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Politics - 20 July 2007

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2007-07-20 07:28:25 · 19 answers · asked by Casey D 2

It seems to me that people are attempting to justify abortion by saying that life doesn't begin at conception.

I think abortion is like capital punishment. Occasionally necessary, legally sanctioned taking of a life.

2007-07-20 07:26:44 · 20 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

Has the left always been this hateful or is this a new breed? I know the 60s produced a bunch of haters too and these must be their offspring?

Dont bother answering this left nut jobs, I will turn you all in.

2007-07-20 07:21:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


This says that black people are imprisoned at 5 time the rate of white people. Which, to me means that they commit 5 times more crime, right?

Not according to this guy. According to this guy, it is simply because America is racist, and we unfairly put more black people in jail.

In other words, the very violent inner city, which is predominately black, is no more dangerous than the mainly white suburbs, correct?

Am I the only one that finds this idiotic?

2007-07-20 07:13:34 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

The list of criminals and deviant behavior is lengthy on both sides of the aisle. What do you think when a candidate runs on a platform of "moral values," or a similar concept? What do you think later when the skeletons in their closet are exposed? Everyone is human, I understand . . .

2007-07-20 07:05:14 · 30 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

no volgarity please.

2007-07-20 06:58:27 · 33 answers · asked by Casey D 2

That the military continues to exceed it's recruitment goals.

Americans in Iraq, who chose to be there using their own free will, will continue to kill all the terrorists while remaining safe and stablizing Iraq. Peace through SUPERIOR fire power!!

Congress will extend Bush's tax cuts for working people.

Ginsburg, who has already lost her mind, will retire giving Bush one more SCOTUS pick.

Full pardon for Scooter Libby.

Iran's nuke sites to be taken out

Israel to STEAMROLL over Gaza and the West Bank and to stay permanently forcing the whiney palestinains to go back to Jordan and Syria.

Please God - Let Hillary be the DEM nominee!!!! Please.

Bush vetos any LIB spending bill

I meet a fine young conservative man with maximum earning potential who attends church.

2007-07-20 06:57:45 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a conflict of interest - the president is supposed to protect the country, but evangelicals believe mass destruction will precede the rapture. Therefore they would be happy if a major city was destroyed or a neuclear bomb detonated. I beleive this alone is reason to ban evangelicals from the presidency. Do you agree?

2007-07-20 06:57:00 · 23 answers · asked by TheEconomist 4

I watched some lawyers debate the case against Vick . Along with the evidence of removing 66 dogs from his property , there are also 4 eyewitnesses willing to testify . And the D.A. has more . One of the lawyers intimated that she has an inside source saying there's other damning evidence . Innocent until proven guilty yes. . . .but no doubt the future don't look too bright for Vick .
Nike has 'suspended' their new Vick line as a result .
Sen. Byrd has made it a political topic .

Do you think Vick is done in the NFL ? And can you believe it ?

2007-07-20 06:56:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 06:56:22 · 6 answers · asked by World Peace Now 3

Although everyone seems to have an opinion on things it just seems to be the radicals that cause the problems. I mean we all just want what's best for the country. Very few people fully support their all of their party's views on all things.

Would you agree or disagree?

2007-07-20 06:53:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 06:52:48 · 20 answers · asked by Baha V. S. 2

Spousal & child abuse are at epidemic levels, why the concern over a few gays getting married?

2007-07-20 06:47:18 · 29 answers · asked by Hothman 2

Why does Obama say this?

Obama says that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

2007-07-20 06:44:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those who are concerned about the sanctity of marriage, and seek to block gays from getting married, why haven't I heard you fight against no fault divorce?

2007-07-20 06:43:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It would be a better day if she were.

President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers over to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.


2007-07-20 06:39:17 · 13 answers · asked by GO HILLARY 7

What makes a POLITICIAN and a ARTIST different?

2007-07-20 06:38:13 · 3 answers · asked by spy killer 1

Stated or implied strereotypes on Y!A i've seen:

Jobless, Godless, communist, hippies for liberals
Nazis, despotic, hypocrites (both sides), sex offenders for conservatives

Has it gone too far? Does it anger you or make you pity the people that post such things?

2007-07-20 06:25:58 · 27 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Would it be an example for democracy that "ALL" politicians should fear public opinion, that "All" could be ousted by public demand, by a simple majority vote held annually? Or do they deserve "protection" for their entire term, so they can thumb their nose to the public majority at will? Maybe politicians are "smarter" than the majority? You buy that?

