i mean lets take a quick look at your history, first you started exterminating the red indains, then the black slaves,then a small number of germans, mostly civillians,the japanese( i mean the two atom bombs dropped on nagasaki and hirosima) dropped on civllians not the jap military,then the koreans over a million civillans killed there,then the vietnamese(dropping phosperous bombs and useing napalm and agent orange on civillians)two million killed there,then the iraqi's (half a million civillians killed through sanctions imposed by the u.s then 650,000 civilians since the invasion of iraq.plus other conflicts you hve got your dirty imperialist paws in, through out the world.america was the first country to use atomic and chemical weapons on civillians so it is they who should be stopped from possesing wmd's and are a threat to world peace.every country has the right to defend itself from america, whether its protecting thier oil as in iraq or iran or other natural raw materials .
39 answers
asked by
the _reporter