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Current Events - March 2007

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The British pound is worth almost double of the dollar and the dollar is worth only about 73 cents when compared to the Euro. Why isn't this in the headlines each and every day!!!!

2007-03-28 07:35:40 · 3 answers · asked by wanninonni 6

I think Prices in Montana are 1.89 or so a gallon and here we are paying 3.13 a gallon. I wish we (americans) had the power to join together and not buy gas for 2 days straight. ALL OF US! We would send a huge message of how we control what happens to us here in america. I hate the fact that oil companys are making 45-50 billion dollars in pure profit every 3 months and we are letting them do it. WHY?

2007-03-28 07:32:35 · 10 answers · asked by wyatt earp 1

Iran is goading the West. Like Germany in the 1930s, Iran knows the West will do nothing. Americans and Brits are afraid to go to war while Iran is developing nuclear weapons, fosters terrorism in Iraq, and now kidnapping British soldiers. Tony Blair thinks he can negotiate to get the soldiers back or if that fails expel Iranian diplomats from Britain. Real tough. Harry Reid of the senate and Nancy Pelosi of the house have both said that the president cannot launch any forces against Iran. What does Iran have to fear? They can send troops into Iraq and them further and the US doesn't seem to be willing to do anything about it. Until we are led into another world war which will cost more money and more lives than if we stopped Iran now.

2007-03-28 07:21:29 · 14 answers · asked by David G 2

now what,should we compensate iran,theyve caught us out good and proper,i think i can see why they should have nuclear weapons with countries trying to sneak in,such as britain.

2007-03-28 07:21:10 · 19 answers · asked by rebel 4

If we didn't go to war with iraq, were do you think our country would be today?? and why do people feel the need to bash bush? i understand everyone has their opinion, but we have men and women fighting and believeing what Bush is doing is right.. If they can stand behind them why can't the rest of the country?

2007-03-28 07:03:27 · 5 answers · asked by jennisea04 3

Issue 1023 - April 5, 2007 - Pg15. RIAA's Campus Crackdown. Thousand of college students targeted for illegal file sharing. USC student charged with sharing 1,555 songs over LimeWire could face either paying $3,000.00 or if he decides to fight and looses. A cost of $1.6 million.
Does anybody remember the elderly lady who spilt hot coffee in her lap and tried to sue for million$ ??
In the famous McDonald's case, a 79-year-old woman was served 180°F to 190°F coffee (82°C to 89°C) in a thin cup in a drive-thru. She put the cup between her legs to stabilize it -- trying to be careful -- and removed the lid to add cream and sugar. The coffee sloshed out upon removing the lid, quickly giving her third-degree burns across her groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. She spent eight days in a hospital, had to go through skin grafts, and was disabled for more than two years -- all for a 49-cent cup of coffee in a flimsy cup that McDonald's served way, way too hot for a drive-in window.
Ok? Here’s lies my question. If you do remember the above and how much she tried suing for – And the outcome as to what the courts finally awarded to this woman. Then !!! Why isn’t it plain enough for everyone to see that the RIAA is just as money hungry as this old elderly woman? In the same article above it is noted “ if the USC student doesn’t settle for paying $3,000.00. He could be charged with paying $750.00 per song”. Would like your opinion on the question. “ Why isn’t it plain enough for everyone to see that the RIAA is just as money hungry as this old elderly woman?”

2007-03-28 06:43:35 · 4 answers · asked by Old Dawg 5

For crimes such as questioning the said wardens parentage

2007-03-28 06:32:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

yayaaaa X]

2007-03-28 06:20:09 · 7 answers · asked by CMW 3

Right? that would mean that IRAN crossed over the line and the British were wussies for not firing and allowing IRAN to cross over and take them in.

2007-03-28 06:11:34 · 9 answers · asked by JJ C 2

Polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs is on trial for aiding in the rape of a 14 year old girl because he presided over the marriage. I am not defending polgamy. What is this trial against? Should those who preside over marriages in New Hampshire go to jail? Should the parents go to prison. Are we judges morality or law? Let me know what you think of this media circus?

(For the record I think the legal age should be 18 and polygamy is not my cup of tea).

