Yes, and it's now!
And, I don't think you need to be a crack addict to qualify. Anyone who is leeching off of us working people should not be allowed to create even more mouths for us to feed.
The system is severely damaged and needs to be fixed. I have the perfect solution that won't leave anyone out in the cold.
1 - Everyone who is now on welfare can stay on for as long as the current law allows. No decreases to what we give them, no increases.
2 - From this point on, no one is allowed to join the welfare roles. No one. You know now that if you get knocked up at 15, you'll have to deal with it - not us!
3 - Anyone who finds themself in a bad situation can be part of a new program that helps you get your life together, but does NOT give you your own home, spending cash, and all the other perks of being on welfare. You live in a communal area like a college campus. Meals are provided and clothing is donated. There is no television or cable TV. You need to spend your time educating yourself so that you can go get a job and support yourself.
There are free classes and training centers that you MUST attend every day until you obtain enough skills to get a job. In addition, you have chores that must be done, or you are kicked out.
You receive NO cash. All of your needs are taken care of at the center. If you are caught with cash on you, you're kicked out. If you have a way to get cash, then you don't need our help.
How can you be more fair than that?
2007-02-01 06:38:40
answer #1
answered by FozzieBear 7
I, personally, think that one child is too many for a crack mom. Social services should remove any and all children from drug abusing mothers and place them with caring parents. It is very difficult to get welfare if your children were taken away. I don't agree with sterilization (or abortion, for that matter).
If a child is born with traces of drugs in their system (this includes fetal alcohol syndrome), the child should be immediately removed from the custody of the mother. A DNA test should be done to determine paternity. The child should be placed in foster care and the father should be required to pay child support until the child is adopted. The mother, on the other hand, needs to be arrested and jailed.
Just my 2 cents...
2007-02-01 07:35:48
answer #2
answered by john_stolworthy 6
"We pay for all their expenses and their college educations."
- We need to stop stealing from one person and giving the money to another. Then you won't have to worry about being forced to pay for crack kids to go to college.
"WHY should I pay for some crack additct sleeze bag's kid to sit in jail because he was never taught right from wrong?"
- Stealing from others (through taxation) does not send him the right message. Government steals to provide him with stuff he doesn't want, so he steals to get the things he does want. Same process, different outcome.
"3 strikes and you are OUT! Sterilization."
- When faced with being spayed like an animal, people will just have more abortions.
"Abortion/killing OKAY but not sterilization..."
- You just need to look at who is forcing their rules on someone else.
- Abortion - my body, my choice
- Anti-abortion - my body, your choice
- Sterilization - my body, your choice
"I can't wait to hear what the liberal abortion crowd thinks of my idea?"
- I am in the conservative abortion crowd. Do-gooders, meddlers, bible-thumpers, government bureaucrats, and anyone else who wants to tell everyone else how to live should piss off.
2007-02-01 06:51:05
answer #3
answered by MinstrelInTheGallery 4
Some people slip through the cracks of society in one way or another. I see your frustration tough as well. Not all crack welfare moms are from abusive torn backgrounds. Some are just plain " lazy crack moms " who want to abuse the system at other tax payers expense. I think that welfare is okay. As long as once the person gets a job. They pay back what they got from the system that helped them through their down phase. If they don't want to pay it back. Then, valuable property seizures(their jewlery,BMW's and electronics) Until they pay it off.You should have the right to say your true opinion in a democratic society without being verbally assaulted by others. I've noticed some of the others verbally assaulted you. Even if others don't like it. They don't have to threaten you for what you said or jump the gun. Maybe forced deportation of people who abuse the system for prolonged time, outside your countrie's borders is a little less invasive than forced sterilization ? Howabout giving them a free boat ride to Haiti,South Africa,Mongolia,China or Afghanistan if they don't think it's a privilidge living in America ? China and India their governments are already semi eugenics nations. I'd like to see the people who accused you of being Hitler or a pig to fly to China and say that face to face to the Chinese authoroties who enforce forced abortions. But, those people who called you a pig or Hitler are cowards.
Maybe you will think about what you said and re-think it. I don't fully agree with your ideas. But, we're all just humans who slip,screw up,make mistakes etc. from time to time and you are couragous for asking such a question. Which crosses at least some peoples minds. But, unlike you. They're too affraid of facing the crowd.
