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Other - Politics & Government - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2007-09-14 06:13:51 · 14 answers · asked by Jason 4

2007-09-14 05:57:12 · 20 answers · asked by beano™ 6

Applying for a federal law enforcement position and the medical records asks if I ever had an "emotionally stressed or mental condition, and if I had even seen a psychatrist." Over 6 years ago I did see a psychatrist (1 time) because I was feeling homesick in my first year of college. She prescribed me an anti-depressant which I took for about 5-6 months. I haven't seen a psychatrist (or any type of counselor) or been on any medication since that single time. Do you think this will still prevent me from getting the job?

2007-09-14 05:47:26 · 4 answers · asked by sagsagd g 1

he'll go fight Terrorism with every ounce of energy he has. Do you think it'll be viewed as a vendetta for happened to his city on 9/11, or because he's doing what's right?

2007-09-14 05:40:37 · 23 answers · asked by Jim C 5

2007-09-14 05:27:09 · 5 answers · asked by Chris C 3

Do any of you folks out there think that government has been taken from the people and that it drives us to conformity? Consider this, through actions by our government the expression of faith has been severely limited and nearly expunged from the public eye. Was not religion, a source of moral clarity and a means of civic guidance? What will happen to a nation with no morality or sense of decency?
Already I see the effects in young school children who quite shockingly speak of sex, and violence as though it were of no consequence. Such children even go so far as to cuss at adults! What say you people of yahoo!

2007-09-14 05:19:04 · 13 answers · asked by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4

People are losing their homes, they can't afford to heat them this winter, the discretionary income is totally gone for most families... what the hell does have to happen before the word will be used officially??? Thoughts, you good people?

2007-09-14 04:55:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-14 04:37:32 · 12 answers · asked by €$ 1

our local dems are crying foul

Monroe County used $2.5 million in COMIDA funds to lure AirTran to Rochester

News 10NBC just received an audit report by the state comptroller office involving Monroe County and AirTran Airways. The report says Monroe County used $2.5 million in COMIDA funds to lure AirTran to Rochester. The money was supposed to be used for local capital improvement projects. We have a call into Monroe County executive Maggie Brooks, but have not heard back from her office yet.

We have a crew on this story and we'll have more here on our website and also tonight at 5 and 6.

2007-09-14 04:13:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, please post the information here. Thanks.

2007-09-14 04:07:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

And the Republican candidates didn't vote for the war.

2007-09-14 03:11:03 · 8 answers · asked by zooma 3

As much as I dislike Hilary, I really can't denies the fact that she have a very high chance of winning; I mean look at it, the media are all over her, negative or positive, it doesn't matter, she basically has all the attention. I like Obama, but I highly doubt that he could overtake her. Another thing is, I don't think America have a very favorable opinion of the Republican party right now (we can all thanks Bush for that).

In all, her chance is far better than I'm comfortable with, mainly because I don't see anybody that could beat her from the Republican side.

And oh.., lets not forget the fact that American voters aren't very bright(the majority of them anyway)

So do you think the Republican party should just give up on the next election?

2007-09-14 02:42:28 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

The name I was taught for the War in school was "American Civil War." Nowadays, I reject that title because it was not a civil war: the south did not want to take over the US government, it wanted to be free, and I call it the "War Between the States." My wife, a Virginian by birth and a Texan by loyalty, calls it the "War of Yankee Aggression."

I'm just curious as to what other names (if any) are in current usage and how many people use the primary names (Civil War, War Between the States, War of Yankee Aggression) these days.

2007-09-14 01:31:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it was an encore but i just got a chance to watch it last night. I think I have, throughout this war, kinda taken for granted what our Marines and Soldiers actually have to experience over there. It makes me so sad that they come home a mere fraction of what they used to be physically and mentally. I sat there last night and cried because what they go through is absolutely horrific. They all need to come home. Let the Iraqi's blow themselves up without our military personnel having to suffer for it. What are your thoughts about this?

2007-09-14 01:13:00 · 3 answers · asked by Aja 5

Many Republicans keep repeating that the US owns Iraq because "you break it, you've bought it". Do they also believe that Osama bin Laden owns the United States because of 9/11?

(Properly applied, of course, the saying "you break it, you buy it" would mean that the US must pay reparations to Iraqis.)

