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Politics & Government - 17 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I don't have anything against the police, I just seem to see it happen a lot in the movies, and even in real life where a bunch of wiseguys would shout names like "Pig!" or "Bacon sandwich!" from across the street or at passing cruisers without any fear of being caught. Why doesn't the 5-0 take any action about it?

2007-05-17 12:39:24 · 36 answers · asked by Parashoot! 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

INS estimates that roughly 40% of the illegal immigrants living in the U.S., originally entered the country on non-immigrant visas (such as H-1B, L-1, etc.). These non-immigrants have become "illegal" immigrants by overstaying their visas. These people didn't jump a fence or swim across the Rio Grande, they flew in and entered legally. Building a wall won't change this. Tracking these people would require a national identity card that would have to be presented before many transactions could be completed. In much of the world, for example, one has to surrender one's passport when booking a hotel room or register with the police as a foreign visitor.

2007-05-17 12:39:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-05-17 12:38:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

It almost seems like his spirit has been broken. Do you think he's just tired or is he feeling sorry for himself? Will he last until next January?

2007-05-17 12:36:11 · 12 answers · asked by kappalokka 3 in Politics

The US Army would have a great chance to cleanse this country of filth if they try to revolt.

BANG, and they're gone for good. Imagine how great would that be!

2007-05-17 12:35:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Since the whole mess began more than four years ago, almost 4,000 soldiers lives' were needlessly wasted. The war has since evolved into a brutal, bloody Vietnam-style quagmire. On a daily basis, I hear on the news about many of our troops are being wiped out by the insurgents' best friend-the IED. You know the rest of the story from there. Now do you understand why Bush needs learn this illegal war was a mistake? Would this be the single legacy of the President when "his folly" became a huge flop?

2007-05-17 12:34:55 · 17 answers · asked by brian 2010 7 in Politics

I would like to know if anyone knows for sure if having convictions of assualt and battery, obstruction to justice, disorderly conduct, would be grounds for barring a person from getting a teachers license?

2007-05-17 12:33:35 · 5 answers · asked by moses a 1 in Law & Ethics

They don't make nearly enough for their sacrifice...

2007-05-17 12:31:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-05-17 12:30:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Well folks...get ready...this opens all kinds of doors for law suits, and 'legal' status, from forgieners from ALL over...just a matter of time, before they start screaming 'discrimination:..What say you?

2007-05-17 12:28:24 · 5 answers · asked by MotherKittyKat 7 in Immigration

is the government still oppressive? how do they treat their citizens?

2007-05-17 12:28:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am not saying or implying that it reflects my political beliefs at all. However, I do think it is very funny and Coulter makes many true points and some outrageous ones. Basically, I want to know other peoples views on the anti-liberal book because I am wondering whether they think the same as me

2007-05-17 12:27:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just found out, the guy me and my younger sisters have always seen out walking his dog (he lives across the street) is a registered sex offender, and was released in '95. (he had two counts of child molestation)
I asked my mom, my whole family knows who he is, but she had no clue about it.
Now, shouldn't the cops have warned the people of the neighborhood that he was released and back in the neighborhood?? especially the people who have young kids?!?!
My littlest sister is 12... what if the guy went after her?!?! Are the police at fault for not informing us, so we could warn our little sister & her friends to stay away from him????
This angers me.
I understand he may have learned from his mistakes when doing his time, and I feel no anger towards him...
but there is still the chance that he hasn't changed and could do it again to another young girl. Which is terrifying to think about.
Should I be upset with the police in my town, who are supposed to serve and protect us?

2007-05-17 12:26:33 · 17 answers · asked by MsMonoxide 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I think that it does..it pisses me off....

Nice to know that our government is bending over for the illegals and their supporters...

I sure hope that KY personal lubricant is one of their lobbyist....err...should I say....I hope that KY is sending out free samples....cause were going to need it.

2007-05-17 12:25:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

just processing them will cause us to have to hire people to do the work of keeping them out, as someones gonna have to log them in/out. either way, they are draining resources....just deport them.

2007-05-17 12:22:42 · 7 answers · asked by carolyn n 2 in Immigration

There is so much vitriolic language directed at the "liberals"

They are called wackos, communists, socialists, weak, tax and spend, cowardly etc.