Forced Sterilization was mandatory in Germany for some time after the Nazi Party came to power. People were sterilized for petty crimes. That's beyond insane.
I can understand sterilizing someone like Charles Manson,Jeofry Dahlmer or people who are sadistic like that.
Wait a minute, Didn't one of those Menendez brothers who killed their parents. Didn't the California Judicial-prison system allow him to have a girlfriend,sex with her and a child knowingly ? Yes,I think they did. That too is beyond insane and a reflection of the American hypocritical mentality. Which so outrages all of the people with morals in the world. Most of them live outside of America. Since,most Americans are too busy watching Football,Baseball,stock market & celebrity scores.
2007-02-01 14:55:16
answer #4
answered by sandwreckoner 4
I'm a Pro-choice Democrat and I like your question. I'm against government welfare and I think it should be abolished because it enslaves people rather than helping them. If a woman is on crack and has two children, she should be sterilized! Also, welfare recipients should be required to work at least a part-time job. Let's help those who help themselves. We should've sterilize women on crack using welfare a long time ago. Is not PC but is the truth.
2007-02-01 09:40:14
answer #5
answered by cynical 6
I think you are absoutely right !
It galls me that people think forced sterilization is immoral, yet having kids that you cannot afford to feed, clothe, and give medical care to is not...there is little difference between having a lack of self-responsibility and living a life of immorality in this sense.
Why is it that people think that I have some kind of responsibility to take care of someone elses kids? It wasn't my choice to bring them into this world. If you cannot provide for the children you already should NOT BE ALLOWED to have any more. It makes me so mad that my children go without things because other people aren't responsible enough to THINK before they act.
Personally, I think it should be law and we should be required to have a licence to bear children..a licence that dictates that if we cannot provide for them in the correct manner that we cannot have them. If we can force people to purchase vehicle insurance in order to drive..why can't we force them to purchase medical insurance too? Children should not be a right..they should be a privelege and it should be important that we prove we are responsible enough to have them before we actually do.
I realize that a lot of people have problems with this way of thinking...but I would hasten a guess at the fact that most of those people either pay very little in taxes, have no children yet, are already taking gov't help, or spent their entire childhoods eating free gov't cheese and are used to the taste of it. If you don't fall into any of those categories..and you're middle/middle upper/upper class..then I suggest you go donate every penny you have to those who have less than you...only when you have done this do you have any right to berate me for being unkind.
As for adoption...the number of babies born to families who cannot support them is far, far higher than that of people seeking children because of infertility issues. Few people want to give up their unborn or newly born children for adoption, and most people that seek children want babies, not two or three year olds that already have problems. Contrary to popular belief there is not a large market for children born to drug addicted parents, only a few people out there have the capacity and the inclination to take in such kids.
So, I wholeheartedley say YES to the sterilization of welfare crack moms..afterall..when was it that their rights to bear children became more important than my right to do what I want with the money I earn?
2007-02-01 08:14:14
answer #6
answered by KED 4
The Supreme Court already upheld it is OK to euthanize and sterilize woman if it is for the good of business or investors.
it's the 1920 case Buck v Bell.
This Redpublican base law has been on the books for almost 100 years. I guess it has slipped from the popular "No child left behind curriculum?
Go big Red Go
2007-02-01 07:24:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, can't go there with you... I have four children also, two are my biological kids and the other two were born to a woman who abused drugs. The real issue is make it easier for people to adopt children in our own country. There are lots of folks out there that desperately want children. I understand your frustration, but obviously you realize that sterilization is not the answer.
2007-02-01 06:54:38
answer #8
answered by polly j 2
What about lower income non-welfare families that make barely enough to feed and clothe their children but can't afford health insurance or to save for college education. You want to pass a law to sterilize them to?
2007-02-01 07:01:54
answer #9
answered by az grande 2
How about we take it upon ourselves to teach these children right from wrong?
Or is the message from the anti-choice crowd still:"we are a culture of life until the actual birth, then you can sink or swim"?
Plus, manditory sterilization is kind of evil.
2007-02-01 06:54:17
answer #10
answered by Schmorgen 6
Yes, I think they need to be sterilized. Also mothers that are on Welfare, bleeding the system and having kids every year need to be cut off after the 2nd kid. They are just doing it to get more money year after year and the Stupid system is letting them get away with it!! Why should our tax dollars support them?
2007-02-01 06:46:39
answer #11
answered by idaho_native57 3