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Other - Politics & Government - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-07 04:50:39 · 5 answers · asked by panthrchic 4

The liberals have him pinned aganist the wall.
P/C.... is his guiding light. (now)

2007-03-07 04:49:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


On the thirtieth anniversary of the missile crisis, Cuba protested a machine-gun attack against a Spanish-Cuban tourist hotel; responsibility was claimed by a group in Miami. Bombings in Cuba in 1997, which killed an Italian tourist, were traced back to Miami. The perpetrators were Salvadoran criminals operating under the direction of Luis Posada Carriles and financed in Miami. One of the most notorious international terrorists, Posada had escaped from a Venezuelan prison, where he had been held for the Cubana airliner bombing, with the aid of Jorge Mas Canosa, a Miami businessman who was the head of the tax-exempt Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF). Posada went from Venezuela to El Salvador, where he was put to work at the Ilopango military air base to help organize US terrorist attacks against Nicaragua under Oliver North's direction.

2007-03-07 04:33:20 · 7 answers · asked by Ajax 3

2007-03-07 04:31:40 · 2 answers · asked by Deesa 2


2007-03-07 04:24:55 · 6 answers · asked by Ajax 3

Is it becuase she is fake?
Or is she mocking people?

2007-03-07 03:41:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-07 03:27:48 · 3 answers · asked by AX 2

Welfare costs about 10k a year per person in the united states.
Wouldnt it make more sense to just give everyone 10K every year for life?
It would solve everything and eliminate the HUGE costly government that is doling it out now. And its fair.. the same for everyone.

2007-03-07 03:15:19 · 6 answers · asked by kent j 3

2007-03-07 03:12:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-07 03:01:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't it make sense that if you get a handout from the government you should not be able to vote?
Think about it. If you are poor, and some politician promises MORE money to the poor arent you going to vote for that person? How is that any different from BUYING a vote. Remember it means that the politician is buying that vote with YOUR money.

I apply this to business entrepenuers as well as the poor. If you get a handout you give up your right to vote.

Isnt this fair?

2007-03-07 03:00:58 · 17 answers · asked by kent j 3

I am having a dispute with my local council about how they have and are dealing with my housing case and as I have come to the end of their complaints system they are just pointing me in the direction of the ombudsman people. Are these actually any good or will I be wasting my time as I seem to have done by complaining to the local council??
I fit their criteria to handle my complaint but as I don't know anything about ombudsman or what they do I'd just like some more info of others experiences if they have ever used them for anything.

2007-03-07 02:58:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Criticizing their every move or letting them fight the war, win, and come home.

Don't war critics get that they are only prolonging the war? If the enemy knew the US was united, they would not be so strong. They think they can win because our country is losing a psy-ops battle being waged by the Leftist media! The democrats know that ever soldier who dies can be both lionized and victimized by the media in an effort to demonize Bush.

Supposed Liberal "support" for the troops is nothing more than thinly veiled, and I mean thinly, Bushate.

I say, let the troops fight, kill, shock and awe and everything else they volunteered to do. Let them be safe, deadly, and quick. Then bring them home victors.

2007-03-07 02:51:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-07 02:30:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. They say over 300 women died from cervical cancer...But upon research...only 1 died from cancer caused by these four virses.
2. This vaccine has Not been fully tested!!!!only on 100 women 16-24yrs....in six months......but yet they want to give it to our 10 yr olds?
3. When making this vaccine along with the Chicken pox and Dyphleria vaccine, Merck uses HUMAN EMBRYROs.....Doesn't that make You PRO LIFE people MAD?

5. Manditory vaccines for AIRBORN illnesses are GREAT!!!!!
Manditory vaccines for personal illnesses are questionable!!!

2007-03-07 02:30:06 · 17 answers · asked by LIAR-KILLER 2

Why are cons so scared of socialism? Why not give Hillary a chance?

2007-03-07 02:25:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

they don't know what they're talking about?!?

I said many, not all. Im a woman, but I sure as h*ll don't start a debate on a topic where Im lacking the facts! These "girls" that get their political education from an hour with some bent liberal teacher, and then the rest from Y!A (you know who you are!) are creating a stigma for the rest of us who actually study politics!

Please?! Go back to your "Polls & Surveys"!

2007-03-07 02:24:31 · 8 answers · asked by panthrchic 4

Knowing he'll probably be dead by the time the child is in his/her early twenties. If you think it is OK, do you believe there should be any upper limit at all?

2007-03-07 02:20:00 · 27 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5

2007-03-07 02:13:54 · 7 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7

20,000 people die a year driving to work. I pay taxes and have a family. I have a greater chance of getting cleaved in half by a semi than our soldiers have of dieing in Iraq. Why is my sacrifice any more or less valid.

So far, most of the victims of terrorism, like those in 9/11, have not been soldiers. I am not trying to imply our soldiers aren't sacrificing their lives for their country. I do support them and condemn Walter Reed for having mold in the showers, but I do resent the so called "chicken" hawk mentality that you have to be in the military to have any opinion about the war.

Consider, if I die in a car wreck, my family is no less grieved for me than if I was to die in Iraq, but only my family would consider me a hero. Soldiers who die are lucky, because no matter what they did or how they lived their lives, they are heroes. Consider Lindy England. Had she have died in a prison outbreak and the Abu Grahib pictures never came to light...

2007-03-07 01:59:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe she could make her speech in a corn field too! After all, she just wants to "fit in" right??

2007-03-07 01:53:47 · 9 answers · asked by panthrchic 4

Preventing nuclear attacks and terroristic threats come true? Or abandoning the war in Iraq and bringing the soldiers home?

2007-03-07 01:50:16 · 10 answers · asked by panthrchic 4

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