I have a theory, let's see if I can enlighten anyone else. The reason (or one reason why) the Bush Administration refuses a cease-fire, despite most of the rest of the world's pleas for it, is so the media and the world will take their eyes off Iraq (and other U.S. problems) and focus on the Israeli/Lebanonese conflict. Have you watched CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC lately- they have almost completely forgot about Iraq-95% of broadcasts these days focus on Israel and Lebanon. Realizing the mess of 100 civilians dying each day, troops being redeployed to Baghdad, and mounting attacks and a possible threat of civil war, the Bush Administration does not want this damaging news to haunt them day in and out leading to November voting. So let everyone focus on Israel/Lebanon and forget that we are in costly wars somewhere else, Iraq and Afghanistan, so they won't suffer in the November elections. It appears as though Karl Rove is back at work, God knows Dubya doesn't have the brains to think this up.
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