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Current Events · Media & Journalism · Other - News & Events

like in afghanistan when fighting the russians freedom fighters now the west are there they are terrorists.
would you class the ANC and nelson mandela as terrorists, no, yet the south african government did.
also che guervara the socialist idol wasn't he a terrorist.
IRA terrorists to the british freedom fighters to many americans
Who decides?

2007-01-09 02:58:32 · 17 answers · asked by lion of judah 5 in Current Events

in a recent survey i read it was the Americans who wore the smallest waisted trousers in the world.Mind you what the survey didnt say is that they have huge elastic cords in them to fit over their piggy bellies.

2007-01-09 02:50:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

ignorance is bliss. pick your poison: war on iraq, fumes in the air, return of the taliban, gene manipulation, cow cloning production and distribution plus we "have to" eat it, and ofcourse the ice caps melting and the draft to the army. now only one person agreed with me on the previous care to criticise. it's amazing, america. i can see problems a mile away (some of them) yet when the time comes you people are in aww. you thought america was invicible and 9/11 came. U.S.A has the 'best' weapon technonlogy yet they crash into a japanese boat on bad waters. i don't know about you foold but i don't feel like being drafted, eating cloned animals or drinking their milk, having to donate sperm only to have it modified and eventually sent to the army as a clone soldier. i know i sound absurd but when things start adding up you have to realize sooner or later that you're being had. you people donate clothes so the monkeys in africa sell 'em. you donate blood or money to only to backfire...

2007-01-09 02:20:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

2007-01-09 02:18:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

i have sympathy for all grieving mothers who lost sons in the war and cindy sheehan used to have mine as well. however, from her actions, she seems more like an opportunist rather than a grieving mother. i never thought anyone could stoop so low as to use her son's death to catapult herself into celebrity status and use it to front her far left "hate america" crusade.

to make matters worse, she is now trampling on his grave by cozying up with men who would kill her son and the rest of her family the second they had the chance. she is showing sympathy for the side her son was against. if i were him, i'd be spinning in my grave.

and please don't pester me with "bush's illegal war" or the "freedom of speech" crap. that's not the issue. she lost my sympathy due to the vulgar display of personally benefitting off her son's death. there are thousands of people grieving over a lost family member in this war. cindy seems to be the only one who made a name for herself from it.

2007-01-09 02:12:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Seems like a lot of freaks want to see videos of a person dying. Wondering how you would react to an animal dying in the same fashion.

2007-01-09 02:12:49 · 13 answers · asked by evilnotwin 2 in Other - News & Events

Taser Guns - aka - a Stun Gun.... Seemimgly they are to go on sale in the summer for £180.. Have you been hit by one ...whats it like ? Would you use one on someone ...and do you think they will cause a bit of Chaos ...when they are freely available to buy & use...

2007-01-09 01:52:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

This country had this problem years before we even invaded Iraq, it just doesn't make sense what so ever. This must be something President Bush got from the Iraq Study Group, and certain counties that he is sucking up to in the middle east.

2007-01-09 01:42:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

I often wonder how Sadaams family (daughters inparticular) and supporters ignore the fact that Sadaam killed thousands? they must do otherwise they would hate him.

2007-01-09 01:10:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

how're they going?

2007-01-09 01:08:05 · 9 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5 in Current Events

2007-01-09 01:07:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

They were talking on the news that congress "might" hold back money designated for bullets to the troops in Iraq. What kind of idiot does this?? I think we should protest in anyway we can so this doesn't ever happen! Even if you don't believe in the war, support our family members who are in danger just doing their jobs, by fighting for their country. I need suggestions on good protesting. This idiocy has to stop.

2007-01-09 01:05:57 · 15 answers · asked by FireBug 5 in Current Events

Like, seriously. What happened.

2007-01-09 01:04:20 · 11 answers · asked by chrysalis 1 in Current Events

Per the new play of Geo. Bush

2007-01-09 00:55:33 · 7 answers · asked by mackjcsf 2 in Current Events

I am finding myself conflicted with the U.S's method of finding and destroying "suspected" terrorists and their cohorts. In the true "American way", shouldn't we be obtaining these "suspects" and trying them in the court system? Is that not the basis of which our country was established? I am interested in hearing others opinions on this, either for or against.

