Libs saying President Bush is so stupid and so ignorant and so unintelligent, would you really want to elect someone to the office of President of the United States that can be misled by such an intellectually inferior person? Wouldn't that make him smarter than all of congress?

Do you see the conundrum here?

2007-08-13 07:31:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this is kind of a retro topic, but I was watching some Hollywood movie the other night and a character in the film was bashing America for being needlessly obsessed with Clinton's "B.J."

Really, where does the blame really lie for this scandal?

Clinton did it, and the same media that carried him for years beat this dead horse until the end of his second term in office. How can one blame the average American for that?

Stupid Hollywood.

2007-08-13 07:27:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate how the liberal media bashes the hell out republicans and make it look like its the right choice. Through and through you can never get a straight answer out of a demmy and furthermore why are so many people voting democratic when all they do is tax the hell out of working people to support people who could care less if they went out and actually worked? Im sorry but anywhere in america there is a way to get through school. Go to college and get a good job, you just have to have the will power and most don't and why are we supporting them??? I work/worked my *** off to be where I am today and yet I'm getting every check taxed to hell. P.S. the Iraq war will pay itself off with the oil we'll be getting in the coming years ; ) why do you think the surrounding areas are so pissed we're there, its all politcal and coming down to money.

2007-08-13 07:23:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hmmmm. Bill J. Clinton-- B. J. Clinton............

What a name.

2007-08-13 07:20:04 · 25 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

2007-08-13 07:15:40 · 1 answers · asked by omnimog 4

Or will they forever remain the "right" hand of Bush and the neo-con agenda?

2007-08-13 07:09:11 · 30 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

I already know 911 was a false flag

2007-08-13 06:52:54 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-13 06:48:04 · 14 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Bush is fond of nick names so what do you think his nick name should be?

2007-08-13 06:47:27 · 24 answers · asked by memyselfandI 1

After watching Ron Paul get bullied by Gulianni it makes me wonder, what would his explanation for 9/11 be(naturally he didnt offer a response to Paul's)? If you had to be completely honest with yourself what would your explanation for 9/11 be?I admit Ron Paul did put himself into an awkward position but i think its a position we are going to have to face whether we like ir or not.

2007-08-13 06:45:43 · 11 answers · asked by vietman39 2

Pakistan started with nothing, at the time of freedom, Pakistan had only one factory, Now Pakistan is Nuclear Power, So as An Emerging economy Of world, Pakistan is a rising star, With so many flaws and problems, Still Pakistan managed to hold a reputable and important country of the world, Pakistan has diversified Culture, Four provinces represent four different languages, culture and heritage, Headed by one strong federation...Don't you its great??? Your opinions may differ but equally respectable to me. Please tell us anything, Suggestions, pointout errors, Say Pakistan is worst state, anything, Or just say Happy Birthday
Best Regards

2007-08-13 06:38:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

A liberal society is characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy, free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected. In the 21st century, this usually means liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law. This from wikipedia...

2007-08-13 06:32:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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