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Mental Health - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

i've got spots on my face and arms and whenever i get stressed i scratch them. i want them gone but i'm stuck in a vicious cycle.
please don't tell me to go to the doctors because i find them very patronising.

2006-06-15 07:36:14 · 5 answers · asked by thebluehaze 3

I always do! I don't know how to get rid of it.

2006-06-15 07:23:45 · 12 answers · asked by pulchritudinous 6

My mom just isn't acting like her normal self. Last month she packed up all of her stuff and moved out of the house. She picks fights with my family. Is very angry, but won't let anyone close enough to help figure out why. Has become spiteful and vindictive. She doesn't seem to want anything to do with the four children. Pushing us away when she gets the chance. She has even implied that money is more important that the kids. A few years ago her life revolved around family. She tells people stories that are untrue or exagerating them to make my father sound bad and herself sound good. Telling me stuff that is not only untrue but lying to me as well. telling me that my father brainwashed me and that I have no idea what she was going thru. When I try to explain my side of things she tells me that I am mad at her because my father made her be mean to me. I've tried to help her, but leaving her appt. I feel more upset than when i arrived. Please Help figure out why she suddenly changed

2006-06-15 07:12:23 · 9 answers · asked by KamiKat 2

People say it's selfish to commit suicide. What about not letting go of those who wish to let go?

2006-06-15 07:09:43 · 7 answers · asked by unseen_force_22 3

I think it is a mental problem.

2006-06-15 07:01:10 · 20 answers · asked by juniorprrn 1

we're cartoon people on here

2006-06-15 06:53:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i never can feel any feelings why is that do i need help

2006-06-15 06:46:44 · 7 answers · asked by gus13 2

No really, do I?

2006-06-15 06:03:46 · 21 answers · asked by kool_beans_mann 1

2006-06-15 05:18:07 · 7 answers · asked by GIDEON P 1

I have had all the symptoms of serotonin syndrome from just one dose of the stuff. My normal bp is 110/70 and now it has been 140/90. This is very uncomfortable. Most of the other symptoms are gone, except for this and the tachycardia. It seems to slowly be getting better, but any advice from someone with Lexapro experience would be great. Hypertension is very uncomfortable, never thought I would get to experience this. Oh yeah, and the doctors told me that the symptoms I am experiencing are not possible. They really need to learn a little more. Not possible, more like Unlikely.

2006-06-15 05:15:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous 2

I have a very depressed friend, whom I've been friends with for a long time. Lately though he is completly unreliable (says he'll call doesn't, stands me up, doesn't do what he says he will do ect.). All he has to say lately is negative and whiney. I want to be there for him....and for the last year I have put up with all of it and tried to be the best friend I could handle being. but I find myself very angry and resentful towards him. I avoid him because I don't like being around him...then I feel guilty as hell about it and feel I'm not being a friend, but I feel he's not my friend, he's a self centered whiney taker all the time. I know he needs professional help, but he can't/won't. How can I help him without going insane!

2006-06-15 04:54:51 · 6 answers · asked by Lisa 3

my girlfriend cuts herself and i've tried to help her and tried to get her to stop but im starting to get scared... because one minute shes happy and the next she wants to die. im not sure what to do anymore. i cant tell her family because not only do they not approve of me she hates them and hasnt heard from them for about 5 months. its killing me to see her like this i really lover her and i tell her that constently and i would protect her from anything that would hurt her execpt shes hurting herself and im just so lost every time i try to get profession help she freaks out on me..... she tells me she doesnt want to get better.... that this is just what she does..... she has tried to kill herself about 8 times....everytime she tries to commit i have been there to stop her im scared that one day im not gonna get there in time she does this because she cant let out any emotions shes just keeps them inside and it comes back and it becomes too much for her to handle... please help