2007-01-09 00:54:48 · 6 answers · asked by jlovett72078 5 in Current Events

she got people to appear on her programme for free, made millions and then used it to help people in africa!

2007-01-09 00:46:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism


2007-01-09 00:43:13 · 6 answers · asked by Macy 2 in Media & Journalism

I wouldn’t want a president that runs the country on public opinion or for that matter world opinion. I also would not want a president that did not pray for wisdom. Radical Islam is calling for Jihad, do you understand what that means? They hate the freedom, because freedom is the greatest threat to them. These terrorist are in every country in the world, and want to take over the world and popular opinion would allow that. I will admit that I have never had the opportunity to live in a country where freedom is not a way of life. I have heard of people who join terrorist organization, but I have never heard of anyone that will leave their freedom behind immigrate to a county where freedom is not even a word. To many people have died in the world because of the terrorist, popular opinion would sooner bury their heads in the sand and continue to ignore people with no voice. Get off the fence you can’t have it both ways, you have to choose freedom or certain death.

2007-01-09 00:30:40 · 26 answers · asked by Peek-A-Poo 2 in Current Events

as an ex-british soldier i always wanted to be like an American soldier.As you can see from Hollywood films they are tough,clever,handsome and could beat 1000 men with a penknife.Funny because the ones i met only shoot their own side,shout yiihaa and are genrally a bit dim

2007-01-09 00:24:10 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

why is bush so blood thirsty?
Bush has the capacity to catch the terrorists he wanted and punish them with all the latest technology usa has, why go and bomb and kill and maim hundreds of ppl who perhaps had nothing to do with the terrorists in the first place?
I think the american law says "YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" so the ppl who died after the american bombing in somalia must have been innocent because nobody
has proved they were guilty.

2007-01-09 00:01:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

When are the hearings or the meetings before council going to start?

2007-01-08 23:47:32 · 3 answers · asked by Curious 1 in Current Events

My hair stopped falling out, my fingernails stopped cracking, and I stopped having nightmares. I paid down my credit cards and got a life. Is cable television EVIL or merely a very powerful visual opiate, too strong for lightweights like me? Now I get a tiny maintenance 'fix' of news with RSS. Will I ever recover? Signed, Wide-eyed Insomniac.

2007-01-08 23:46:25 · 5 answers · asked by Marc Miami 4 in Other - News & Events

I am not sorry he is dead, but there is no need to make a spectacle of it. Protesting about it won`t bring him back. A man who killed millions even his son inlaw because he was becoming too powerful. People are very wishy washy. Suddenly now everyone is complaining about how he died. He didn`t show any mercy to his victims and neither did his sons. To the guy who said he wasn`t a threat because he was 70,thats such a joke.A friend of mine on a mission to South Africa was witness at the surgery of a 9 month old and 4 year old girl who were violently raped and one of the attackers was in his 60s and 70s so please preach to the choir.Sorry to quote scripture but if you live by the sword you will die by it and even i am not a religous person. In jail alive , he would still have been a threat to the present govt and people. When you live ina country where people at least have a small say in how they are run you can`t truly appreciate leaving in country where people have no say at all.

2007-01-08 23:22:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Seems like tension is building once again, The Bush administration is meddling once again, putting sanctions against a country where there is NO PROOF "as of yet" that they are building nuclear weapons. When will it stop? If Iran does build nuclear weapons, if they do build them it will be because some form of stability is needed in the Middle East, Israel has them, they can launch an attack anytime they wish to do so, isn't that like laughing in the face of people in that area. The world allows Israel to carry nuclear weapons why not Iran.

2007-01-08 23:14:42 · 10 answers · asked by whispergently0204 3 in Current Events

In a story about the airstirkes in Somalia, the AP has listed it as "Operation BlackHawk Down".
Having been there, I clearly remember it as being called "Restore Hope".
No one ever plans to not get the support they need and have to run away from the enemy.

2007-01-08 22:58:14 · 2 answers · asked by arinkorea 2 in Media & Journalism

You can help stop genocide in darfur by visiting http://spwwonline.net/ and help children of darfur and find out what you need to know about Darfur..

2007-01-08 22:31:41 · 1 answers · asked by SaveDarfur.org 2 in Other - News & Events

fedest.com, questions and answers