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Other - Health - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I have been teaching in a private college and alergic to chalk.
I just remember I had seen an American professor used a chalk holder. It was like a mechanical pencil which you insert a chalk in the pencil and you push the botton on the other tip. The chalk will come off at your desire lenght.
I am looking for that kind of chalk holder with no luck. Does anyone have any idea if any lecturers use this kind? Or is there anyone alergic to chalk and how she/he overcome this problem. It's itchy.

2007-08-28 21:40:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Once anaesthetised, do patients ever snore?

2007-08-28 21:05:09 · 5 answers · asked by Sinistra 3

No trite/stereotypical crap plz.

2007-08-28 20:46:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think would happen if you took a benadryl, and then drank a red bull? I did that about an hour ago...I feel a little oddddddd now...?
PS- I did not take them to try to get "high", or likewise. Just didn't think...

2007-08-28 20:13:18 · 6 answers · asked by roo 1

2007-08-28 20:03:02 · 3 answers · asked by user89 1

I know it does damage. Can the damage be reversed?

2007-08-28 19:39:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello. I heard somewhere that someone said that farting in the toilet is quieter than out in the open. However, I don't find this to be tru from the amplification, echo, reverb effect, etc. Was wondering your thoughts on this. Thanks.

2007-08-28 19:31:48 · 2 answers · asked by tha343 1

I'm so nervous, I'm not sure what to do...I came home and it smelled funny, like fish or something and I called my wife but no one answered..she is usually home by now. And when I got to our room.......there was blood all over our sheets! And a calendar was on the floor like someone dropped it and days were marked off, like she had a stalker or something. Should I call the police I don't know what to do?!

2007-08-28 19:26:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Weeks ago, I went over my friend's house, whose eyes were a little bit bloodshot and leaking in the corners. I got the same thing when I came home, took eye drops for pink eye, and for some reason it worked for a little while but came back after a week or so. Whenever I see her the same thing happens! What should I do? I'm not sure what it is, but even after I take drops, it comes back after a while. I haven't gone to a doctor yet- should I? Please help!

2007-08-28 19:11:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 11 5'4 and 160 pounds i just started eating really healthy and exersicing and staying away from things that could hurt my body like chemicals and sharp objects lolz , how long should i live??

2007-08-28 18:46:07 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do computers and television sets emit any sort of radiation that could be harmful to your health? Im often afraid of sleeping too closely to a computer because Im afraid that the radiation may be harmful to my health.

2007-08-28 18:44:14 · 9 answers · asked by jimmy r 1

Read in some magazine about someone being 'pepper sprayed and wonder what do you do for it? or does it go away by itself?

2007-08-28 17:58:40 · 7 answers · asked by Bridget A 1

I have lived my whole life as a healthy guy....until May 18th....when an Anxiety disorder reared its ugly head, shortyly after my wife and i's miscarrage. Well of corse, being a realist, i caould not see how some mental anguish could affect me...but boy was i in for a suprise. General Anxiety Disorder! Thats what its called, a common mental ailment, known for causing similar symptoms of more 'serious' conditions such as, tumors, heat attacks, and strokes....Honestly now, how can you NOT get freaked out when your throwing football with the guys and BAM you get suddenly dizzy and feel like your about to feint. Its no joke, and its not funny.

The worst thing in this world is dying from cancer. The thing in this world thats almost as bad, thinking everyday you are dying from the unkown.

________Hi, im writing a book on Anxiety, and my intro will go something along them lines. what do you all think?

2007-08-28 17:46:47 · 7 answers · asked by Healthy Guy 3


that smooking cigarettes could enhance your memory?

2007-08-28 17:11:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to try an antidepressent, but I don't want a kind that has side effects...such as gaining weight. I talked to this one girl and she said she gained 70lbs from a kind she was on! How is it that a drug MAKES you gain weight? Does it increase your appetite or just make your body hold on to fat more? I know with hormones, however, it's a different thing all together. How is it though, that a side effect of a drug can actually increase your weight? Is it possible to control this effect? Thanks for any input.

2007-08-28 16:13:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I fart silently but man do they stink. Is is bad if my farts are silent but smell up my whole house?

2007-08-28 15:26:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

other than cramps and stuff. like medically why is it bad?

2007-08-28 15:25:45 · 11 answers · asked by demolitionlvr 2

I have to get the tetnus shot and also get blood taken tomorrow...please be honest...do they hurt?

2007-08-28 15:24:03 · 2 answers · asked by :) 4

2007-08-28 14:23:04 · 24 answers · asked by Maninblack 1

Yes, I'm asking if anyone knows at least some of their own genomic DNA sequence and thus genotype at one or more gene loci, and if so, how interesting was it to learn? Was it surprising? Did it change how you live in any way? Do you recommend that others learn about their own genotypes?

2007-08-28 13:56:09 · 2 answers · asked by XYZ 1

Im DEATHLY afraid of shots! what can i do to help myself from freaking out....plz help.........I have to get one tommorow....and im really scared!! :(

2007-08-28 13:55:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


a near faint?

2007-08-28 13:35:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think if I quit now, and start a healthy lifestyle, working out, etc, that I could fix the damage I've done?

2007-08-28 13:09:06 · 17 answers · asked by James 2

mine had been alittle off...kinda like a mild car sickness for the past 2 days.but the thing is that it never happens this bad and the rest of my family seem to have the same symptoms.

2007-08-28 13:06:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-28 13:03:41 · 3 answers · asked by kingspec 1

2007-08-28 12:24:38 · 7 answers · asked by 15 year diabetes 1

im around 5'7 and i weight 110. i eat alot tho but i dont gain weight. do u think i have a shot into modeling?

2007-08-28 12:17:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-28 12:14:49 · 1 answers · asked by bella s 1

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