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Other - Health - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

My boyfriend/fiances feet stink so bad. His shoes are gross, which then makes his socks smell so bad, its like rank. I can't deal with it.. they get like sticky. What am I to do? Will new sneakers and socks and spray help this or is this something else?

2007-01-30 07:36:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I often sit with my knees crossed and sit on my feet on the settee, after a while my knee hurts, but its comfortable to sit this way! will this cause damage to my joint????

2007-01-30 07:35:19 · 7 answers · asked by BscHons 6

is it me, is it normal or is it healthy? and is it advised?BEWARE, answer wrongly I will flag negatively or report abuse as (ignorance).BUt iam not a teacher asking a question. Its just that once bitten twice shy.!na-amean--ha brah??,,you diiiiig?

2007-01-30 07:34:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really need to know the quickest and easiest way to get rid of a cold. Me and my boyfriend are both sick with the usual symptoms (runny/stuffy nose, coughing, body aches, tiredness) and we both really need to get rid of it by this weekend. PLEASE tell me the quickest and easiest way to get rid of one. Either medicines, remedies, anything. Thanks so much

2007-01-30 07:26:44 · 2 answers · asked by ashley 2

Why do dents and bumps/lumps in my skull constantly get bigger/smaller, and move around?

2007-01-30 07:26:12 · 2 answers · asked by DF 1

i Havent smoked in 3 months and i smoked yesterday on monday. I have a drug test next week on monday how can i get clean by den. I only took 3 hits from a joint

2007-01-30 07:21:40 · 5 answers · asked by Dat_guy 1

Ok, that was vague, so let me explain.

The last year or so...nothing has physically changed, nor emotionally for that matter than any other period in my life, but for some reason I seem to be generating a large amount of static electricity.

Almost every single time I get out of the car, I get shocked. This never used to happen, I thought at first it was the car, but it happens with other cars as well.

Sometimes the shock is so severe I have a throbbing pain in my finger(s) for hours. (Only happened twice)

Does anyone know of some sort of physical condition that can alter the bodies electric charge? Hopefully, I won't spontaneously combust, lol.

Seriously though...it's frustrating, and a little nerve-wracking. Should I get a cat scan?

2007-01-30 07:16:15 · 5 answers · asked by two45trioxin 2

any way 2 increase my height but the way u tell may show the result plz tel me

2007-01-30 07:07:01 · 4 answers · asked by smart b 1

does n e one know anything about prescription drug addiction
i take monomax,amlopodine aspirin pravastatin folic acid PLUS
75mg amitrptyline per night mirtazapine 15 mg per night zamadol(tramadol) 2x50mg twice a day, up to 6 dihidrocodeine30mg per day all prescribed by hospitals,i have osteoporosis,no stomach,and terrible arthritis.i dont drink and havn`t for years,any one any advice on this

2007-01-30 07:06:34 · 4 answers · asked by garstonken 1

Does anyone know what the bag that holds the stomach is called? I've looked everywhere on the internet but I can't find it!! Please help. This is homework and I need to find out ASAP.

2007-01-30 07:05:33 · 3 answers · asked by Beautiful♥Baby 2

I get realy nerves when I have to play my instrument in front of my class mates and I start shaking and get nauseous. Doses anyone have an idea?! Plz help!!

2007-01-30 07:03:50 · 5 answers · asked by purplelicious_05 1

Everyday at work I get a headache. I sit in a cubicle near a window and I have fluorescent lights above me. I do graphic design for a living and yes I do wear glasses. Can anyone explain to me why this happens?

2007-01-30 07:01:02 · 9 answers · asked by krista_guerrero 1

I work in a room where shelves are able to move using electricity, but because of this I get "shocked" more than 20 times a day. Sometimes the shocks are so strong they leave a mark on my hand. Is there any harm in such a large number of shocks?

2007-01-30 06:49:49 · 13 answers · asked by EvilFairies 5

I've tried quitting several times. I was most successful with the patch. The gum worked but made me sick. I plan to use the patch again but what else can I try.

2007-01-30 06:40:53 · 8 answers · asked by brotherman2112 2

I've had a chronic Urinary Tract Infection since August (triggered by a sinus infection). Now I am getting another sinus infection while STILL having the UTI. Is there any way these could be related?

2007-01-30 06:39:21 · 2 answers · asked by Juliana L 1

The doctor's office charged my insurance over $950.00 for a general, routine physcial for my son, who is only 20. This doctor is not a specialist and some of the charges were ficticious. My daughter saw a nurse practitioner there and they charged $298 by double-coding ($163 for office visit/ $135 for extra time) She was only there about 20 minutes (never saw a doctor).

