I know this has been talked about a lot, but here's situation:
I'm half asian and half white. My Dad's uncircumsized and I guess my parents are both happy with it so they never circumsized me. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with the decision. In fact, I've read that it feels better for guys that are uncircumsized because there's more sensitivity. Anyhow, because a majority of men here in the US is circumsized. I can't help to be a little self-conscious at times. I only had 1 sexual partner so far, my gf in high school of 2 years. This is my 1st year in college and I just recently met a girl. I think we're pretty close to sleeping together. So should I tell her I'm uncircumsized before she pulls off my pants? Or do I just let her find out herself?
I've always kept it really clean down there and my high school gf actually once said he liked my uncircumsized penis more than circumsized, but then again I was her first and only partner at the time.
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