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Politics & Government - 25 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What do YOU think is that answer which is blowin' in the wind?

2007-01-25 06:50:36 · 14 answers · asked by musiu_1955 3 in Military

The drug companies charge so much because of this insane amount of money they pump into a drug before they can even sell it..... on top of that about 80% of drugs don't make it through development and the company loses all the money..... How then do we drop the price of drugs without dropping the price to develop them?

2007-01-25 06:50:19 · 3 answers · asked by slov72 2 in Politics

how much time do you usually serve when you have your parole revoked for the first time

2007-01-25 06:48:58 · 5 answers · asked by Tonya K 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

since basically they are looking for us to elect them into the job they want, I would really like to see a resume for the candidates.

2007-01-25 06:48:19 · 11 answers · asked by badneighborvt 3 in Elections

I am a democrate and truely love Bill Clinton. However, Hilary is no Bill. As the Democratic Presidential candidate, I believe that she will almost guarantee the Republican a victory in "08.

2007-01-25 06:47:43 · 10 answers · asked by crownmecca 3 in Elections

If America really values democracy, why was a democratically elected Iranian prime minister toppled and the Shah installed? If Hamas is chosen by the majority of Palestinians to govern them, then why does America question that decision? If America values Democracy why does it have friendly relations with some autocratic regimes like the Saudis while going to war with the Iraqis? The obviously contradictory policies are responsible for America losing respect around the world.

2007-01-25 06:47:34 · 8 answers · asked by americanwellwisher 1 in Government

McCain for being too old, HClinton for being a woman many don't like, Obama for being inexperienced and black and heavy smoker, Guliani for marrying too many times, or Romney for being Mormon?

2007-01-25 06:46:19 · 20 answers · asked by thefedd 1 in Elections

that the girl could be adopted?

2007-01-25 06:46:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

So far so good

2007-01-25 06:45:30 · 16 answers · asked by bastardo 2 in Politics

I mean seriously, why not? i can see not legalizing crack and meth and other drugs like that. The government could make a KILLING of taxing marijuana. so many people smoke in this country, and all across the world. We are one of the few places i have ever been to where they can arrest you for smoking a joint. They dont even look at you funny when you smoke in canada or costa rica, or europe (some places). I just cant think of any real reason not to legalize and/or decriminalize it. please, i would love to see the reasons people have not to.

2007-01-25 06:45:10 · 13 answers · asked by alexazaria 2 in Law & Ethics

It seems to me that people are more willing to elect an inferior candidate for president for the sensationalism of having a woman prez and making history than electing the best person for the job.

Is this a joke?

2007-01-25 06:44:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I would like to read the answeres from the guys who are not blonging to any type political party's.

Pls give me the comparison if someone knows about other region (US,EU&UK)politicians...

2007-01-25 06:43:31 · 6 answers · asked by ramesh 1 in Politics

Anyone recall her "Master Health Care Plan" when she and Bill were in DC?
Hey... why don't we take no money home and everything will be free????

She's got my vote.

2007-01-25 06:43:28 · 11 answers · asked by ignuusfatuus 2 in Elections

ok i requested a discovery because i got a ticket and the officer said he was pacing me and that i was going 88mph but only wrote 80mph and said if i contested the violation "i will testify you were driving 88mph" so to me that sounds like intimidation. So anyways i decided to contest it since i really wasnt speeding and how can he rely on his speedometer and how can i be sure he didnt speed up to catch me and use that speed? anyways i requested the calibration of the patrol vehicle along with other relevant items and it turns out they dont have any calibration records for the patrol unit becuase it supposedly "new" so my question is what should i request as discoery because i doubt it is new . And even if it was new and had a couple thousand miles on it it should be calibrated. Ohh and on the letter they sent me it also said that the speedometer was calibrated by the maker of the car... What do you guys think i should ask for it seems a little fishy to me....