The insurance company has flagged him for future reference on possible ficticious charges. I do not have to pay what charges my insurance didn't cover. My question is, if I write him a letter to tell him what I think of his ridiculous charges and that's why my family will not go to his office again, do you think he will care? Is it a waste of my time to write him a letter?

2007-01-30 06:36:54 · 4 answers · asked by TPhi 5

Im 13 in 2nd year and i was doing an experiment to make oxygen with hydrogen peroxide and mangenese dioxide as a catalyst anyway i had to put this thing and there was water in it and (stupidly i cant believe i did it) i sucked the tube and founded it was a strong base! and then my teeth felt wierd ! but before us another class did how to make CO2 and they used hydrochloric acid and it might have been that i ate ! just a few drops ! please help i dont feel good and my teeth feel wierd.

2007-01-30 06:36:04 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2

I had blood drawn for a physcial last week. When the lab drew my blood, I had a bit of a cold and had taken some cold meds the day before. Now the Dr. wants to see me because I have a low white blood cell count. (I have an appointment this evening). Could the low count results be because I was sick? They have me a little worried. Thanks.

2007-01-30 06:29:54 · 7 answers · asked by lion75 3

This may be a weird question but I need advice..

ok, so like a few days ago, it was really cold here in Chicago and I don't know if this has anything to do with the cold but, my left toe feels numb for NO reason at all..I was wearing heels that day and while taking them off it felt weird.. I can move my toe and nothing feels wrong but when I feel the skin, it feels NUMB! why is that??

2007-01-30 06:28:00 · 4 answers · asked by Fashionista 4

(I'm speaking anatomically, of course)

2007-01-30 06:16:07 · 8 answers · asked by Yakka 2

Ever since I was small my mom and dad were always smokers. My dad eventually moved out when I was 20 but I'm still living with my mom who continues to smoke. Since I grew up with it, I got used to it.

My boyfriend moved in with us 6 months ago from a non-smoking environment. He has had lots of breathing problems and has complained of feeling ill. I explained this to my mom and we've taken measures to decrease the smoke levels.

In the last few days after having done this I find myself getting dizzy and nauseous all the time. I've started to wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I've been used to high levels of second hand smoke for most of my life and am not used to the lack of it. Could this be some sort of withdrawl?

I've never heard of anyone getting withdrawls from second hand, but I thought I'd see what anyone else knew.

2007-01-30 06:15:26 · 4 answers · asked by jetkitty83 2

I have an associate’s degree in nursing (RN) and I have a bachelor’s degree in Funeral Direction and Embalming. I want to get my masters in nursing so I need to get my bachelor’s in nursing before my masters or can I go into a master’s program?

2007-01-30 06:11:31 · 5 answers · asked by Jake F 2

ok I have this problem ,Iam 18 but as far as i know my brain is 14 0r 15 and as far as i know some day my brian will be the same as my age so im wondering how many of u guys would accept this if u was dating a girl who has this problem?

P.s is there any way to remove this question it is personal but i just wanted opions

2007-01-30 06:03:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A couple of times I have found rolled up pieces of aluminum foil lying around and I am wondering if this means he's smoking pot or something? I have never done drugs, so I don't know anything about it, and I don't want to accuse him if there's nothing going on.... I thought he was telling me everything and would be very hurt if he was hiding this from me. :(

2007-01-30 05:55:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really need something to get rid of the "I've been run over by a truck" feeling as well as the congestion.
Home remedies welcome!

2007-01-30 05:49:02 · 6 answers · asked by Cold Texan 2

I don't get this..i know i should stop scuffing but i spark everything i touch and my daughter complains and says mommy why did you shock me!

2007-01-30 05:40:22 · 14 answers · asked by ♥queen b♥ 4

well because the no that they cant get someone from a different sex so they go for the same sex as them.

2007-01-30 05:35:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


My husband gets a numbness and tingling in his hands and arms when he sleeps or when he uses them a lot and now is in school to be a massage therapist.

When we had insurance, he went to the chiropractor and that seemed to help. Something about his spine being too straight?

Well, we have moved and he is in school and can't get medical insurance - does anyone know anything he can do about this for the next 4 - 7 months until he is working again and we can get insurance? It's been like this for years.

2007-01-30 05:32:10 · 4 answers · asked by Willalee 5

i have a blackhead on the side of my nose...
ive tryed to pop it and it will not pop...
my mom tyred too... its not going away..
i scrub as much as i can...
can anyone help me?!

2007-01-30 05:26:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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