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[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Government

2007-12-20 07:48:26 · 1 answers · asked by Alexis R 1

i would like to know how emma goldman fits in with topic "conflict and compromise"

2007-12-20 07:42:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

udi Arabia, Dec 20, IRNA

IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday on Al-Adha Eid Day in Saudi Arabia philosophy of Haj can be defined merely through considering Islam's aim at establishment of a global government.

President Ahmadinejad who had attended the gathering of Iranian Haj pilgrims at the Supreme Leader's Mecca Headquarter focused in his address over the significance of major Haj rituals, the philosophy behind them, and their ultimate objectives.

He said, "If we would delete the ultimate objective of establishing a global system from the Haj rituals, the remainder would be deeds devoid of a soul."
Upon President Ahmadinejad's arrival in Mena, he was received by the Emir al-Haaj of the Iranian Haj pilgrims Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri and members of the Supreme Leader's Mecca Headquarters.


2007-12-20 07:19:01 · 5 answers · asked by grandma 4

Is this a good thing? See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

2007-12-20 06:52:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did it draw people into the revolution. Give me YES and NO

if you can please give me links

2007-12-20 05:28:01 · 8 answers · asked by alnacho10 1

Who really cares if Al Qaeda terrorists are tortured so we can protect millions. If Hillary is elected there will be more secrets than ever in history.

2007-12-20 04:13:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what level of government in Canada is responsible for air travel, telephones and television?

2007-12-20 03:49:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

primaries and candidates, christmas and spending. white house and congress.

life goes on in this country. our military is still in iraq, does anyone care?

2007-12-20 03:33:35 · 20 answers · asked by tomjohn2 4

I'm still trying to figure it out.

2007-12-20 03:22:47 · 17 answers · asked by Gyna 4

trucking the local snow to more expensive land fill sites in the united states,.?

2007-12-20 02:03:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How much dose an elected official cost these days?

2007-12-20 01:38:03 · 7 answers · asked by SKYDOG 3

In charity and politics, Clinton donors overlap
An examination of the William J. Clinton Foundation shows how its fund-raising has fostered potential conflict.

can you please tell me all the conflicts, and basically what it means??

the best answer definetly gets 10 points!
you're a lifesaver!

2007-12-20 01:36:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-19 23:47:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

On Wed. Bush signed an energy bill that would boost biofuel production and raise vehicle fuel economy standards by 40%. This should save more than 4 million barrels of oil per day by 2030. Sounds good? What's the catch? Well by agreeing to this bill the promise that (his buddies) oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, BP, and Conoco Phillips will not have their taxes increased. Once again the agenda is to help serve his interests in letting the oil companies get richer. What are your feelings about this deal?

2007-12-19 17:53:51 · 6 answers · asked by yourmtgbanker 5

does having a social social number that real or ssn makes you automatic legal

2007-12-19 16:26:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm trying to understand this case better, but I'm very confused as to WHO are involved in the case (judge, two opposing sides) what exactly happened and cause the whole case to start and end, and why did it end the way it did. Also I need to understand it timewise, because when the case started Jane Roe was pregnant by the man who raped her, and when it ended, she already gave birth to the child and gave it up for adoption. So how exactly did it happen?
Please give me enough information that I could use in a small play of the case in class with my teammates. Thank you.

2007-12-19 14:56:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

compared to the cost of the Iraq war?

2007-12-19 14:45:39 · 7 answers · asked by gwlandis2 3

Last night CNN en Español aired the above image, which captions at the bottom "Who Killed him?" by "accident". The image of President Chavez with the caption about killing him below, which some could say subliminally incites to assassination, was a "production error" mistakenly made in the CNN en Español newsroom. The news anchor had been narrarating a story about the situation between Colombia and Venezuela and then switched to a story about an unsolved homicide but - oops - someone forgot to change the screen image and President Chavez was left with the killing statement below. Today they apologized and admitted it was a rather "unfortunate" and "regrettable" mistake. Yes, it was.

