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News & Events - July 2007

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Current Events · Media & Journalism · Other - News & Events

i absolutely could not care less about these people. if i'm not mistaken, the woman is one of the spice girls, one of the crappiest creations in the history of humanity, and the man is a pro soccer player, who i'm told isnt the best player and is past his prime.

do americans really care about pro soccer that much? here in the USA, i probably know 1 person out of 25 that even cares about it, and i bet even fewer people care about the spice girls..

WHY are these people in the news? i'm sick of hearing about them. can we send them back where they came from?

2007-07-13 09:45:26 · 8 answers · asked by CentralDouche 2 in Media & Journalism


Is there a link between the banning of smoking on aircraft and Air Rage? If so, as people in England (the most violent culture in Western Europe) become more frustrated by the smoking ban, mixed with alcohol, could this lead to an even more violent street culture than we have already?

Would that necessarily be a bad thing for civil liberties? Sometimes you need to push it to get things inequalities changed.

2007-07-13 09:33:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

a Muslim that converts to another religion (like Christianity) can be punished by death. Wherever it exists, it rules by force (not peace). In this and the last century, there has been far far far more violence in the name of Islam than every other religion combined.
What you yhink?

2007-07-13 09:27:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

wat do u beleive?

2007-07-13 09:19:29 · 16 answers · asked by no shame in my game 3 in Current Events

2007-07-13 09:13:43 · 10 answers · asked by Mike 2 in Media & Journalism

Think about it, what does every communist country do. They create government subsidized television for propaganda.
What are the programs on CBC, & what is the message?
Is there a consistent & re-occurring message?
Avi Lewis- What is his propaganda?
News Media - All controlled from Ontario.
22 Minutes - What is the message underlying all the laugh tracks.
Is Trudeau's Son really the saviour of Canada's politics?
Is this a conspiracy??
Why is over 1 billion of our tax dollars going to promote this?

2007-07-13 09:01:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

With only 8 days away, I think Potter fans know where they will be before and at midnight (standing in line) but after that, where will you be? Will you read yourself to sleep at home, or sit with all the movies playing one after another?

2007-07-13 09:00:36 · 10 answers · asked by Too Curious 3 in Current Events

He was at a party and had oral sex with another teenager he was 17 and she was 15 BOTH minors and it was consentual but in Georgia it's againist the law!! That boy got screwed!!!

2007-07-13 08:33:53 · 8 answers · asked by TAMMIE A 2 in Other - News & Events

Remember how OJ tried on those gloves at his trial (I assume they were the gloves the killer used) and they didn't fit which I guess played some sort of role in the not guilty verdict. I was just thinking why couldn't they just take the fingerprints from the inside of the glove and try to find a match.That may be a stupid question, but I have no idea how fingerprinting works and what materials can or cannot be tested.

2007-07-13 08:16:09 · 6 answers · asked by purplepurplesage 1 in Media & Journalism

Small concern "viral videos" and human interest stories, celebrity non-news, entertainment industry news and grisly -- but isolated -- weird real life crime stories ("man chops up ex wife with electric carving knife she gave him for father's day") fill the news casts to the brim. If they catch a car rolling over on video, it will show up on the big 3's nightly news cast simply (or apparently so) because it's too juicy and good to resist. Ditto frantic 911 calls in the context of very small human interest stories. Long and weighty dialog and discourse over issues that effect every last one of us are treated in 2 minutes quickie segments.

Why is this so?

The obvious answer is that people are dumber, but I think that's almost too easy a shot. I suspect at times this decline is the result of a political agenda or political pressure or lobbying, but again, that is too obvious.

Any thoughts on the topic?

2007-07-13 07:49:35 · 7 answers · asked by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup 6 in Media & Journalism

look at the signes judgement day is coming soon.

theres a big typhoon/tornado thing in japan

theres major violence and people tring to kill each other in pakistan/gaza/iraq and afghanistan.

bush is gone mad tring to plan another attak to blame muslims.

the car bomb attack in glascow. and maybe a world war 3 will start with nuclear bomb, missiles, or even atom bombs etc making the earth very unstable

judgement day may be upon us

2007-07-13 07:32:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

2007-07-13 07:20:22 · 1 answers · asked by Chichiri 1 in Media & Journalism

Come on people, Sounds like someone has a "DEBIT CARD" attached to our account and the debit is made to appear as an ordinary necessary expense. What crime of opportunity has occured(usually asscociated with a change in" hand")

But of course, if enough of you remain employed with "SSSSSSocial Security Taxes,"being taken out of your paycheck on a study and consistant basis.; and don't complain because you want to believe :
It is' going into your own private little "cookie jar"
That it is worth the sacrifice to live from "paycheck to paycheck;;" bearly able to eat, pay the rent , buy gas ..so, you have FUN ,sex, eat , watch tv,..and play those darn Video Games! and just look forward to the day you" think" you are going to retire and draw social security...
With all these '"Fatal Distractions " and being "TAX IGNORANT"....I suppose it would be very, very easy for; whom ever ELSE is running this country,other than who is suppose to be running this country to view you as a...POC

2007-07-13 07:18:42 · 8 answers · asked by skyy 2 in Current Events

I am so SICK of living here now. I HATE IT!!!

