There are actually college professors, adults in charge of teaching our young adults, and who should know better, that the twin towers were imploded from within, and that 9/11 was a government plot orchestrated to further the aims of the Bush administration (I'm laughing as I'm writing this), all without a shred of proof.
Never mind the logistical problem posed by such an idiotic fantasy - how were the explosive charges planted without detection?
There are also alternate theories that the planes were radio controlled (I'm not making this up), and also that Osama Bin Laden in actuality is a US agent.
Conspiracy theories exist so that weak and easily manipulated minds can explain reality in a way that serves whatever agenda they have, best.
I have no problem if weak minded and easily led fools want to buy into whatever outlandish fantasy, a la Oliver Stone, but when this self serving crap is taught to our kids, I think we have aproblem.
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