The term liberal within a political context really should mean people who support social change and the general betterment of the human condition. What is exactly wrong with that?

Further it shouldn't and can't automatically be chained with another concept such a socialism or communism. FDR and Harry Truman, for example, were fervent liberals but strictly ant-communist.

And as far as taxing and spending, this is by far not a liberal exclusive trait. The current administration has spent this country almost to point of bankruptcy. Eventually we are going to have to pay the check whish means taxes. Otherwise how does one propose we do it?

Can we get away from name calling and discuss topics in a rational fashion or have we all just succumed to schoolyard bully tactics?

2007-05-17 12:22:42 · 17 answers · asked by rehobothbeachgui 5 in Politics

rather than 'anti-ILLEGAL immigrationists' is both excessive and deliberately 'slanting'?

2007-05-17 12:22:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I suggest that they file a class action law suit, to retain all the billions of dollars they have obviously been bilked out of by the government. what say you?

2007-05-17 12:20:11 · 16 answers · asked by MotherKittyKat 7 in Immigration

if you are arrested...

2007-05-17 12:18:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Why They Fight
American troops don't want to abandon the Iraqi people.
by Jeff Emanuel
05/17/2007 12:00:00 AM

THE DEBATE ABOUT the war in Iraq often focuses on America's national security, other countries' opinions of the United States, "what is best for the troops," and, of course, the Bush administration. Only on the rarest of occasions is lip service paid to those who will feel the effects of our decisions on the war most immediately, most acutely, and for the greatest length of time--the Iraqi people. At the end of the day, Americans can, in the short term, simply click off their television sets and forget about the situation in Iraq. For the men, women, and children living there--and the American soldiers fighting for their security--no such option exists.

While in Baghdad, I spoke with many soldiers about the current situation and the effect of the American political debate on their lives and actions. Though their views, like those of American civilians, span the spectrum of possible opinions, most of the troops I met had one thing in common: an understanding that the Iraqis need our help--at least in the near term.

"'It would be a disaster if you leave now'," said Lt. Colonel James Crider, Squadron commander of the 1-4 Cavalry ("Quarter Cav"). "I've had several Iraqis tell me that. They want us here--not forever, but for now, until they can take care of themselves."

"I had people coming up to me as we patrolled the neighborhoods saying, 'We heard you were leaving!'" another officer with Quarter Cav told me. "They don't understand our process; they don't know that this is just rhetoric, or that it will be vetoed. All they know is that the leaders of our Congress said that it's a lost cause, and that our government has voted to pick up and go home."

Such statements by America's political leaders are "terrible," an Army public affairs officer told me. She continued, "I understand political posturing and all that but it really is terrible. If the war is lost and we need to go home, then why do we need to stay here five more months, when I could die or my friends could die before we go home? The war is either over or it isn't; this just doesn't make sense. . . .What we want is to keep helping the people here. The people at home who say these things, they don't understand that these are people who have to live here after we leave, whatever the situation is. These people and the things that happen here aren't real to them, and they can't understand unless they've been here and seen it."

Like many Americans at home, there are some soldiers who would like nothing more than to see the United States end its involvement in Iraq as soon as possible. There are many more, though, who, having established a presence on the ground, and having spent time among the people of Iraq, want to see this mission through to its successful conclusion, not only for America's sake, but for the sake of the people of Iraq whom they have gotten to know during their time in country.

I had a remarkable conversation to this effect with a bespectacled infantry captain, who was on his second tour in Iraq and had been there since just before Gen. Petraeus's confirmation as the new head of MNF-I. We spoke at length about the war, and about the differences between his first tour and now. I asked what he thought about the mission in Iraq, and what he thought our prospects for success were. Gazing pensively at the ground, he took a moment to collect his thoughts, and said, "Well, politically, staying here probably isn't the best decision." Given the situation at home, he added, "winning here seems less possible all the time, even though we're now doing what it is we probably should have been doing all along." Moving on from that moment of near despair, he paused and glanced up, looking earnestly at me through his thick, military-issue glasses, and said, "There's not a single one of my soldiers who doesn't look at the neighborhood we're in, look at the children there, and not want to do whatever they can to give these kids as bright a future as possible. We want to finish this job, and we know we can do it."