£4:50 single stop on the Tube.
Congestion Charge (TAX)
More Congestion Charging (TAX) coming.
HUGE Council Tax bills
Smoking Ban in Pubs, Bars and Clubs.
HUGE TAX on the cost of Petrol.
10p TAX on Plastic Bags on the way.
VAT on Chips and other foods (TAX) on the way.
Ban on drinking in public places.


Why can’t we stand up for ourselves anymore? Everyone is moaning, but nobody is doing..... Why can’t we have some HUGE RIOTS like there was over the poll tax? Forget demos, they don’t work. Why not RIOT?

2007-07-13 05:21:39 · 41 answers · asked by Jack 3 in Current Events

I don't mean to offend anyone with this topic but I seriously would like to know. What exactly is it that al Qaeda wants? With the media stretching and confusing everything I want to know what exactly is going on. Is it just the USA that al Qaeda is aiming at or is it everyone? Do they want to take over the world or simply scare everyone? What is going on?!

2007-07-13 05:12:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Apparently the BBC played it backwards to make it seem that the Queen stormed out of a portrait painting.

I was wondering how they did that.

2007-07-13 05:00:25 · 8 answers · asked by James T 3 in Current Events

2007-07-13 04:57:08 · 39 answers · asked by Saucy B 6 in Other - News & Events

We are going from one side extrem to other side of fanatism. Although I believe we have to fight back against terrorism, we shouldn't support dictators government who are terrorizing their own people in the name of fighting the "real terrorist". The good example will be, Ethiopian's self elected dictator governmnet who stole people's vote after massacring innocent people in Addis Abeba, Bhair dar, Jimma, Gondar, Diredawa, Gambilla and Wollayita. What do you think?

2007-07-13 04:53:07 · 9 answers · asked by LMiserab 3 in Current Events

I am a baseball fan, so I often read results of the games. Sometimes, I'll watch a game, read the recap, and say, "Wait a minute... that's not what happened." I'll go back to the source and realize that the reporter messed up completely.

How hard is it to get the facts straight when reporting on sports? I wonder if the same thing happens with reporters on other current events? How can you not be detail-oriented when you're a journalist reporting on facts. Maybe I should get a job as a sports writer? I'd do much better than the stuff I read.

2007-07-13 04:42:17 · 5 answers · asked by one_n1ce_guy 4 in Media & Journalism

If you live in London very soon you will have to pay 10p in TAX for every plastic bag. FANTASTIC!!! Can't wait to see what is next. Don't you think this should be top down and they should implement solutions first rather than reach for the TAX button? But did you really expect anything else? We have been saying it for years. Global Warming is the best bandwagon in the world to jump on when you want to raise TAX.

This is just the begining people.

2007-07-13 04:40:55 · 23 answers · asked by Jack 3 in Current Events

i am getting close to finishing my book and have realized its more of a documentary than a book . its a political nofiction book about life in america . now my brother has actually made a few films ( not documentarys ) so the equiptment is no problem . what i want to know is can you film infront of government buildings and public places or do you need a special permit . we are planning to take a big trip from ca to washington dc and then to new york to see whats left of ground zero . are there many restrictions on where and what you can film .

ps , many say i write like michael moore , go figure .

2007-07-13 04:36:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

the british woman marrying osma bin laden son is this for real and she wants him to come to england

2007-07-13 04:00:00 · 17 answers · asked by Lynn C 4 in Current Events

Around 850 Sudanese refugees have fled to Israel via Egypt and the Israeli foreign Ministry states: 'We are committed to helping these people.'

Many of the refugees are being given housing by the Jewish Agency and other organisations in Israel. They are being provided with new homes in the village of Ibim.

So why do people on this site keep claiming that the opposite is happening? And why has Sudanese Interior Minister Zubair Bashir Taha publicly condemned Israel for helping? He says that the refugees who have fled will be prosecuted!

Israel is doing her best to help and just gets condemned for it - it's absurd.

2007-07-13 03:40:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

"The two boys gave us bags in Ghana to bring to London, to give to the boy in London. It was basically like a set up. They didn't tell us nothing, we didn't think nothing, 'cos basically we are innocent. We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff, we don't know nothing."

All the double negatives- "we didn't know nothing" = "we knew something" doesn't it? So her denying it is technically more like a confession.

I realise this isn't what she means, and everyone knows what she is actually saying, but if I were going to deny a crime, I wouldn't string together a sentence that technically meant the opposite.

Does anyone else find this odd? And could this sort of thing ever be used against someone?

2007-07-13 03:28:56 · 18 answers · asked by - 5 in Current Events

A smell detector when entering a plane...I find the disgusting smell of perfumes and colognes more offensive than a baby repeating something over and over or even general body odour..and the annoyance of beeping computers..seems there are rights of some that should be curtailed..but wait...these are products that are part of the economy and baby noises are not...go figure.

2007-07-13 03:08:19 · 4 answers · asked by bruce b 3 in Current Events

Is this illegal? Can you sue the newspaper for this? The newspaper didn't even talk to the person who's name, age, and made-up quote was published.

2007-07-13 03:06:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

Is this a Great Country or What*? Supposedly the Richest most powerful Country on Earth with 37+ Million Americans living in POVERTY*.. WHY*? {Attention U.S. Government and American Employers*}

2007-07-13 02:50:01 · 7 answers · asked by dca2003311@yahoo.com 7 in Other - News & Events

fedest.com, questions and answers