Here are a few reasons that one would think Bush would be liked even by those on the left...
•Signed the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Bill - reduces the amount of soft money influence for supporting candidates.
•Bush is the first president to allow federal funds to be spent on embryo cell research.
•Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - devotes $15 billion over 5 years to treat current AIDS victims in Africa and prevent new cases. Another $1 billion devoted for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
•Signed the National Do Not Call Registry - Who wouldn’t support a bill that keeps telemarketers from interrupting dinner?
•Created the Marriage Tax Credit and cut income taxes for married couples.
•Increased the Child Tax Credit and arranged for it to double over 10 years.
•Elimination of dividend tax, increasing the rate of return on 401(K) and 403(B) retirement accounts.
•Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001- (remember getting that check? Were you not happy to get a little of your money back?) This act also reduced the tax bracket of the lowest wage earners to 10%. Six million poor people now pay no tax at all.
•Doubled the Lifetime Learning Credit and increased the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit - encourages enrollment in higher education and provides financial relief for college students and/or their families.
•No Child Left Behind- Yes, this one is widely debated regarding underfunding by congress. However, it is a more sound education initiative than has ever been proposed before.
•American Competitiveness Initiative – Strengthening children’s math and science skills by providing additional training for 70,000 math and science teachers and bringing 30,000 math and science professional into the classroom.
•Jobs for the 21st Century Program - helps schools by providing $250 million to promote partnerships between community colleges and employers, $33 million for Pell Grants for low-income students, $100 million to improve high school reading, $120 million to improve high school math, $12 million to provide state scholars grants, $40 million to create Adjunct Teachers Corps.
•Medicare Reform including “Part B” - prescription drug assistance for the elderly. Now, all seniors are eligible and the poor are subsidized. There is a prescription cost cap at 6,000/year.
•Child Custody Protection Act- Makes it a federal offense to transport a child across state lines without a parent’s consent.
•Mental Health Parity Bill - forces insurance companies to treat and pay for psychiatric illnesses the same as any other medical condition.
•Humanitarian foreign policy including billions devoted to Pakistan following the 2005 earthquake and to Indonesia after the 2004 tsunami.
•Personally visited New Orleans 13 times in the year following Katrina.
•Appointed more minorities to his cabinet and the Supreme Court than any other president.
•Supported approval of RU-486 (morning after pill).
•New Freedom Initiative - devotes $145 billion over 5 years to help disabled people afford assistive technologies, fund innovations for transportation of the disabled, expand employment opportunities, and improve access to places of worship.
•DNA Initiative - devotes $1 billion to expand the use of DNA evidence in solving crimes and preventing wrongful convictions.
•Access to Recovery Program - provides $200 million for chemical dependency treatment for addicts via vouchers.
•Increased funding for research on addiction through the Substance Abuse Prevention Treatment Grant
•Increased budget of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to $442 million.
•Increased budget of National Institute on Drug Abuse to $1.19 billion.
•Increased budget of Substance Abuse Prevention Program to $200 million.
•Increased budget of Center for Substance Abuse Treatment to $419 million.
•Doubled NIH budget to $28 billion.
•Family Health Credit - Pays 90% of low income health insurance policy.
•Devoted $3.6 billion for 1200 new community centers.
•Restricted teen smoking by signing several tough federal laws.
•Initiated the Low Income Heating Oil Assistance Program
•Established the USA Freedom Corps to encourage individuals to volunteer in their local communities through numerous volunteer service programs.
•Devoted $1.7 billion over 5 years for attractive home rehab loans in poor neighborhoods.
•Appointed Laura Bush to head the Anti-Gang Initiative (It is customary for all First Ladies to have appointments to lead their own projects to help at-risk youth).
•Passed 13-week extension of unemployment benefits.
•Clear Skies Initiative - among many other things this will reduce the intensity of greenhouse gases by 18% and reduce sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and mercury by 70% over 10 years.
•Land and Water Conservation Fund - provides $900 million in incentives for conservation efforts by states, local, and private land owners.
•Land Owner Incentive Program - helps private land owners protect animal species and conservation.
•President’s Awards for Private Stewardship Program - recognizes and honors excellent examples of land conservation by private owners.
•FreedomFUEL Initiative - devotes $ 1.7 billion to make hydrogen cars common by 2020.
•Brownfields Reform Bill - devotes $211 million annually to clean neglected and abandoned urban areas.
•Devoted $4.9 million to repair national parks and refuges.
•Adoption Promotion Act - provides incentives for the adoption of children, with added incentives for adopting older children.
•Hope for Children Act - Increased adoption tax credit to $10,000 for all adoptions.
•Promoted sweeping improvements of the child welfare system including adoption and foster care agencies, daycares, and caseworkers.
•Project Childsafe - makes homes with firearms safer. Among other things, it provides firearm safety education to children and free gun locks and safety kits to parents.
•Kept background checks at gun shows and kept all other permanent restrictions/gun laws. He did allow the “Assualt Weapons Ban” to expire, which was not a ban on assault weapons at all.
•New Prosperity Initiative - Provides a $2000 health insurance tax credit, home rental vouchers, homeowner tax credits, and 50% tax credit for 20,000 new home rehabs per year.
•Initiated $7.4 billion in tax incentives for purchasing nursing home insurance and financial relief for people who care for an elderly or disabled person at home.
•FutureGen Initiative – will allow the US to build the world’s first power plant to run on coal and remove virtually all pollutants.
•Advanced Energy Initiative - will reduce the use of non-renewable fuel resources by focusing on development of cheap, clean, and safe nuclear power production as well as new alternative energy sources.
