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Politics & Government - 1 February 2007

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2007-02-01 06:39:59 · 13 answers · asked by jacob7891 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Recently Senator John McCain (R) AZ has questioned General George Casey and challenging the general on what is happening in Iraq. Does McCain have the audacity to think he knows more about battlefield tactics and about the details of the Iraq quagmire to be in a position to criticize a general who was there and who needed to make decisions. Senator McCain may not approve of the handling of affairs in Iraq and certainly has the right to question General Casey but to make statements that seem to discredit the general and his decisions when McCain wasn't there at the time with the general when decisions were being made.

2007-02-01 06:39:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-02-01 06:39:33 · 6 answers · asked by Wise Guy 3 in Politics

to pander to the Muslim-American voters? Afterall, Billy-boy pardoned 14 members of the Puerto Rican FALN terrorist group (responsible for 130 bombings in the US between 74-83.) Former US attorney DiGenova remarked, "Let me just say, categorically, the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political benefit to the president's wife. There is no justification for those pardons." Frank Pastorella-a man blinded by a FALN bomb said, "This is really pandering to the Hispanic community."

So--are pardons in the future for the animals who want us dead?

2007-02-01 06:39:11 · 9 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-01 06:38:13 · 4 answers · asked by nina r 1 in Immigration

I do.
If they have 1 child it is one too many but okay...
If they have 2 - they go to foster care until she can provide for them.
3 strikes and you are OUT! Sterilization.

I had 4 kids and I can afford 4 kids. We pay for all their expenses and their college educations. WHY should I pay for some crack additct sleeze bag's kid to sit in jail because he was never taught right from wrong? Yes - harsh - but it's the truth! NOT PC Crap!

I can't wait to hear what the liberal abortion crowd thinks of my idea? Abortion/killing OKAY but not sterilization...

2007-02-01 06:36:16 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He's a prowler that breaks into my house every April. He's 6 feet tall and has a cotton ball growing out of his butt.

2007-02-01 06:36:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Has something changed a lot from the past?
Have women the same rights as men have?

2007-02-01 06:34:48 · 11 answers · asked by Tanya 1 in Law & Ethics

Would anti-war left still call for a diplomatic solution? Would the Jew-haters celebrate? Would those who bash Israel for defending herself admit they were wrong?

2007-02-01 06:32:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This morning I saw a question regarding a Senior Syrian who had defected or simply left Syria . He states that Syria has been hiding Iraq's WMD's and Long-range missiles . Both were part of UN Resolutions . He mapped out the exact coordinates of where they're located . I believe it was 3 sites in Syria . The asker had a link to the story and I read it . And NO it wasn't Fox News . Not that I would dismiss it, but we already know that many Dems/Libs would .
Also doesn't anybody REMEMBER the reports and EYE-WITNESSES from a few days before the war started, when there was credible info and satelite imagery of convoys of trucks leaving Iraq, crossing into Syria, and going to the Bekka Valley, only to be guarded for months by the best brigade Syria has . Incidentally, this was in no man's land, in the middle of the desert, and militarily speaking, there's not really any other reason that Syria would send and leave their best brigade in the middle of nowhere.

Can you find a link ?

2007-02-01 06:31:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My father was murdered in 1980 in Sacramento, Ca. I discovered how this happened through microfiche research of newspaper archives.

Around midnight he had been chased down in his vehicle and "blugeoned" to death. It was an unsolved case for most of that year until an anonymous tip pointed to two men who were bragging about how they "beat an asian to death." The final newspaper article I have says that one individual had been sentenced to two years for involuntary manslaughter. I spent my life without a father and he gets two years. How is that a fair sentence?

2007-02-01 06:31:24 · 8 answers · asked by Kim C 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-01 06:30:14 · 5 answers · asked by k Marx ii 3 in Government

2007-02-01 06:28:57 · 4 answers · asked by Milky 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-01 06:28:49 · 3 answers · asked by whoknewneu 1 in Law & Ethics

It would appear the press reported years ago, Exxon ordered to pay 5.4 billion in damages . To wit they set aside the money in an interest baring investment account and went to war trying to reduce the settlement .They are currently arguing that any punitive judgment should not exceed 25 million . As of December of 2006 the 9th circuit court had already reduced it to 2.4 billion which Exxon is still arguing over . Bush has given Exxon Billions in tax credits while Exxon still refuses to pay out for its clean up and damage to the fisheries in the sound area . Conservative responsibility no doubt in action here .

2007-02-01 06:27:13 · 5 answers · asked by -----JAFO---- 4 in Politics

Friend of mine was in a car with someone when they were smoking pot. My friend got out of the car and was walking to his car when a cop car pulled up. The cop got out of his car other guy rolled down his window, cop said he smelled pot and had pc to search the car. Other guy said pot and pipe were his only and only he was smoking. They detained my friend who said it wasnt his and that he didnt smoke. He kept asking to call his dad who was a lawyer and they said he could in a second. 20 mins later they wanted to sign an affidavit. He kept asking if he could talk to a lawyer 1st and they didnt answer him. They then placed him under arrest for obs. of justice, handcuffed and put him in cop car, took his keys and searched his car for 30 min and found nothing. At jail report said he was charged same as other guy poss and parephenalia, report said other guy and my friend both said they were smoking, no mention of obs. of justice charge, seach of friends car, lots of other lies, Can he sue?

2007-02-01 06:26:42 · 7 answers · asked by David G 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

As America has learned from Lincoln and FDR, a successful wartime leader displays six key traits: credibility, patience, bipartisanship, communication with opponents, appeals to reason and a focus on the overall mission,,Does Bush have any of them?

2007-02-01 06:25:19 · 20 answers · asked by JS 3 in Politics

How many of you all miss CoCo's curry?
How did you order it?
Me it was
level 3-4 standard rice, chicken cutlet, cheese, cream croket, and spinach mix. Damit I'm having withdraws again and its been 4 years.

2007-02-01 06:24:56 · 2 answers · asked by striderknight2000 3 in Military

had anything good to say about our country, maybe then folks would be more apt to listen to their opinions? What say You?

2007-02-01 06:24:50 · 17 answers · asked by Rich S 4 in Politics

going around apologising to the Muslim community and handing out leaflets in the Birmingham area where the suspected terrorists where nicked..what have they got to apologise for..doing there job...what a load of bollocks..unbelievable.

2007-02-01 06:23:24 · 4 answers · asked by ? 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-01 06:20:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


It is pointless to argue about Illegal immigration in any forum because you are not going to change the mind of an illegal or their legal but supporting spouse or their legal relative or any supporter of an illegal. And if you do agree then what do you suggest that people who do not support illegal immigration can legally do that might remotely be effective because I dont know about you but I SURE AS HE LL WONT STOP TILL THEIR GONE OR IM DEAD

2007-02-01 06:19:55 · 14 answers · asked by bosgrove 1 in Immigration

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