Who is seeing it happen all over agian. Happend with Zia ul Haq and Sudam ... and now Mushraf.
Like Zia, Musharaf was for america's own use, "war on terror". But what has really been done?
America used mushraf to divide Pakistanis even more... Zia ul Haq was also used and then disposed of... but only thing is America's plan to murder Zia had flaws. ISI investigation proved america's hand behind the the crash of the plan. But to bad the plane carring the evdince just happen to crash too!.
But with sadam thier plan to dispose of him was a bit better, but still not perfect. (where are the WMD)??!
And now Mushy, now they pushing benazir, pressuring Musharaf, and put him in a postion where he is being pressurd by his own people too because of the S**T hes done (which america wanted)
I am just wondering who else here see Benazir as america's agent, USA is backiing her, even though currption charges (spain, Poland, the Swiss).?
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