•Biodiesel Tax Incentive- As part of the “Jobs Bill,” this encourages the use of biodiesel fuel to be mixed in higher proportion with petroleum fuel.
Here are some things Bush supports and wants to get passed:
•Immigration reform including a “guest worker program” and amnesty for Mexicans who have been in the United States illegally for several years.
•Energy Independence- For fiscal year 2007, proposing $44 million for wind energy research, $150 million for solar technology research,
•Patient Bill of Rights including eliminating gatekeepers for specialists like gynecologists, placing doctors in charge of deciding the correct treatment, reducing premiums, and allowing patients to participate in clinical trials of medications.
•Replace 75% of oil imports by 2025.
•Create a “Father’s Registry” to force accountability and involvement of fathers who may otherwise avoid financial support of their children.
2006-09-02 22:35:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It sure makes you wonder why every facet in a liberal's day is turned into another low blow to our President .
I'm fond of the man and I don't spend every moment going George Bush this & George Bush that .Listen to yourselves at how far off the deep end you are with your consiracy theories; and your incessant wailings of : I can't find my keys,Bush did it"; It's raining , Blame Bush; or soldiers are being pushed past their breaking points with all the terrorist beheadings , Bush invented abuGrabbe ; Bush bombed the WTC,ect;etc.etc.ENOUGH ALREADY . I'm still waiting for one of you liberals to tell me what happened to all those missing people AND the plane that you say did not go into the pentagon on 9/11 .
2006-08-31 16:50:10
answer #2
answered by missmayzie 7
Still better then Clinton "I never had sex with that woman..." ya get married and come home and tell your wife "all I got today was a ******** from my..." (and many other great ones).
Why he was not put in jail for lying to a GRAND JURY is still not very well explained.
Sat back through 12 attacks on American Targets (that is 1 and 1/2 attacks for every year in office, compare to 1 in 6 years), maybe if he paid More attention on what was on top of his desk then what was under it MM, maybe we would not be where we are today.
Stop blaming everything wrong on the President, we do have local leaders in every state, look at them. Some even fail us like in the south after Katrina, and yet they still put them back into office. We need to stop letting these few people keep dividing this country, it is very counter productive: Mayor's, Senators, Representatives, (state and Federal levels), City Counselors, Town Selectman, Governors, and so on.
All these people in office, but we blame the man who if he steped in and took over he would have been wrong for taking out a black mayor, and a woman govenor in a democratic state, that big republicans came in and took it over on them. He called the govenor of that state if you did not know and she said she was all set, that she did not need his help. The mayor sent people home early who could have helped in getting people out of the city to higher ground, but yet people like you want to blame someone who has more on then plate every day then you have in one year.
I do know that every night I go to bed knowing that my President is taking action, so that I can sleep knowing that I will wake up with out the fear of bombs going off around me. I would much rather take the war to their back yard then have it in mine.
Other then my local weather man how can you be wrong so much, and yet still keep your job.
2006-08-31 12:09:59
answer #3
answered by wmkinger 2
Bush is just another puppet for Z.O.G. our U.S. Zionist Occupied Government must be exposed too many U.S. troops and innocent people are dying and fighting for Israels evil plan.That why they won't have a debate between Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and president Bush.Because Irans president would expose the truth of whos running our U.S. government and our policy with the zionist racist state of Israel that is hiding weapons of mass destruction right under our noses turning a blind eye and redirecting it towards Iran now.But no now that the zionists have iraq under control at the price of U.S. peoples blood now they want Iran under there control because of the rich oil reserves.Wake up people can't you see whats going on here!!!The zionist controlled government and media is brainwashing your views as well as the presidents.
2006-08-31 12:25:05
answer #4
answered by zionistequalsnazi 2
Thats because you're a dirty Democrat. Bush is way better than Clinton, and this country would have gone to $hi* if Kerry was .president. I think people who dislike the the president should be deported to some place where they like the leader. Be thankfull that you are american and for everything that you take for granted. Suck it up...bush will be gone in 2008 and then you can take the tampon out of your crack Here's an idea...don't watch T.V.
2006-08-31 11:39:31
answer #5
answered by triplesixkoe 2
I support him and listen to his messages because I believe he is sincere, fervently believes in democracy, doesn't try to lead by the polls or popularity and is doing more to keep this country safe than anyone one else I have seen or heard.
All the others are switching their stand on all issues according to the polls.
Did you ask this question because you want to feed the hatred within yourself?
2006-08-31 12:23:23
answer #6
answered by Heidi 4 6
No, I use to be able to watch him, but when you start to pay attention to politics and realize how much he's lying through his teeth, it makes you want to vomit. I often wonder what the world thinks of America since this buffoon took office. Of course the neo cons will call me a traitor for this, but they can all kiss my a-s-s. Funny thing though, was anybody calliing them traitors when they were bashiing Clinton?
2006-08-31 11:39:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
oh i don't support him, but i find a great pleasure in listening to the back woods, kick shoot him self in the foot every time he opens his mouth.
Too bad it reflects so badly on the rest of the country, makes us all look like uneducated idiots.
Better luck this coming election hopefully
2006-08-31 11:38:41
answer #8
answered by rcsanandreas 5
It's the only time I get a good laugh. I really can't stand the man he talks out of both sides of his mouth. You never can believe a word he says.
2006-08-31 11:37:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I just turn off the TV
2006-09-04 11:30:25
answer #10
answered by Flowers 7
drugs and a sense of humor.
no,actually hes doing ok if you consider what idiots in the world hes forced to deal with
2006-09-01 01:08:46
answer #11
answered by evilfreaktoo 2