2007-07-20 06:25:01 · 8 answers · asked by edubya 5

Or was this just another one of Nixon's plethora of lies?

2007-07-20 06:19:35 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

This president has turned into such a joke that only cartoon characters can portray him the right way, (adidi adidi adidi That's All Folks )

2007-07-20 06:19:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Funny how many cons here think it is OK for the government to decide who has babies and who doesn't...kind of like China...

2007-07-20 06:16:45 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 06:12:08 · 2 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

I spent most of my years in Richmond Virginia. Richmond is a GRAND LOVER of confederate icons. We have statues of Robert E. Lee that is displayed promantely on the Blvd. (I won't even get into all of that)

HERE IS MY QUESTION: Why do SO MANY AMERICANS idolize the confederacy? I know that many peoples forefathers fought in that war, but mine did as well and I do not idolize them. One very important reason is b/c 75% of my family tree were the African slaves who were crippled & made to live lower than dogs under the cruel system of slavery. (The culture of slavery was the worst form of terrorism that exists)

1. Why wasn't Jeff Davis and the confed. soldiers tried for treason and put to death at the end of the war?\
2. Why wasn't the reconstruction plan followed thru? The Confed. states were restored to their with loyal gov. but the south found a new way slave Africans thru Jim Crow Laws.
3. What is it about the Confederacy that causes so much idolization?

2007-07-20 06:08:55 · 7 answers · asked by Andre L 1

Would that help alleviate some poverty and crime?

Nothing mandatory, of course. Just offer them an enticing enough amount, maybe $2000 or so would be fair. This seems to be peanuts compared to the amount of tax money spent on their progeny when it comes to the enormous law enforcement and court costs associated with juvenile delinquents (many of whom will grow up to collect public aid and produce more delinquents). What if we just offered them the dough to have a tubal ligation or vasectomy?

Take the story of one Winnipeg family:

"Three brothers in the same family — ages 18, 16 and 14 — have a combined 181 convictions for car theft and property crimes. They’re facing another 77 new charges.

...mom, an admitted crack addict

Perhaps the worst part? They’ve got four other siblings at home under the age of 12"


I'm sick of throwing tax money down a welfare hole that serves no purpose other than to perpetuate a cycle of irresponsibility and dependence. We need something that works.

Now, I'm not advocating that the government do this. I'm talking about a private charitable organization, to which donations could be claimed as tax-deductable. I would even donate some money to fund a pilot program.

When viewed in these terms, a mere $2000 investment would pay off exponentially!

2007-07-20 06:01:51 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 05:59:04 · 17 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

Tehran: Release the Iranian-Americans
by Farid Iman and Kamran Beigi
Posted: 07/20/2007
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The Islamic republic of Iran has once again resorted to the techniques they learned from the Soviets during the early days of the Islamic revolution: arresting peaceful dissidents on trumped-up charges, coercing confessions that they have been trying to overthrow the regime, and parading their prisoners in public.

This time, these KGB-style “confessions” of American-Iranian scholars Haleh Esfandiari and Kian Tajbakhsh on Iranian state television confirm that there will be no more “reform” or “reformists” in the Islamic Iran’s political landscape.

The American-Iranian scholars who have been held in Iranian prisons on national security charges worked so hard to promote the reformist faction of the Islamic regime in the United States and Europe. They worked passionately to promote dialogue between the United States and Iran. Yet, the regime has "formally charged" them with endangering national security. The regime claims that they are “guilty” of trying to undermine and topple the theocracy by opening up the country to the West.

It is high time that we put our credulousness to one side and start to take the statements coming from Tehran seriously. Moreover, we should be putting every ounce of diplomatic pressure possible on Tehran to release its hostage-prisoners.

Opening up to the west would be tantamount to regime change in Iran. For this regime a real dialogue with the United States will result in its demise by showing a crack in the regime’s sole reason to exits: to bring about an end to the west and impose a radical Islamist caliphate.

2007-07-20 05:55:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Banning prayer in public schools and school events.

Banning religious displays and/or symbols on public property.

Removing any mention of the Christian religion from everywhere but the churches themselves.

How does “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” get twisted into freedom ”from” religion?

2007-07-20 05:53:38 · 18 answers · asked by Iceman 3

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