2007-03-28 05:59:52 · 3 answers · asked by Christopher Kennan 1

Iraq certainly is a big ticket item for the President. If the approval for troops to withdraw from Iraq does happen as proposed in 2008, one can't help but wonder what's next on his agenda? Comments?

2007-03-28 05:45:53 · 5 answers · asked by Kooties 5

HOW SAD that the only way you can get loads of people to look at or answer a question on this *****g website is when you mention George Bush, Iraq, or Muslims.

Seeing that this is all that anyone has been talking about for the last ****g 5 years, cant we please just CHANGE THE *******g SUBJECT NOW?


2007-03-28 05:33:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does our current heath care system differ from that of say canda, germany, or swiss national heath plans and how to do they stack up? What would be the major benifiets of a national plan in the united states and what would we be the negative effects?

2007-03-28 05:08:16 · 3 answers · asked by natemail00 2

Have you ever seen a delicate child, say with vim and vigor
"No! I don't like it. I don't want to try it!" - All while knowing that,
that particular and scrumptuos treat has never touched their naive lips...
You say, "You've never had this, it is a special"- As you fight to enlighten the child to it's goodness...
About to give up you say "It's good for you!"
Is all hope out the window?
Do you need force fed?
Are you a stubborn impestuous child, working against yourself,
fighting the goodness in your life?

*Jesus Christ, He is good and good for you!*

4 Qs to answer, kindly do not erase, thank you!

2007-03-28 04:55:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-28 04:45:01 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well the interesting unknown property about truth, is that it can lie.

"The newest truth about Truth lies in the truth that Truth can lie. C.S. "

I have noticed that the greatest tool of the deception that some media types use, is telling truths but not the whole truth.

So the question:

Is freedom of the press, freedom of the truth ?

Caesar J. B. Squitti


2007-03-28 04:42:18 · 2 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

You are in a boat close to enemy waters, next second your surrounded and outgunned. Surely this reeks of incompetance or were they fast asleep.

2007-03-28 04:41:46 · 18 answers · asked by onapizzadiet 4

you know at one time in America, Terrorist roamed the land at will and unmercillestly tortured and murdered Americans. they stole their lands and possesions and herded up those unwilling to change and penned them up in very inhuman conditions.

oh yea..............that was you guys.

talk about illegal aliens. us natives want our country back.

almost forgot the question, "when are you leaving?"
thank you

2007-03-28 04:36:07 · 2 answers · asked by Doctor Pain 4

What's that all about? Is it still woman and children first?

We must be thankful for small mercies, but there'll never be real equality with this sort of thing going on.

2007-03-28 03:49:11 · 11 answers · asked by Barbara Doll to you 7

They should be charged with espionage. If the situation were reversed, and it was Iranians in or near British or US waters, they surely would be detained. But everyone is biased against Iran and brainwashed into automatically siding with the US or Britain. You all think that Iran is evil but the US is just as bad if not worse.

2007-03-28 03:38:53 · 21 answers · asked by Dan 2

Can Iran ever be integrated into a world of diffirent beliefs, or do they need to be removed once and for all from the planet!

2007-03-28 02:52:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i find it strange that countries are being lobbied to apologise for the slave trade which our forefathers so actively participated. Admittedly the whole notion of slave labour is abhorrent but asking world leaders to apologise 100 years or so after it was presumably abolished is like asking germans to say sorry for Hitler. Let's instead put our energies into stopping human trafficing NOW! and help end the plight of child labour and poverty

2007-03-28 02:44:10 · 34 answers · asked by wildwood081 2

Talking doesn't work because we've tried that! I say we sink Iranian ships and put them in their place.. If that doesn't work them we send missle into Tehran until we get our citizens back!

I say we show them wot made our Empire great!

2007-03-28 02:36:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

With the 15 Britsh spies that were arrested for trespassing on Iranian territory

2007-03-28 02:27:52 · 5 answers · asked by Sean D 3

- Even if they merge as one country in future, will they ever be united?
>- Is division the only way out ? Why cant they settle it peacefully ?

2007-03-28 02:25:04 · 8 answers · asked by ele v 1

Basing your answer soley on fact, history and recent events, which nation do you consider to be an aggressor - Uk? Iran? US? North Korea? Iraq?

2007-03-28 02:12:30 · 15 answers · asked by Dr Watson (UK) 5


2007-03-28 02:11:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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