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Politics & Government - 17 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

what should I do tomorrow? Go to work as normal or something completely different?

2006-09-17 11:39:01 · 9 answers · asked by Essex Dweller 1 in Government

think about why anybody would give up such perfect land?

does anyone really know how we got it?

how much did we pay for it? was it a good deal

who lived here before the u.s. "bought" it?

2006-09-17 11:38:51 · 20 answers · asked by snowteller 3 in Immigration

I was ranting and raving about my opinion on muslims and my question was cut from yahoo answers. Yahoo is taking the same steps toward the post-soviet union as did Russia which set them in a time warp maybe 50 years back.Hilary and her gang, Clinton, Schumer, Berger they all wanted nothing more a few days ago but for abc to remove their 9/11 supposed docudrama from air. Do you people realize what I'm saying. They were trying to control the media, thats what communism does and thats what Kim jong Il does. So why can hundreds of idiots talk about garbage and filth like stealing, murder and pornography yet I can't excersice my freedom of speech? Yahoo!, that was communism. I hope you/re happy. Please tell me what you think, no no. Tell yahoo! what you think. Go ahead answer my questionn.

2006-09-17 11:36:31 · 3 answers · asked by montana 1 in Other - Politics & Government

How many hours per day? Per week? For how long can you go without this propaganda without getting severe withdrawal symptoms?

2006-09-17 11:36:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Notic that Democrats and Independants are using Bush in election ads and republicans are distancing themsleves fro Georgie Boy?

2006-09-17 11:35:31 · 4 answers · asked by Tommy D 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Or should the question be: Why do militants cowardly use toddlers as human shields?

And who is more disgusting, the militants who use toddlers and children as human shields and propaganda tools, or the Israeli government who is fulfilling its duty of protecting its citizens from militants?

2006-09-17 11:32:35 · 22 answers · asked by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 in Politics

soudns like the type of question that it could be obvious that you have to born in that states to become president, but out of curiousity i just want to be sure.

back in highschool when studying the constitution, i recall there was a section where it mentioned the regulations that had to be followed for a person to become president.

is there a website where you can read the constitution in its full details?

2006-09-17 11:31:35 · 23 answers · asked by sueet2b 4 in Law & Ethics

Who would be first an African American male, woman or caucasoidal female. Which one???? if any do you think ...???

2006-09-17 11:30:29 · 12 answers · asked by Brettski 3 in Elections

Don't tell me, its to disarmed Iraq of WMD,because the UN team didn't find any.

2006-09-17 11:29:02 · 15 answers · asked by third_eye_blind0x0 2 in Military

They employ more people than any company and can't get a deal?

2006-09-17 11:26:18 · 7 answers · asked by capp 2 in Other - Politics & Government

read/heard anything?

2006-09-17 11:24:52 · 10 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

Even when the administration would not give generals the troops they needed to win the war in Iraq, Republican leaders did nothing. When the president refused to veto a single spending bill while the deficit spiraled upward, Republican leaders looked away. And when chaos was reigning in the streets of New Orleans and across the Gulf Coast in Katrina's horrific aftermath, Republican leaders remained mute.

Took a $155 billion surplus
and turned it into a record-setting $400 billion deficit.

Will the Republicans lose the election
in shame?

2006-09-17 11:23:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-17 11:23:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

What about the Aussies, the New Zealanders and other allied troops who laid down their lives? The Indians and other troops from all over the commonwealth who also fought?

The Battle of Britain was made up of fighter pilots from all over the globe - Brit, Aussie, Kiwi, Polish, Canadian, Irish, Indian to name but a few.

Are the Americans negating those peoples' contributions by arrogantly claiming all the success for themselves? They weren't even in the war when the Battle of Britain was fought!

Why is it always about what the America did? The Aussies and Kiwis joined in and laid down their lives as well and you never hear them going on about how they "bailed Europe out". And lets face it - they didn't have to - they lived far enough away for it not to affect them

As a Brit I want to say a big THANKS to the Aussies and New Zealanders and all other allied troops (other than the Yanks they've had their praise) who joined in to help and never get any credit for it!!!!

