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Other - Politics & Government - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I don't what drugs that pig is using, but give me a break.

2007-04-25 07:11:41 · 18 answers · asked by George D 3


Japan already bans almost all privately owned firearms, with only strictly licensed and registered rifles and shotguns allowed for the privileged few who can afford them. Yet here they are tightening down the controls again because (SURPRISE!!!) criminals used illegally gotten guns to kill a notable person.

Geez, I think that tired old canard about "only criminals will have guns" is quite apropos for this situation. Am I correct?

2007-04-25 06:34:24 · 4 answers · asked by thegubmint 7

i posted a question on why, in my humble opinion, the Cons are always bashing the Libserals on Yahoo! Answers. I was told I was crazy, that Libs do the same; so I took a couple of hours and started scanning various questions and answers, and guess what? Lib bashing seems to lead Con bashing by about 25-1.

I think I'm a lib, not sure nowadays. Here is what I believe and you tell me.

Handguns need to be outlawed. Lot's of countries outlaw them and they have lower murder/violent crime rates.

Freedom of Religion means people shouldn't be subjected to prayer in public schools, public events, or anything relating to the public.

Government should provide some healthcare umbrella.

Women have the right to choose, up to a certain point of the pregnancy.

Christian values don't apply to everyone, otherwise the whole world would be Christian.

Free speach is Free speech, unless it is harmful.

Free Economy boosts national wealth.

So what am I? Please help me!

2007-04-25 06:28:56 · 10 answers · asked by Answerking 3


2007-04-25 02:22:00 · 10 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1

The U.S. Congress is considering limitations on military funding to shape the course of war in the Middle East.

The President considers this improper since it blocks his ability as the Commander in Chief.

Is this new in American history? Are there other examples -- including non-military -- where Congress has limited the Executive's Office to execute work as they see it?

Are there any Supreme Court Decisions concerning this problem?

2007-04-25 01:23:00 · 6 answers · asked by Larry H 1

Both America and Iran say they have 'right' on their side yet it seems to me if you look more closely at both they only seem to have their own wealth and power at heart, if this is the case with every country in the world, then why don't we all just give up the ghost now and have done with it?

2007-04-24 22:55:53 · 6 answers · asked by alias2342003 1

...actually "reported" the news instead of cherry picking the best sales stories. What do you think America would do with the current administration? They certainly got it all out on Clinton, image if 1/5 of everything damning about Bush was actually released to the public. Can you say, lynching? No wait, life in maximum without parole, even better (and cheaper than a legal death sentance at the federal level).

2007-04-24 21:04:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is Ladbroke? Or Will They Be?

2007-04-24 20:48:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-24 20:46:43 · 1 answers · asked by aliah_natasya2003 1

I know what freedom of speech is, but it's appalling how many people think freedom of speech means freedom from social consequences. So here are the questions. I know some idiot with his 12th grade education is going to say something ridiculously racist (because the racists seem to live on here as the one glimmer of hope in their pathetic lives). All others, please answer openly and honestly. And hopefully we can respect each other's answers.

What do you think freedom of speech is?

What kind of world do you think this be if there were no consequences for anything people say?

Why do you think freedom of speech is so widely misinterpreted (usually by the people who make racist comments, or people supporting people making racists comments)?

2007-04-24 20:30:38 · 12 answers · asked by kelly4u2 5

With the bulk of forces in IRAQ, and this new 15month deployment strategy, where each unit will stay at home for at least a year, isnt it so convenient that this military plan seems to be just enough to last until bush's term ends?

Because theres no way that we have the bulk of our force deployed, and now extended, and the bulk of forces will need at least a year -- whichmeans we will have a small group of newly deployed soldiers there to enforce while the bulk of our soldiers come home to rest.

Thats perfectly timed when Bush's term is up -- do the math.

So basically this president has manipulated a plan that carries forth until his term ends, and he really does pass on a troubled plan to the next president.

So much for Bush carrying about the american people.
What a president this guy is huh?

2007-04-24 19:52:42 · 9 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5

Social civics

2007-04-24 19:24:46 · 1 answers · asked by kathyncris 1

or like just escaped Clinton, there will be soldiers left behind to protect Americas interest in the region.

2007-04-24 18:59:40 · 13 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5

2007-04-24 18:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Third graders are forced to memorize the "It Takes a Village" speech.
2. She declares herself dictator.
3. Bill dies in an unfortunate "accident"
4. Consevatives are rounded up for re-education camps.
5. The department of state health care declares all people above the age of 75 will be put under to save social security.
6. Janet Reno comes out as the real father of Chelsea and becomes the new first-transgender-lady after a grand wedding on the white house lawn.

2007-04-24 18:51:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My biggest peave is a president serving America whos truly caring for the people, will stand an face the questions that come his way, instead of running away from questions.

Thats where you know just what this president is all about.
He wont allow questions.
He answered only 2- 2 days ago.

And mostly always gives speeches but wont allow for follow up questions.

It proves he doesnt feel he should be accountable, or the american people dont deserve to be apprised and comforted by their commander

2007-04-24 18:49:59 · 5 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5

Except for the little (R) and (D) behind their names, they might as well all be the same candidate! None of these guys are going to put an end to all these wars in the middle east. They are all in the pockets of AIPAC.

What about the candidates that are actually about some real issues, the issues for regular Americans, and are not just going to pick up where Bush leaves off?

2007-04-24 18:40:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there really a conspiracy going on? Or is it just more motivation for conspiracy theorists to keep finding new conspiracy's and connecting them back to the illuminati?

2007-04-24 17:08:29 · 9 answers · asked by BMD 2

Liberals are always talking about free will and choice. So why are we responsible to rehabilitate crimnals who use their free will to be a criminal. Why don't we just lock them up and throw away the key? Last time I checked we all played by the same rules.

2007-04-24 16:59:32 · 8 answers · asked by Miracle Mets 1

They refuse to acknowledge the fact that Bush has lied to us and is one of the worst presidents in history.

2007-04-24 16:52:34 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the majority of the population were reduced to poverty it would unite us (WAR) against the imperialistic type and could possibly guarantee that people would finally realize the value of the US Constitution that they are so willingly giving up to the elitists.

What do you think?

2007-04-24 16:39:04 · 10 answers · asked by VOTE RON PAUL 2008 2

It seems as though politicians are actually splitting us apart as a country...Hello, there is a war going on that the US citizens are trying to ignore. We should unite as a nation, the great nation we have the reputation to be, and support our soldiers in Iraq.

2007-04-24 15:58:01 · 20 answers · asked by Timotheus is my Roman name (?) 4

the US can win the war?

(oh & the same goes for the Afghanistan/Pakistan border that Al Qaeda & Taliban cross on a daily basis)

2007-04-24 15:52:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm studying for my constitutional law exam and i see those words, i thought i understood them but i dont...what is it exactly?? thank you

2007-04-24 15:26:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

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