In the United States, there are many, many people that have either come from other countries, or have ancestors from other countries. Well, although I am going to be specifically addressing Mexican-Americans, this goes for all.
For many years, I had gone on referring to myself as a Mexican-American. I even, at some times, referred to myself as Mexican. Everything was fine with that until just a few weeks ago, I logged onto "Yahoo! Answers" and came upon some people who thought differently.
Supposedly, to refer myself as a Mexican-American was out-of-the-question! It was a clear indication that I, a natural born citizen and proud American, was not a "true American." Just because I call myself Mexican or Mexican-American. Now, does that mean I hate America? Does that mean I have some special alliance or loyalty with Mexico? One that is higher than that of America's? Well, let's look into that.
I love America. I love Mexico. Both are great countries in my eyes. Although I consider myself Mexican-American, I still very much enjoy the United States and do not plan leaving anytime soon. But why do I consider myself Mexican-American? Why not just American? Well, I do consider myself American. I also consider myself Mexican-American and Mexican. I am all of them. Because I am an American citizen., but also because I have Mexican heritage, culture, blood, family, and roots. A part of me is Mexican and I try to represent that side when I call myself Mexican-American.
Well then why must the "Mexican" side come before the "American" side? Well, honestly, I have no clue. I guess it's like how Africa-Americans put the "African" part first as well. Like how the color "Yellow-Green" is called "Yellow-Green" with the "Yellow" before the "Green" when the color is clearly more green than yellow. I am clearly more American than Mexican, but I still have a huge part of me devoted to my Mexican culture and roots.
It's within my complete legal rights to label myself whatever I want. I could care less is everyone in America started calling themselves "Barney the Dinosaur!" It's their right. So why do so many people in America complain when Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Americans (because we are all of them) call ourselves just that?
Almost the whole United States refers to African-Americans as African-Americans and i see no problem there. They are even referred to as "black". God forbid that means they have a special loyalty with the color black! Well, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.
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