Yes, Europe is doing great. They all have high inflation, high unemployment, weak military and social programs that are projected to bankrupt their governments in a few short years. What a great model for us to follow!!! Why hasn't someone thought of this before!
2007-03-07 02:28:59
answer #1
answered by JHE123 2
The EU has twice the population than the US and still does not produce produce a GDP comparable to the US. So much for success. There is high unemployment.
Face it socialism means that the government is your mama and it is going to take care of you. Many do not want this. Do you really want medical coverage like Canada. If you are diagnosed with cancer you might have to wait 6 months before you can be treated.
There is no way Uncle Sam can take better care of you then you can yourself. If you really think so then maybe you ought to go live in a socialist state and then answer you own question.
As for Hillary is she black or white, does she have a southern accent, can she say anything that is not a cliche, she has no plan or platform she is running on I have sent many emails to her website and have yet to receive a reply. Hillary will lead like Bill and take a very good economy and plunge it into a recession check stock market history, stop job growth verifiable at the dept of labor, double the size of government can be verified, and then try to tell me how good thing are because the government has a surplus of money. Hope you are looking forward to that....
2007-03-07 02:42:45
answer #2
answered by ken 6
Capitalism is most compatible with human nature. Socialism looks good on paper, and in it's early stages produces some results. The problem is socialists just don't know when to quit. It is always more for the poor , more programs to employ more people in the government, more regulations that take away personal liberty. Eventually socialism becomes oppression, laws are written to enforce codes of personal conduct(hate speech laws, sexual harassment code) Free thought is considered a mental illness(Ann Coulter) An equality of outcome is mandated(impossible to be free in a fair society) All of which is enforced by nameless faceless bureaucrats, unelected and unaccountable to the public. Socialist government eventually Begin to demand service to the state in the guise of education, or tolerance, at the cost of personal choice. Socialism either creates a system that spreads the misery(Cuba) or explodes on it's neighbors(Nazi Germany) Hillary has a chance, I just don't think enough people will buy her lies
2007-03-07 02:39:14
answer #3
answered by 6
Socialism takes control from the people and places in with the goverment. That right there should show you that capitalism is better. Also, socialism does not allow a society to grow and does not give people incentive to accell. Do you see and "new and improved" products or new inventions come out of the UK. No. Do you know why they came out of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was capitalist for a long time. Anything the government gets involved in, it screws up in the private sector arena. It becomes inefficient and expensive. Just look at the DMV. The last point, socialism is for the weak and lazy, which sir, I am not.
2007-03-07 02:30:56
answer #4
answered by Chris B 3
Full blown socialism is not the way to go. Neither is 100% private control of the economy. A mixed economy is the way to go, take Canada for example. Here there are many government owned, regulated, and monopolized markets. Alcohol (beer, liquor, and wine) is sold through provincially owned control boards (such as The Beer Store, and the LCBO in Ontario), healthcare is entirely government owned and regulated (thereby allowing everyone access to free healthcare), and many other services that are privately owned in the US are nationalized (banks, certain passenger rail systems). Before you think we're violating the basic idea of a free market, think about what that gets you - free healthcare that covers any treatment or medication, a more integrated banking system (one thing that bothers me about the US is that my bank card won't work in every ATM, here your card works anywhere coast to coast), and with government trains and bus systems I can travel for cheap. The only sacrifice is that the price of spirits is higher, but that accounts for a decreased rate in underage drinking. Twenty-four beers cost $30 in Ontario, and kids can't afford it. Adults can spend $30 easier.
MIxed economy all the way. Unbridled capitalism just makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
2007-03-07 02:44:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
WELL, you totally forget that in Europe we had to pay and still pay for the developpment of the former communist Eastern Europe.
And it is not their fault if they were communists.
And then it depends... small northern European countries are doing better than the US.
Southern Europe with their latin mentality is doing badly because they are "people from the south", corrupted and not very hard-working.
