- taxes - internal revenue service which collects taxes in america is a privately owned company { yes u read that right } although the public are lead to belive it is part of the government . in 1863 the bureau of internal revenue was fromed to collect taxation , but in 1933 three members of the prescott/bush family helen and clifton barton and hector echeverria formed the internal revenue tax and audit service registered in deleware . side story - prescott bush is the father of george bush and the grand father of our current president . in 1953 , the original bureau of internal revenue was disbanded , leaving the privately owned internal revenue service to collect all the taxes .
i bet your thinking how did all this get started well my friend , to understand this we have to travel back in time to the first president george washington . { tune in some soothing music } when george washington became president he appointed alexander hamilton as his secretary of the treasury . hamilton introduced the bank to the united states , a privately owned central bank which began to lend money to the newly established u.s. government so creating control by debt { i think you can figure that out } . however the bank of the united states as it was called caused so much poverty , bankruptcy and rebellion that it was eventually closed down , but soon after came its replacement - the federal reserve . interesting to mention the bankers who wrote the bill for the united states bank were hated by the public because of what i mentioned above . however they are the same people that wrote the bill for the federal reserve , and whenever they were in public they vehemently opposed the bill for the federal reserve that they wrote themselves !!! it was clear manipulation as the public hated these guys and they were so unpopular that support for the federal reserve bill increased ten fold . the bill was then pushed threw congress just before christmas in 1913 when many congressman were at home with their families for the holidays . however to ensure an endless supply of funds for the government they introduced the federal income tax bill also in 1913 . they did this very sneaky as they needed an amendment { we know today as the 16th } and that required 36 states to agree . but philander knox , the secretary of state at the time simply announced that the required majority had been achieved and the bill was then introduced . to this day the federal income tax is illegal yet they continually get away with having americans pay .
- side note - there is no law { that's right let me say that again } no law , that says americans must pay federal income tax but they go on paying year after year after year because they think they have to and those that know its illegal do so anyway because they are in fear if they don't . as they would lose their house , business , car you name it .
the federal reserve the so called central bank of the united states isn't federal nor does it have any reserve . the federal government of the united states does not own a single share in the federal reserve and the american people cannot purchase them . profits exceed 150 billion dollars a year and the federal reserve has not once , in all its history , published audit records .
another piece by me , any questions ?
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