2006-06-15 04:54:46 · 7 answers · asked by twinkid46 1

2006-06-15 04:34:37 · 3 answers · asked by charlieo 1

I have been separated from my abusive husband for over a year. When I came to work this morning, his vehicle was parked at the building where I work and I saw him walking up to the building. I called up to the front desk and asked if he was still here, and the gal that answered said that he was here for training (which means that he will be here all day. I work in a building with approx. 100 other people, I know that he wouldn’t try anything, but yet having him in the building is just terrifying me. I do think that I have PSTD. There was only one instance of physical abuse, three years ago, but just seeing him has triggered so much anxiety about the emotional abuse that I can’t concentrate on work. The funny thing is that I can see him every other weekend in front of the sheriff’s office (in front of a video camera) alone. But I’m scared now.

2006-06-15 04:31:05 · 16 answers · asked by Fiona 1

and plez tell me that is it only a sport?

2006-06-15 04:29:26 · 2 answers · asked by majid m 1

Everytime I think I'm finally on my feet, I feel as though I've been knocked down again. What do you do to fix this situation?

2006-06-15 04:25:26 · 12 answers · asked by unsurewhat2do 2

Basically I'm wondering what age something started to be wrong or different, and how did you know?

This is a serious question for people who actually have close personal experience with this, whether it's yourself or your family.

2006-06-15 04:22:01 · 12 answers · asked by trufflestomper 2

I started meditation (mantra meditation) 3 months ago.
I used to do it two times a day with each session
extending upto 30 mins.

But after I started meditating, I developed
middle/terminal insomnia. I would go to bed at 10 pm
and would sleep in 10-15 mins. But I would wake up
around 3-4 am and after that it would very
light/disturbed sleep.

I discussed this with few meditaion experts and they
said that because meditaion results in
de-stressing, the process should be very gradual and
should be done in moderation. They advised me to do
meditaion only in the morning for 20 mins and continue
at that level for next 6 months to 1 year.

But with this the problem is I am not able to unwind myself in the evening from the day's activities. I am going to bed with all the stress and anxiety.

So doing meditaion in the evening is causing one problem, and not doing it is causing another problem. How can I solve this?

2006-06-15 03:46:44 · 12 answers · asked by mmukuto 1

my girlfriend cuts herself and i've tried to help her and tried to get her to stop but im starting to get scared... because one minute shes happy and the next she wants to die. im not sure what to do anymore. i cant tell her family because not only do they not approve of me she hates them and hasnt heard from them for about 5 months. its killing me to see her like this i really lover her and i tell her that constently and i would protect her from anything that would hurt her execpt shes hurting herself and im just so lost every time i try to get profession help she freaks out on me..... she tells me she doesnt want to get better.... that this is just what she does..... please help

2006-06-15 03:37:39 · 16 answers · asked by twinkid46 1

For instance, people with Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality disorder, Schizophrenia etc.

2006-06-15 02:55:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-15 02:43:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it their hurt pride? How do we help them swallow their pride along with their medicines?

2006-06-15 00:57:59 · 32 answers · asked by Robby 2

I lyk her very much..lyk vrythin of her but the thin is she don't speak much an' I find hard to share my secret!..Plzzzz help!

2006-06-15 00:33:53 · 11 answers · asked by moszhimo 1

Every single night for the past few weeks, I've been having nightmares. Not just once in a while, but EVERY NIGHT, without fail and without a break. They started out minor, with fights in the family or breaking up with my fiancee. They've gotten worse, however, and the last couple of nights have involved my loved ones being hurt and a lot of blood and gore involved, and me being very very afraid, even well after I wake up. Is there asnyone that can explain what's happening, or, even better, how to make it stop!?!

2006-06-15 00:29:44 · 11 answers · asked by Issys 1

2006-06-15 00:21:30 · 16 answers · asked by asslko 2

I've been watching recently a dream where I can see people,different people (starting from children,men, women ect) telling me a number :514.I don't know what does it mean if anyone knows s.th more about this please could u answer me cause i'm starting to see this drem more often! Thanks!

2006-06-14 23:38:13 · 6 answers · asked by nixhe_vip 2

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