Seems to me that, to most Democrats,these elections are more about voting against Bush than about voting for the Dems. What will your guys do differently and what will they give us? Pull us out of Iraq? Fine. Now that 3rd World sewer will fall into the hands of another animal. Give us gay marriage? Hey wonderful. Pedophiles and Polygamists start standing up for your rights, the door is now wide open. Make illegal aliens instant citizens? Great, have a nice slap in the face all of you who came here legally. Universal health care? Oh sweet! Now every hypochondriac out there can go to the doctor as much as they want and I will pay for it!! Hooray!! Cut defense spending? Excellent, make us the World Pu$$ies instead of a World Power. Somebody has to rule this sewer of a world. Bush did the best that he could with the crap situtaion he was handed. We don't need some weenie in the Whitehouse. What will the Dems do for us once they cannot bash Bush anymore?
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