2006-09-17 11:23:19 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i am 15 years old. i broke up with my ex girlfriend a couple months ago, and we were friends and there for each other ever since then. one night she said she wanted to talk to me, she said she was alone also. she drove over here with 8 guys. all over 17. she introduced me to one, and i shook his hand and was then put in a full nelson and punch in the face many times. they gave me 2 concussions with a bat and had a 9mm gun with them. only one guy has NEVER been in jail before. anyways, i was on the ground and i stumbled into a run and happened to have a small pocket knife with me. (3 and 1 half inch blade, and legal). i stabbed one in the thigh when they cornered me, and the rest backed off. called the cops on my cell phone in my pocket twice because they couldnt know i called. i then called after i got away and confessed. the cops are trying to get me with 1st degree assault (felony), and the others with misdemeanors such as curfew. i have very limited money, tell me your thoughts.

2006-09-17 11:18:23 · 9 answers · asked by psymon 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I mean, murder is illegal, but people still do it in back alleys using guns and knives, right? So why not make it legal and safe, and regulated by the government. If you want to murder someone you can just take them to a murder clinic and have a professional do it, that way you don't risk harming yourself in the event the subject tries to resist.

If you outlaw murder, only outlaws will commit murder.

2006-09-17 11:17:53 · 8 answers · asked by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 in Politics

2006-09-17 11:16:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration


2006-09-17 11:14:48 · 16 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

2006-09-17 11:11:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Can a person with a third grade level or equivilent be president.

2006-09-17 11:11:12 · 18 answers · asked by rc 3 in Politics

Robert Mugabe received a greater share of the vote quite fairly, probably Saddam would have too. We do not have a democraticaly elected government, and they don't even canvas our opinions or pay attention to what the people want. Surely we should all refuse to cooperate and have nothing to do with this government as they represent only a small minority of the electorate, and themselves!

2006-09-17 11:09:03 · 7 answers · asked by Lostinspace 2 in Elections

One who can sell an open, full septic tank as a bed of roses and succeed ?

2006-09-17 11:03:06 · 8 answers · asked by rc 3 in Politics

2006-09-17 11:03:03 · 15 answers · asked by diamonds_are_forever<3 3 in Politics

If it is, then there is no issue. It would be no different than a person cutting off their own finger.

But if it isn't, then there is a whole separate set of issues that arise. Since a fetus is clearly a genetically distinct human, it clearly is not her, so the argument that it is "her body" does not apply.

The only option left is that she owns the fetus like she does a book, or a chair. Does the woman "own" the fetus like she does a chair, which she has a right to smash if she chooses? And when does her ownership right end?

Does a woman "own" the fetus because it depends on her for life? If that's the case, why are abortions for 1 year olds not legal? They depend on the mother just as much.

Or is it because she cannot transfer ownership and responsibility while it is a fetus, but she can when it is 1 year old? But what happens if no one wants the one year old? Does she retain the right of abortion?

2006-09-17 11:02:35 · 16 answers · asked by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 in Politics

People say that the difference between choosing to murder and choosing to have an abortion is that murder is illegal and abortion is not.

Slavery was once legal. Was it right?
Child sacrifice was legal in some cultures in the past. Does that make it right?
Stoning people to death for petty offenses is legal in Iran. Does that make it right?

2006-09-17 10:54:48 · 20 answers · asked by BrianthePigEatingInfidel 4 in Politics

i have a sex offender whom is currently in jail charged with csc in the 2nd degree, he raped his step daughter, will he still be able to collect his disablity retirement form general motors??? who would i contact with this information? when he is released from jail he will be living in my neighborhood...

2006-09-17 10:52:14 · 2 answers · asked by nancy m 1 in Law & Ethics

In examining the modern day judicial structure, does the judicial branch exceed its constitutional powers? Is it more powerful than the framer's inteded, or would they be satisfied with its application?

I have about 800 words for my essay and I need 1000 does anyone have a website I can see or maybe some insight on stuff they know?

2006-09-17 10:50:56 · 8 answers · asked by myxendxlessxlove 1 in Government

The pope should definitely not apologise,what for? He was reciting a quote,for those muslims who don't know what a quote is, well is a "word from a text or speech written or spoken by another person". the Pope was merely reiterating the conversations that took place and is recorded some 500 years ago. If Islam was not spread about by the sword what else was used. If Islam does not allow proper dialogue there is no question that force was used to spread it. I am sure that all those who are protesting have not even read the Pope's speech. if the muslims are bent on revenging, then go dig up the guy who made that statement.As a journalist, if i'm writing an article or feature and I quote a person that was interviewed wrongly, then i could get sued.
And how many apology have we got from the muslim extremist so far, with all the bombings i.e London,America,India,Egypt amongst others.
This is the 21st century and it's time the muslims start respecting other people and their religion

2006-09-17 10:46:47 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What does military training cost your average enlistedmen?

2006-09-17 10:44:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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