2007-01-25 06:43:11 · 6 answers · asked by 06tiburon 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-25 06:43:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

And harrass them. I know someone, who has, admittedly, been a bit of a pest, but his worse crime has ever been drunk and disorderly. He is an ex squaddie, suffering ptsd, and is now in rehab, but every thing that occurs, the police pull him up, even for a burgalry, committed miles away. He gets stopped in the street, when minding his own business, and locked up, only to be released, proven innocent. His solicitor is going up the wall, he needs help, not constant harrassment, he is at the end of his tether, he is trying to put his life back together, but is always being picked up, and even ridiculed by the local police, taunted, if he says something back, they arrest him. How can this be allowed to happen, and it does, beleive me, this guy is in turmoil, are you aware, that this goes on. Or do you beleive everything the police tell you, just because, they are police officers?

2007-01-25 06:42:58 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

When I signed the contract I was concerned they would not renew (it's a pain in the *** to move house with two children), and I didn't quite know what I was getting into, as i was moving from spain for a two year contract. Now, I'm changing jobs, and moving to London, so I have 12 months left in the contract. What can I do? Can I ask the landlord to put it on the market? Please help

2007-01-25 06:42:07 · 12 answers · asked by rafa1702 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-25 06:41:24 · 7 answers · asked by ? 4 in Elections

The Canada-modeled Hillarycare we were offered in the 90's was a joke. Fortunately, America thought better of it and saved itself from the greatest policy travesty since Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Since then, we've seen Health Canada all but collapse under the weight of its own bureaucracy, while American healthcare continues to be the best in the world. Meanwhile, government programs such as Medicare Part D and private programs such as the Partnership for Prescription Assistance are bring preventative and therapeutic drug coverage to tens of millions of previously uninsured or underinsured Americans. The "problem" has been solved, all without the extremist socialist policies of the American Left -- so why are we still having this discussion? Simple: poverty pimps and class warfare junkies know that entitlements, even when not necessary, are an easy ticket into power. Hillary and her ilk know how to breed government-dependent voters; the question is, at what cost?

2007-01-25 06:40:59 · 26 answers · asked by Str8ShootR 3 in Politics

2007-01-25 06:40:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It seems strange to me that anyone would join and then not answer one question. Yet, she graced us with a query, even though a good one with expressed good intentions, and hundreds have responded. Maybe her time is too valuable to have any real exchange with we mere peons? Maybe a staffer of hers entered her question in her behalf to just get her name in front of another audience of potential voters? Maybe she will answer this question? Maybe I am too cynical about politician's motives? Mayhaps I'll get a few interesting responses? Your turns.....

2007-01-25 06:39:19 · 11 answers · asked by Nightstalker1967 4 in Politics

Is there any way that the family of and under legal drinking age person who was allowed in a public bar, can file a suit against the establishment? If so, what type of attorney would I need to seek help from?

2007-01-25 06:38:50 · 6 answers · asked by T'sWife 1 in Law & Ethics

With the Clintons and the Bushes it seems we have become a democratic monarchy. Spouses, siblings ( sorry Jeb ) and first generation descendents should not be able to hold the same political office.

2007-01-25 06:38:41 · 20 answers · asked by Robert R 2 in Elections

The question that yahoo answers has here from her is about Health Care. When she was First Lady, Health Care was one of her pet projects, and she worked hard although unsuccessfully to try to develop a comprehensive health plan for all Americans. My question here is what has she done SINCE her term as first lady to work on this cause? Anyone from New York with knowledge, or anyone else that knows what she has done, please answer. I personally like Hillary, but I hope that she isn't trying to make this into a political issue that she has ignored for almost 7 years now!

2007-01-25 06:38:31 · 10 answers · asked by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6 in Politics

at terrorism? and that he did nothing to keep the country safe? and that he didnt take obl into custody because he didnt think he had a "legal reason" to do so.

shouldnt he watch a real man like cheney calmly dissect all wolfe bitz's silly accusations and learn from it?

is that the same kind of face he gets when hes about to attack a woman?

2007-01-25 06:38:30 · 5 answers · asked by my name is call me ishamael 1 in Politics

2007-01-25 06:36:39 · 15 answers · asked by wehelpamerica 1 in Elections

when democrats talk about universal healthcare, hard working people will pay more to cover freeloading leaches?

2007-01-25 06:36:02 · 8 answers · asked by Philip McCrevice 7 in Other - Politics & Government

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