Ok i'm really starting to freak out, this has been going on for around 5 months now, and i slowly seem to be getting worse.
I normaly weigh around 150 and up, and i'm normally a fit looking guy. but this wierd 'for no reason at all' inccedent happened to me 5 months ago. Causing me to loose 10 pounds or so in muscle mass and just everything, i'm also 5.9.5 - 5'10 and weigh as of now 135, and its freaking me out...working out wont help anymore either, i feel nothing. i've been doing this on and off. ..before when i was fine i could gain muslce easily.But now its next to impossible....I can eat and eat and eat, and it will barely make a difference. trying to get to 140 is a hard friggin task. and thats still not healthy for my height. i noticed ever since this has happened, that i feel weak, i noticed a change is my skin, along with darker eyes, loss of glow oin skin ect.
i'm really worried about this, so i'm going to see my doctor within a week, but for now, any info would be nice
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