Another obstacle to success, though, is the Iraqi people themselves. "What has to happen here," one noncommissioned officer told me, "is that the Iraqi people have to take a chance, risk their lives, and stand up against al Qaeda and everybody else. Once they decide that they want freedom and peace, and want to work with us, then it will all be over. . . . It's easy to live as a coward. If they want to be free, they will have to take the risk."

That risk has finally been taken by a good number of the people in Anbar Province, an area that has seen a turnaround in the past six months that has been nothing short of remarkable. It is happening in a somewhat different way in southwestern Baghdad, in the district of Abu Dischir, where, rather than throwing out the large number of Sadrists present in the area, the people have learned to coexist peacefully both with the sectarian militias and with the Coalition.

Once the example set by these areas is followed by regular Iraqis in all of the other boroughs, quarters, and districts--once the Iraqi people, who are accustomed to being under the thumb of a tyrant, decide once and for all to stand up for themselves--then this war can finally be won, and al Qaeda, the Sadrist hardliners, and the other violent sectarians can be driven out. But only if the American and Iraqi governments maintain the will to do so.

Both sides will have to live with the consequences if the wrong choice is made. The belief amongst so many of the troops I spoke with is that these people deserve a chance at a better way of life, and that we should continue to do everything we can to help rebuild and secure this nation and to smash those who would destroy what the Iraqi people are building.

That after so much work and so much bloodshed we ought now to abandon the Iraqis to their fate is a notion held by almost no one I've encountered here in Iraq; rather, it appears that such ideas are much more common on the home front. What the troops, and the Iraqi people, appear both to want and to need is the support and the resources that will allow them to establish a free and secure state--and, more than anything else, the time to do so successfully.

2007-05-17 12:14:25 · 16 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

Do YOUR lives change at all? No.... so when even care? Let them be happy.

2007-05-17 12:12:38 · 13 answers · asked by pinklips 1 in Law & Ethics

My nephew was arrested yesterday after a guy punched him in the back of the head, rendering him unconsious and continued to beat him. This happened in my nephews yard .The guy said that my nephew had "come out of" his homeboys house. The police arrested my nephew on suspicion and let the other guy go. No charges have been filed, but he is apparently being held for the 72 hour time limit. The guy also hit my niece, and the police told her she could not file charges, and they were not concerned with the assault on my nephew. My big question is, how can someone come onto your property and beat the crud out of you and not be held liable for his actions when he admitted to it and the guy that was assaulted go to jail on suspicion. It's my understanding the assault is illegal, no matter the circumstances.

2007-05-17 12:08:30 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

would that required them to pay taxes
so that means they will paying for there kids education, welfare and all that stuff
so that ends that problem
they are now responsible for there future no more mochiing on americans
and dont say thats unfair for legal immigrants
im a legal immigrant and i beleved that will resolve the problems

2007-05-17 12:07:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Specifically, are there any in eastern Europe?
I have found such laws (and all the others) in the USA have become increasingly intolerable and would like to migrate (with my guns) elsewhere!
Thank You, M.M.

2007-05-17 12:06:12 · 4 answers · asked by M M 1 in Law & Ethics

Okay here it is...employers must be cringing right now, because when the immigrants become LEGAL...they will be elegible for insurance, retirement plans...minimum or equal to scale pay on construction jobs, etc..so what do you think...are employers going to go back to American *white guys*..sorry, that is just what it is...or are they going to keep hiring legals now...I think that the illegals are going to regret this move. What say you?

2007-05-17 12:05:43 · 5 answers · asked by MotherKittyKat 7 in Immigration

My two senators in Georgia, both Republicans, are standing with this possible legislation. They WILL NOT get my vote next election cycle if they follow through with their support. I'm quite sure many of my fellow constituents will feel the same way.

I wonder this though. How many Democrats in Mass. that are against this proposed legislation will do the same against Teddy Kennedy, one of the authors of this proposal? How about the Dems in Nevada against Reid? How about when it goes through the House. We all know Pelosi is for open borders. Will Dems hold her accountable?

2007-05-17 12:01:35 · 22 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5 in Immigration

They missed me with abortion,
Their taxing me to death,
When I finally retire, they'll try to euthanize me,
Don't Democrats just kill ya ?????

2007-05-17 12:00:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-05-17 11:59:53 · 2 answers · asked by mir 1 in Law & Ethics

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