I'm fifteen, female, 5'1", and used to be anorexic. I weighed 80.2 pounds probably about a month or two ago and now I'm think I'm around 88. For obvious medical reasons, I was told by my doctor to gain weight...around 95-100 pounds, she thought. But I'm scared to gain...I weighed 98 when I was 14 and I don't think I cared too much, but now I really do. Yesterday, I wasn't really hungry all day, so I don't think I ate too much, but today for some reason, I'm eating so much! I had nutella and pb on whole wheat bread this morning with almonds, a banana, and milk, then for lunch, I ate a lettuce and tomato sandwich (two slices of whole wheat bread), three crackers, mini chips ahoy, and 1% milk. For a snack, I didn't want to each much...a slice of bread and applesauce with five raisins in it. But about an 1.5 hours later, I ate some sliced apples and bananas and a piece of peanut brittle! What's going on?! I haven't even had dinner yet and I'm feeling so guilty for eating!
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