2007-09-13 21:39:40 · 6 answers · asked by clore333 5

If you support the war in Iraq why not join the military if you are under 43? You can make not greater sacrifice for your country than to join the military IN A TIME OF WAR. Uncle Sam needs you. Please support your country by coming forward and helping out. Talk is not enough right now. This is the first real war in 40 years, so if you have been in but didn't see war join up. We need people who are believers. The National Guard will accept anyone 42 and under in a basically healthy condition. Don't sit on the sidelines be proud and sign up. If you support the war but cannot join up please let us know why.

2007-09-13 21:05:52 · 6 answers · asked by Beertha 2

i was waiting for a package so i called the post office and asked if it was there and she told me it was and i told her i was going to go get it. well i got there and she gave me my package and she told me that next time just wait for the mail-man to deliver it that you arent supposed to pick it up there. is that true? am i not suppose to call and ask if it's there and go pick it up without it being delivered?

2007-09-13 21:01:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it sounds crazy, but there's a new law concerning imposing marshal law if there's a terrorist attack. I think it's vague enough, that there could be a take over.

2007-09-13 19:40:05 · 17 answers · asked by Sarah E M 2

I mean there is so much fuss about area 51 and aliens why dont we gather up about 20,000 people send flyers and add a date to it then meet up at the gate and storm in.

now two things might happend

1. we all get shot- if we did we would have enough reporters to cover the place and the rest of the american public would go chaotic.
2. we get in and see what really is in area 51- we have the right to know anyway. It's under the u.s. constitution

2007-09-13 17:26:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will this help gas prices to come down ? will stocks soar upward like a homesick angel ?Does this mean I can start eating donuts again?

2007-09-13 17:04:29 · 8 answers · asked by (A) 7

what is their jurisdiction as well?

2007-09-13 16:40:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

really understanding what it means.

2007-09-13 16:39:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

after I made it clear in a previous question that Bush was warned in advance about 9/11 (which is why he continued to sit in the Florida classroom looking guilty), I recieved a response by someone, most likely an ignorant liberal, who insisted that Bush continued to sit in the classrom NOT because he felt guilty for ignring warnings about the attacks, but rather because he had not been "told" what to do or how to react. And as if that were not incriminating enough, I am now being told that Bush was TOLD to go to Iraq!!! And yet not only is Bush himself trying to make it look like it was his own decision, but Americans are blaming him for the war. So which is it here? Is it that Bush was told to go to Iraq and he thinks it is a good thing to be there, and therefore he is taking the credit for deciding to do it? Or is it that he decided to go to Iraq entirely on his own, in which case we have a right to blame him for it?

2007-09-13 16:22:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rosie O'Donnell's new "book" outlines here severe mental disorders, going so far to tell how she used a bat to break bones in her body so that she could get attention. This seems to explain, if not justify, her loony left positions. Only someone mentally disturbed could expect to share such information and expect to have any credibility on social issues. She and ex-lesb Anne Heche should get together to form a support group. But her insane and paranoid ramblings on 9-11, Iraq and other political issues should be seen as what they are, the rantings of a disturbed woman in need of therapy.

2007-09-13 16:21:45 · 9 answers · asked by A Plague on your houses 5

Anyone else believe we went to Iraq for the right reasons but we went without a plan, or at least one that covered after we caught Saddam Hussein, and therefore screwed ourselves over?

It seems like it was going well, then we caught Saddam, handed him over, then every one just kind of went blank like 'ah... what do we do now?'.

2007-09-13 16:10:58 · 16 answers · asked by TJ815 4

The respected rights group, Human Rights Watch, released this week a 146 page report two years in the making. Although there are numerous recommendations, the main ones are:

1. take the registries off the internet and only allow law enforcement or those who "need to know" access to information about high risk individuals

2. ban all housing restrictions

3. allow ex offenders reviews to prove they pose little or no risk to society

Much of the report detailed what is already public record such as that most (90% for children and 75% for women) sexual assaults are done by acquaintances,the vigilantism and harassment of ex offenders and families is common, and that there is little scientific or statistical evidence that the punitive measures by the national and state governments actually work to prevent sexual abuse.

Comments anyone? (If you are going to offer some ignorant, nilhistic remark, save it. We've all heard it before and it's old.)

2007-09-13 16:09:13 · 4 answers · asked by Shelley 3

What is your party affiliation?

What was the party of the president when you graduated high school(or during the end of your high school years if graduation cuts too close to an election year)?

I have this semi-theory that most people are the opposite party of the one that was in power when they were in high school because of rebellion. I don't think the rebellion is on purpose but I think in the back of our minds we don't like the way the world is when any of us hit our late teens and unconsciously blame our president and their party.

2007-09-13 15:27:11 · 17 answers · asked by TJ815 4

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