On a scarier note, an internal CIA memorandum has been obtained by Venezuelan counterintelligence from the US Embassy in Caracas that reveals a very sinister - almost fantastical, were it not true - plan to destabilize Venezuela during the coming days. The plan, titled "OPERATION PLIERS" was authored by CIA Officer Michael Middleton Steere and was addressed to CIA Director General Michael Hayden in Washington.

2007-12-19 14:12:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

NATO countries are failing to "step up the plate" when it comes to Afghanistan, said US Defence Secretary Robert Gates. This failure, he said in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee, puts the entire structure of the alliance at risk of collapse :

I know, as do you, the members of this committee, that if the world’s greatest democracies cannot summon the will to accomplish a mission that all agree is morally just and essential for our collective security, then the citizens of these democracies will begin to question the mission’s worth – and perhaps even the worth of the Alliance itself. We must not allow this to happen.

See link - http://the4thworldwar.blogspot.com/

Question - What are your thoughts ?

Question 2 - Do you believe we need NATO ?

2007-12-19 14:11:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

entertainers were poor and were employed to entertain the rich and the powerful; these days, entertainers are well off, they entertain the masses and employeed--not just chosen.

What political influence caused this change?

2007-12-19 12:54:39 · 4 answers · asked by dollysj 2

2007-12-19 12:52:05 · 7 answers · asked by Robert O 2


Do you think that was a good move, or a harmful one for Ron Paul?

2007-12-19 12:42:11 · 3 answers · asked by Creative Name 3

Healthcare and Pharmacy companies are making billions of dollars with this system. I have seen a documentary call "SICKO" about how are health system works and compare with all the other countries, we are #13 on the list for providing good healthcare for our citizens. Even Cuba has a better system than us, inhaler medicine cost $120 in the U.S., but in Cuba $2.50. Tell me what the ((*&&*(&*(& is going on. If we don't do anything about this, I think we will only work to pay for our healthcare.............................

2007-12-19 12:40:03 · 22 answers · asked by Kyle 2

background behind them. Bart Simpson could be are next president, He is supported by Fox News and he no moral scruples.

2007-12-19 12:12:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

it is now been stated that he has a love child..his lover has been found and is 6 months along...wow..will that put a "crimp" in his campaign?

2007-12-19 11:56:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just started working as a home care provider for my Aunt whos going blind, but we've heard rumors that when she dies the government will take her house! I have no idea as to why they would do this but now she doesn't want any assistance anymore and she really needs it! How can I find out if this really is true??

2007-12-19 11:49:02 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a test in American Govt tomorrow. I was absent for the review today (had a doctors appt). But anyway, on our study guide it tells us this:

Are the following questions a DELEGATED POWER of the national government? If so, is it an ENUMERATED or IMPLIED power? Or, is it a CONCURRENT power held by both the states and national government or a power RESEVERED to the states?

1. Power to declare war and make peace

2. Power to determine rules for citizenship

3. Power to create and support Army and Navy

4. Power to set up a court system

10 pts to the best answer. I tried to answer these myself but am really lost. I wanted to stay there for the review today (where my class went over the answers) but yeah... I need help.

Thanks :)

2007-12-19 11:43:44 · 1 answers · asked by EndlessDark18 2

I have a test in American Govt tomorrow. I was absent for the review today (had a doctors appt). But anyway, on our study guide it tells us this:

Are the following questions a DELEGATED POWER of the national government? If so, is it an ENUMERATED or IMPLIED power? Or, is it a CONCURRENT power held by both the states and national government or a power RESEVERED to the states?

1. Power to regulate commerce

2. Power to collect an excise or sales tax

3. Power to inspect foodstuff

4. Power to establish schools

5. Power to construct roads

10 pts to the best answer. I tried to answer these myself but am really lost. I wanted to stay there for the review today (where my class went over the answers) but yeah... I need help.

Thanks :)

2007-12-19 11:42:21 · 1 answers · asked by EndlessDark18 2