2007-03-07 07:52:48
answer #6
answered by NLBNLB 6
Have you been to Europe? Do you realize that the US is more successful the all socialist states? You're a very ignorant person and misinformed. You should start reading more and stop listening to bad influences.
2007-03-07 02:31:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Totally, we shall follow the example of the French and their white flag policies. Just a few riots and what not! You are too funny to not be kidding.
2007-03-08 23:53:50
answer #8
answered by 9D4KHP 2
Socialism is inefficient and unfair. Why do you want to surrender your freedom of choice to a bunch of government bureaucrats?
Look at the old Soviet Union. The rich and politicans got everything and the people got nothing.
See the article below:
Socialism Makes People Worse
By Dennis Prager
Throughout much of last week, hundreds of thousands of students in France were angrily protesting.
They have been joined by the major French labor unions, which are threatening a general strike.
And what is this all about?
It is all about a new law in France that allows a company to fire a person under the age of 26, without cause, within two years of being hired.
Wow. Imagine that. You might get fired from your first job.
As it happens, the whole point of the law was to encourage companies to hire young people. The unemployment rate among young people in France is 23 percent. And in many suburbs, it is double that. Meanwhile, French companies are understandably loath to hire 22-year-olds when they cannot fire them except "for cause," which under union rules means something like committing mass murder in the workplace.
What these massive demonstrations reveal is the narcissism, laziness and irresponsibility inculcated by socialist societies.
Enough generations of socialist policies have now passed for us to judge their effects. They are bleak. Socialism undermines the character of a nation and of its citizens. In simpler words, socialism makes people worse.
These young people in France really believe that they should be able to be hired at their tender ages and that a company must not be allowed to fire them from their first day at work (except "for cause," which, as we are learning in America, is increasingly difficult to establish). In America, most of us would call the French young people's attitudes "spoiled."
Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.
Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations -- except to be taxed.
And that is why the citizens of less socialist -- and more religious -- America give more charity per capita and per income than do citizens of socialist countries. That is why Americans volunteer time for the needy so much more than citizens of socialist countries do. That is why citizens of conservative states in America give more charity than citizens of liberal states do. The more Left one identifies oneself on the political spectrum, the more that person is likely to believe that the state, not fellow citizens, should take care of the poor and the needy.
Under socialism, one is not only liberated from having to take care of oneself; one is also liberated from having to take care of others. The state will take care of me and of everybody else.
The same holds true for foreign affairs. Why did the conservative government of Spain support the American war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq and send troops there, while the Spanish socialists withdrew Spanish troops as soon as they were voted into office? Because the idea of risking one's life to bring freedom to others -- or to risk one's life for another nation for just about any reason -- is alien to the socialist mindset.
Similarly, in the great litmus test of moral acuity -- the Middle East -- socialist countries and parties virtually all line up behind the Palestinians. They do so either out of moral confusion or out of cowardice -- it takes a lot more courage to support Israel than to support the Palestinians and the whole Muslim world.
The socialist idea sounded altruistic to those who began it, and it sounds altruistic to the naive who believe in it today. In practice, however, it creates self-centered individuals and a narcissistic society. So while it may have begun as a way to help others, it has come to mean a way of evading responsibility for oneself and for others.
That is why France is so frightened of the utterly rational idea that a young person should have a two-year trial period at work before being granted a lifetime job. Such an innovation in France would mean that young people would have to work hard and earn the right to lifetime employment. But if socialism means anything, it means that one shouldn't have to earn anything. One merely has to breathe.
As much as America has been adversely affected by socialist thought, it is still inconceivable that in America hundreds of thousands of students would shut down their schools in order to gain the right not to be fired by the first company that hires them. But every time America's socialists, the Democrats, prevail in an election, we move in that direction. No matter how pure their motives, the Left makes America and its citizens less noble people, just like the spoiled French students.
Copyright 2006 Creators Syndicate
Page Printed from: at March 23, 2006 - 01:14:32 PM CST
2007-03-07 02:41:44
answer #9
answered by JimTO 2
I've got Hillary's back!
2007-03-07 02:35:29
answer #10
answered by ? 5