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Other - Politics & Government - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-25 05:26:15 · 20 answers · asked by Drop the donkey 2

i want to plz know what role germany played in the Russian revolution, i know that they set up the revolution but later was against Russia, to say how did Lenin come to power , how did Nicholas II and Alexandra die and what happened after WWI lenin wise. Also plz include any important names that i should know like Rasputin his deal and some more people . Please thx Guys

2007-02-25 05:19:12 · 2 answers · asked by Praiser in the storm 5

Or towards border security or towards prescription drug care reform...you name it.

2007-02-25 05:09:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it's time to consider Iraq a lost cause and time to finally withdraw troops?

2007-02-25 04:56:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

you was shown how to bypass the sat tracking device fitted to your car;
would you do it?

2007-02-25 04:31:46 · 8 answers · asked by Drop the donkey 2

2007-02-25 04:22:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Capitalism and socialism are still confronted in our world. In addition, there are religious opinions (obviously more or less interconnected in political opinions, however) which also affect.

Where does all these confrontations lead us? What is our world like in 2020?

2007-02-25 04:06:53 · 19 answers · asked by silberstein_9 3

If the historical origins of a country are the root to its present social and political strife, how does a country take steps to heal and move forward?
I would like to thank everybody for there opinions.
Hav a great day :)

2007-02-25 04:03:37 · 7 answers · asked by johnfisherdude 1

2007-02-25 03:59:05 · 10 answers · asked by Doug C 1

I've always wondered, with Britain having a special relationship with USA - does the EU enjoy the same? Are they friends?

2007-02-25 03:21:28 · 10 answers · asked by warposters 2

WASHINGTON (AFP) - "The gulf between rich and poor in the United States is yawning wider than ever, and the number of extremely impoverished is at a three-decade high, a report out Saturday found.
Based on the latest available US census data from 2005, the McClatchy Newspapers analysis found that almost 16 million Americans live in "deep or severe poverty" defined as a family of four with two children earning less than 9,903 dollars -- one half the federal poverty line figure.
For individuals the "deep poverty" threshold was an income under 5,080 dollars a year.
"The McClatchy analysis found that the number of severely poor Americans grew by 26 percent from 2000 to 2005," the US newspaper chain reported.
"That's 56 percent faster than the overall poverty population grew in the same period," it noted.
The surge in poverty comes alongside an unusual economic expansion."...

2007-02-25 03:00:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Make sure to choose some country with no nukes and virtually no offensive capability. You don't want innocent USA servicemen being hurt while they are just doing their job, do you.

The non proliferation treaty must be supported. If not there is a clear and present danger that the US will run out of easy targets and how is George II going to get re-elected then..

2007-02-25 02:56:17 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-25 02:41:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean how can a a vote by a scientific be the same than a dumb one, a retard, or people with no culture...
It doesn´t seem a very good system to me.

Sorry about the mistakes I´m spanish

2007-02-25 02:32:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070225/ts_alt_afp/useconomypoverty;_ylt=AkXmIVxQ.IWPME0SXu_6wdOs0NUE while corporate profits SURGE

2007-02-25 02:30:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

try to minimise the uneducated politicians and elect the young blood,along with their talents. provide the employment oppurtunity to the villagespeople suffering from starvation and people living inthe country are very honest to their soul and minds which will create the love towards the nation

2007-02-25 02:29:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been said the illegals are taking jobs we won't do. If we truly need millions of legal immigrants to support our economy, how would you proceed in opening up the process?

I don't approve of illegal immigration, but it is most likely a problem we have put upon ourselves with decades of lax enforcement of the law. How do we turn it around and do it better?

2007-02-25 02:12:15 · 2 answers · asked by ? 5

The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, has presided over London as it has (1) Become the World's Number One city (taking over form New York); (2) Won the Olympic Games in 2012 (3) Successfully pioneered road pricing reducing congestion and raising revenues (4) Significantly improved public transport.

Is he Britain's most effective politician by far?

2007-02-25 01:51:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Poverty? War? Social Security? Privatization?

2007-02-25 01:34:04 · 10 answers · asked by Ory O Oreo 3

where they live and who they are

2007-02-25 01:21:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

During the Civil War Lincoln held powers no previous president had wielded; he suspended the writ of habeas corpus and frequently imprisoned Southern spies and sympathizers without trial. His popularity may have been the lowest of any President on record as he was hated in the south and disliked by many in the north. As Lincoln is now considered by many the greatest American President, it shows that popularity and historical greatness are not directly related.


2007-02-25 00:53:32 · 10 answers · asked by turntable 6

sincle the top asain countires have space tech why are the thier reich and it's allies fumeing about it, iran's space prog is only for peacefull and defensive puposes. Thanks to Mother Russia that have helped countires like china, india to have space progs and now they have helped iran with thier space prog, with out Russia these progs would have been years decades away. Remember it was another nazi president called ronald reagan who started the star wars prog so it is that nazi u.s that should be refrianed from useing space as a battle gorund. India is going to launch a space mission to the moon next year all thanks once again to the mighty Mother Russia. Remember it was the new nazi's (u.s) that were the first country to use atomic weapons on civillian targets(japan) and also the first to use chemical weapons (napalm,phopherous,agent orange) on vietnamese civillians and are useing them still to this present day on iraqi's.

2007-02-25 00:28:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are really two essential parts to a leader:

1. Their "people" skills.
2. Administrative skills.

My question is, which is more important?

During the depression, FDR had a clear charismatic approach that inspired hope in people. Both he and Hubert Hoover were less than average administrators and Hubert was probably better. But most would agree that he was the better president by far. Being able to work well with others is very important as is being able to inspire hope. On the other side of the political aisle, we find Reagan in the same category.

On the administrative side, we have people like James Madison (wrote almost the entire constitution). He and other presidents were DOERS more than talkers, but often had trouble getting people to go with them. Washington was similar. Not terribly charismatic, he led by action and example.

Which is more important? Are they equally important? Does the circumstance matter and alter degrees of importance?

2007-02-25 00:15:58 · 6 answers · asked by The_Music_Man 3

supposedly he got cought in his office buying drugs from undercover police...now everyone is saying they should start drug testing teachers and staff as well as students but the government doesn't have enough money...can anyone comment on this?

2007-02-24 23:53:40 · 4 answers · asked by lolabarry 2

Do u think there are Forces at work right now trying to pound salt up our ...noses?

Do u think the Forces that wish to destroy us have been using our own Laws against us?

If so, to what effect?

If not, you are a blind ostrich?

2007-02-24 23:51:21 · 8 answers · asked by ignuusfatuus 2


2007-02-24 23:28:48 · 2 answers · asked by RAGGYPANTS 4

He's shown the country and the world that he is a compassionate and trusted leader who does the right thing. Having built up a huge business empire that provide quality goods and sevices for a fair price, having taken on and beaten inefficient, arrogantly run companies, and helped inspire and support a generation of new entrepreneurs, isn't it time to bring the man into the top job?

2007-02-24 23:12:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The USA loves to preach to the world about how every other country should cut back on its military in the interests of world peace. Doesn't that seem hypocritical while the USA is putting billions into further into its military by keeping soldiers in Iraq, threatening acts of war against Iran and upgrading the USA's own nuclear arsenal.

And now the USA is complaining about China investing more in their own military capability.

Is the USA scared that it will lose its ability to bully every other country in the world when there is a bigger badder boy on the block who the USA has to respect as an equal or even as a superior in military might.

2007-02-24 19:15:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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